Archive | Child Health Issues

Head Lice In Children

Head lice in children are very common. They are itchy, irritating, hard to get rid of and contagious.

Why do children get head lice?

Close contact or sharing personal items (e.g. comb or hat) with someone who has head lice is the most common cause of infestation. A louse cannot fly nor jump, but all it takes is head-to-head contact (e.g. children playing closely together or laying their heads on the same pillow) to spread lice from one person to another. Children are more susceptible to it than adults because their acid mantle (an acidic film on the skin’s surface which acts as a wall from bacteria and viruses that can infiltrate the skin) has not fully developed.

How To Know If Your Toddler Has Head Lice

Lice Eggs and Live Lice

Lice eggs look like small tan or yellow dots before they hatch while live lice look like gray or reddish brown sesame seeds with six legs often seen on the scalp, behind the ears, around the nape and the side of hair shafts. Lice can be easily detected by applying conditioner to dry hair, combing it and then wiping the conditioner off the comb on a tissue.

Head Scratching

Head scratching is caused by an itchy scalp (caused by the saliva of the lice). However, the itching may not start at once, especially if your toddler’s skin is not sensitive to the lice. But, he may feel “something” is tickling or moving around his head.


The irritation can range from mild to severe scratching. Excessive scratching can result to a bacterial virus, wherein the skin becomes red and crusty which can lead to the development of inflamed lymph glands in the toddler’s neck.

How To Treat Head Lice

Over-the-counter or Prescription Head Lice Products

This is the most common approach to treating head lice. Buy an OTC or prescription  lice-killing product. You can choose from cream rinse, gel, lotion or shampoo. Make sure to apply the product as directed to prevent the risk of causing harm. You may need to do 2 to 3 treatments to make sure all the eggs and live lice are dead.

Chemical Free Treatment

If you want to treat head lice naturally, buy a bottle of hair conditioner. Apply the conditioner to the hair, make sure you cover each hair from root to tip. Cover your toddler’s head with a shower cap. Leave the head covered for about 10 to 15 minutes to allow the head to steam. Take out the cover and untangle your toddler’s hair with a fine-toothed comb. Submerge the comb in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Continue combing his hair at least 5 times.

Lice Comb

Part your toddler’s hair in the middle. Clip one side. Take a small section of hair of the loose side and run through each section (starting at the scalp) up, down, right and left. Drag the comb to the tip of the hair. Dip the tip of the comb into a bowl of soapy water and wipe it dry with a towel after every swipe. Repeat the action until the comb comes out clean.

Wash Clothing and Bedding Regularly

It is also very important that you wash your toddler’s clothes, bedding and other personal items frequently to help get rid of lice. Make sure to clean them in hot water, rinse them twice and air dry them.

Before treating your toddler’s head lice, consult with your doctor first to ensure proper treatment will be given.

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Dry Skin In Children – Causes, Treatment and Prevention

   Dry skin in children can be irritating and annoying. Thus, it is very essential that parents are aware of its causes and how it can be treated and prevented.

What causes dry skin?

Because a toddler’s skin is more delicate than an adult’s, it is more vulnerable to becoming dry. Environmental conditions like the sun and weather can irritate a toddler’s skin, resulting to dryness. Other factors such as air conditioning, indoor heating, chlorine, salt water and over bathing can also rob the skin of its natural moisture.

How To Treat Dry Skin

Observe Proper Bathing

Bathe your toddler in lukewarm water. Use soap sparingly. Make sure not to leave the soap floating in the tub so he will not be sitting in soapy water. Immediately wrap your toddler after every bath and gently pat (not rub) his skin to dry. In addition, avoid bubble baths as much as possible.


After giving him a bath, apply moisturizer to seal in the moisture. Opt for a moisturizer formulated for children with dry skin (e.g. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream, Cutemol Emollient Skin Cream, Eucerin Calming Creme or Mustela Dermo-Pediatrics) since they contain lactic acid which promotes hydration of the skin.

Run A Humidifier

A humidifier can be your home’s best friend. Place a humidifier in your toddler’s bedroom and in areas where your little one spends most of his time to keep the air cool. Make sure to clean it at least once a week to prevent mold and mildew from developing.

Apply Medicine

Applying a thin amount of over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or ointment to the red, cracked or itchy areas of the skin two to three times a day can help speed up recovery. Cover the ointment with wet cotton gloves, socks or bandages.


Dehydration can cause dry skin. Supply his body with water by letting him drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to refill the moisture that is evaporating from his skin. Avoid offering caffeinated drinks such as juice and soda.


Limit Bath Time

Daily bathing is okay as long as you observe preventative measures. Instead of a 30-minute bath, cut it to 10 minutes or less.

Choose Skin Care Products Carefully

Take a good look of your toddler’s bathing products. See to it that his cleansing bar, shampoo, lotion and moisturizer are unscented, alcohol-free, dermatologically tested and non-comedogenic.

Wash Your Toddler’s Clothes Thoroughly

Chemicals found in laundry detergents can also make the skin dry. Look for a detergent that is safe for kids’ clothes since it is additive-free and scent-free. Make sure to wash his clothes carefully, rinse the clothes twice to eliminate any traces of detergent that might be left behind and air dry or machine dry them.

Dress Your Toddler Appropriately

Protect your toddler’s skin from the elements. During summer, dress him in a loose t-shirt or tank top, shorts, sandals, sunhat and sunglasses to avoid trapping sweat in his skin. Do not forget to slather sunscreen to keep him from incurring sunburn. During cold weather, dress him in thick articles of clothing and use mittens and ear muffs to avoid chafing.

If your toddler’s skin stays dry or if there are signs of an infection, it is best to call your pediatrician and set an appointment.

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Growing Pains In Toddlers

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to find your toddler whining about his throbbing legs? Most probably, your toddler is experiencing growing pains which normally occur in the legs, front of the thighs, back of the knees and calf muscles. These pains are very common in children ages 3 to 5 and then again between 8 and 12.


The causes of growing pains in children are unidentified. But, what is proven is that growing pains are a part of toddler development and that the pain is not caused by growing bones. Some child health experts believe that the intense physical activities (e.g. climbing, jumping and running) performed during the day can cause growing pains.


Recognizing growing pains can be quite tricky. Here are some indicators to help you identify growing pains:

  • Dull aches in the muscles, not in the joints (lasts about 10 – 15 minutes)
  • Pain causes nighttime waking
  • Pain is absent in the morning and is only felt before and during sleep
  • No symptoms of sickness such as fever, chills, limping and puffiness

Handling Growing Pains In Toddlers

You cannot prevent growing pains. But, you can help alleviate some of your toddler’s discomfort with these tips.

Give A Massage

The best thing to do is to massage your toddler’s legs, focusing on the muscles that feel tight. A massage allows the blood to circulate which will relieve the tension in his legs. To do this, place one or both hands on your toddler’s legs and knead gently yet firmly for 15 minutes.

Do Some Stretching

Encourage your little one to do stretches an hour before his bedtime especially if he has had an active day. You can also make him lie down on his bed or on a flat surface and then gently twist and flex his legs. This will help prevent and ease sore muscles so your toddler can sleep through the night.

Give A Warm Bath

You may also give your toddler a warm bath before tucking him to bed. The heat from the water helps loosen up aching muscles which help your toddler relax.

Elevate The Legs

Try putting some pillows under your toddler’s legs to elevate them for at least 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. This is an excellent technique to improve leg circulation because it permits the body to easily drive the blood out of the legs since it does not have to work against the effects of gravity anymore.

Hot Compress

Place a heating pad or a hot water bottle around your toddler’s legs to keep them warm. Never cold compress the legs as it will only make the pain worse.

Give Pain Medicine

You can also give your toddler the right dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. But, consider this as a last resort.

If you notice inflamed joints, severe limb pain or suspect your toddler is suffering another condition that causes leg pains, it is best to see your doctor immediately for an evaluation.

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Dealing With Depression In Children

The toddler years is supposed to be a fun and happy time for children. Unfortunately, there are some children who deal with depression. But luckily, there is a solution for this problem. Here are some natural ways to help parents treat depression in children.

Signs of Depression

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Increase or loss of appetite
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sadness
  • Frequent crying

Coping With Depression

Recognize The Problem

Depression is not something that goes away through time. Thus, the very first step to help a toddler with depression is for the parent to accept that the child is depressed. When you acknowledge that there is a problem, you can think clearly and come up with effective solutions to combat this condition.

Identify The Source of Depression

A toddler with a depressed parent or a mental illness is more likely to suffer from depression. Traumatic life events like abuse (emotional, social, sexual or physical abuse), neglect at home or at school, parent’s divorce, death of a loved one, detached parenting and accidents can also lead to depression. Identifying the cause of your toddler’s depression is very important so you can resolve that issue and permanently cure your toddler’s disorder.

Modify Your Toddler’s Diet

A depressed toddler should have a healthy eating habit. Ditch (or at least limit) chips, sweets and sodas and prepare healthy meals for your little one. Wheat bread contains serotonin and green vegetables like broccoli and spinach are natural antidepressants as these contain high amounts of vitamin B9 or folic acid, which are natural mood stabilizers. Citrusy fruits such as oranges, pineapples and lemons are rich in vitamin C which is needed for the body to produce dopamine to keep your toddler bright and energetic. Let him drink plenty of water (at least eight glasses a day) as well. This will keep your toddler from getting dehydrated which causes exhaustion. Eating right helps cleanse your toddler’s body of toxins and chemicals that could be affecting his mood.

Get Moving

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to naturally treat depression. When a person exercises, endorphins (happy hormones) are released in the body which will give him a feeling of euphoria. This will also boost a person’s self-esteem which will help him feel better and look at life with a more positive attitude. Exercise together with your toddler. It can be as simple as playing tag, hide and seek, walking from the house to the park or cleaning the house.

Make Sure Your Toddler Gets Plenty of Sleep

Notice how irritable you are when you do not get adequate sleep? Sleep deprivation stops an individual’s body and mind to function well. The less sleep your toddler gets, the more down he will feel. To make sure your youngster gets plenty of rest, create a bedtime routine and stick to it. It can be as simple as giving him a bath, offering a light snack, reading a book, cuddling followed by a hug and a kiss and then lights-out. A bedtime routine creates consistency which will help relax your depressed toddler at night.

Seek Support

Toddlers who suffer from depression need a lot of support from their parents and from professionals. Look for a therapist that will help your toddler work on his social skills. Invite your neighbor’s kids over to your house, set-up play dates or if he likes to play soccer, enroll him in a soccer class. This will encourage him to be more active, increasing his confidence and social interactions. If he is surrounded with friends, his depression will ultimately go away.

Of course, the most important thing you can do to help your depressed toddler is to communicate with your toddler and to show your love and compassion. Having a strong support system can combat depression effectively.

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Toddler Medicines – Ways To Make Your Toddler Drink Medicine

Toddler medicines taste icky and bitter, no wonder why toddlers detest it. But, no matter how many protests and pleas children make, they still have to take it. The following are some effective tips that will get toddlers to drink medicine.

Make It More Appetizing

If your pediatrician gives you the go signal, combine medicine with sweet tasting food and drink to make it more palatable. This is a very effective approach to camouflage the bitterness. Mix medicine into a small amount of apple juice, white grape juice, cherry-flavored syrup, ice cream or yogurt. But, do keep in mind that if you mix the medicine into something else, your toddler has to eat or drink the entire thing in order to get the full dosage.

Make It Fun

Even if you feel guilty about forcing your little one to drink something he hates, you have to smile, be cheerful and be matter of fact about it. Sway the medicine spoon up in the air and mimic the sound of an airplane as the spoon comes near your toddler’s mouth. Pretend to give the medicine to his favorite stuffed animal. Better yet, pass the medicine spoon around and pretend to take a sip. It will make him want what you are having.

Try A Different Form

Ask your toddler’s pediatrician for alternative forms. Most often, delivery can make all the difference. Try offering the medication in a medicine dropper or a small cap
(with the exact measurements). Use a plastic syringe (without the needle) so you can spray the medicine straight into the back of his mouth.

In addition, you can also try giving your toddler small doses of medicine for several minutes instead of giving it all at once. It may be easier to swallow if he does not have to drink it all in one gulp. Ask if the medicine is available in chewable or suppository form, paper strips (melts on the tongue) or in a less concentrated dosage.

Avoid The Taste Buds

The idea is to avoid the bitter taste buds (front and center of the tongue) and place the medicine on the back of the tongue. You can also try placing it between the back gum and the inside of his cheek where it will easily glide down his throat avoiding contact with the bitter taste buds.

Give A Reward

Sometimes, all it takes for your toddler to take the medicine is by offering a prize. Give your toddler a piece of paper and some stickers. Let him attach a sticker each time he swallows a dose and give him your word that once he gets five stickers, he will receive a small but special award (e.g. his favorite food, favorite game, a new toy, etc.) for taking his medicine.

Be Firm

Your reaction can greatly affect how your toddler responds to medicine. If you try to get your toddler to drink medicine with a scowl on your face, he will sense that something unpleasant is about to take place. Be straightforward because once he sees you have doubts, it will make him think that it is okay to resist.

Medicines will never be yummy. But with a little ingenuity, you can get your toddler to take his medicine.

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The Benefits of Exercise For Toddlers

Exercise for children can be as simple as catching a ball, crossing the monkey bars or playing tag. It brings a lot of positive things that will help your toddler in his development. Below are the benefits of exercise for your toddler.

Gives Strength

Your growing toddler will need strength in order for his body to cope up with his intense energy. Exercise builds strong bones and muscles which give your toddler strength, stamina and resilience to handle whatever challenges he might come across. This will also help reduce the risk of injuries and problems later in life.

Become More Flexible

If your little one performs stretching exercises on a regular basis, his flexibility improves, enabling muscles and joints to bend and move more easily. This can be obtained just by doing a cartwheel or reaching the different parts of the body.

Increases Blood Flow

Exercising can boost the blood flow to all body cells and tissues, including the brain. Improved blood flow transports more oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body, which is very helpful for your growing toddler whose entire body needs large amounts of nutrients. The more nutrients your toddler has, the more energy he has for physical activities.

Detoxifies The Body

Because exercise increases blood flow, his body is able to detoxify and as a result, toxins and other harmful elements (from food, air and water) are taken out. Exercising helps your toddler breathe better and sweat more, which are great ways in keeping the body clean.

Healthier Weight

Obesity is one common health issue in children. An overweight toddler is incapable of reducing his body weight and body fat but a toddler who exercises has less fat and a leaner body structure (weight is proportional to the height). Exercising improves your toddler’s appetite and metabolism.

Stronger Immune System

Your toddler is more prone to sickness due to his undeveloped immune system. But through exercise, his body’s ability to fight diseases is improved. He is less likely to develop health issues such as colds, allergies, diabetes, heart disease and respiratory problems.

Improves Mental Health

Exercise improves the brain’s metabolism. It burns off harmful hormones while at the same time stimulates the production of new neurons and brain cells. As a result, your toddler’s memory is improved, he can focus much better and respond quickly.

Better Sleep

When your toddler is active during the day, he is using a lot of his energy and he will feel tired come night time which will help him sleep better (giving you extra hours of sleep too). You will no longer have a hard time following his bedtime routine or hear him grunt when you tuck him to bed.

Happier Disposition

Exercising releases endorphins, more popularly known as “happy hormones”. Your toddler’s anxiety decreases, mood is improved, self-esteem is boosted and he will have a sunnier outlook on life.

Exercising is good for everyone, especially for your toddler. So encourage your toddler to be more active or better yet, get fit together.

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Ways To Help Children With ADHD

Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are often distracted, restless and impulsive, damaging their ability to function as a whole. While there is no cure for it, there are ways parents can help their child. Here is a guide on how to do it.

Establish A Routine

Come up with a daily schedule and make sure you and your toddler stick to it. Toddlers with ADHD thrive when they know what to look forward to. To make it more interesting for your little one, hang a wall calendar or encourage him to create his own map and decorate it together with your toddler. For instance, stick a blue sticker for mealtime, yellow for naptime, red for playtime and orange for bedtime. Use unique stickers for special tasks such as monthly check-ups or getting a haircut. For every task he accomplishes, have him put a check mark beside the sticker. Doing this enables him to identify what the schedule will be for each specific day.

Be Clear With Your Words and Retain Eye Contact

Giving verbal instructions is an effective way to get your toddler’s attention. It allows him to focus more in finishing a certain task. Each time you give him a chore, give instructions in a clear and slow manner and have him repeat them so you can check whether or not he understood it correctly.

While giving out instructions, make sure you and your little one maintain direct eye contact as well. Sit down and gently hold your toddler’s face in your hands so he cannot turn away from you. This will help him focus on you and your words, decreasing the chances for him to become distracted.

Give Simple Tasks

A toddler with ADHD does not do well in terms of completing tasks as compared to a normal child. Do not set unrealistic chores for him as this will only frustrate him which will cause him to ignore the task completely. Keep tasks easy by breaking them up into simple steps. For instance, instead of telling him to put all his dirty clothes inside the washing machine, ask him to pull out his t-shirts, socks and underwear first. Once he is done, ask him to put his pants and the remaining clothes in the washing machine.

Make Use of Your Child’s Interests

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can affect your toddler’s speed of learning. Work around this condition by focusing on your toddler’s interests. If he has a strong fascination for cars, give him books about cars to improve his reading skills. If he loves dogs, give him a connect-the-dot book with illustrations of dogs to enhance his writing skills. If he is attracted to anything bright, using flashcards in different colors will keep him focused when you teach him various words.

Commend Every Job Well Done

Giving positive reinforcement shows that you support your little one which will boost his self-confidence and in turn, motivate him to repeat positive behaviours. Focus on the good rather than the bad. Praise him for a job well done. Give him a kiss, pat on the back, hug or a simple reward each time he finishes a task.

Create A Quite Space

Assign a room where your toddler can have some private time. Make sure there are no distractions. Giving him his own space allows your toddler to do the things he wants to do. The alone time he gets helps him focus on whatever activity he is doing increasing his concentration.

Keep Your Calm

Emotions can get the best of us especially during difficult times. Extend your patience. If he ignores you, do not lash out. It will bring no good. Instead, give him the “time out” so he can think about his actions. If you feel like you have had enough, take a break. Go out for awhile. When you are calm, you can take better care of your toddler.

Life can be stressful when you have a toddler with ADHD. But, do keep in mind that it is most demanding on your child’s part since everything in his life can be affected by this disorder. Make this condition easier for your toddler by helping him deal with it one step at a time.

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Children With Dyslexia - Spotting The Symptoms and Ways To Treat It

Dyslexia is a brain damage that seriously affects an individual’s cognitive skills. Treating this requires a lot of time and effort so once it is spotted, immediate action is necessary. Below is a guide to help parents spot the signs of children with dyslexia and some tips on how to resolve it.

The Signs

Delayed Learning of Speech

A toddler with dyslexia often does not learn to speak at the same rate a normal child does. A normal child will speak his first words by the age of 1 while a dyslexic child might take another year or two to begin speaking.

Difficulty In Reading and Pronouncing Words

A dyslexic toddler cannot read and articulate words, specifically longer words. Between 7 and 8 years old, a normal toddler should be able to read simple books (e.g. storybooks, activity books, etc.) without any trouble. If a toddler reads out loud and it sounds off, is very slow, often pauses in between words and ignores a lot of complex words instead of trying to read them or asking for help, then most likely he is suffering from dyslexia.

Interchanging Sequences, Letters and Sound

A toddler with dyslexia has difficulty learning sequences of the alphabet, numbers, days of the week and so on. He will often times interchange them even if he was previously corrected. He will also have difficulty learning letter names and sounds (e.g. A is for apple or the sound moo is associated to a cow). In addition, he tends to misspell words with the correct letter sequence. Instead of “pot”, he spells it as “top” or “pin” instead of “nip”.

Difficulty Identifying Rhymes

A dyslexic toddler every so often cannot tell what words rhyme with what other words plainly because of a dysfunctional capacity to comprehend letters and words. For example, a toddler with dyslexia might not be able to say what rhymes with cat or hop even though these words are very simple to remember.

Mixing Up Syllables

A dyslexic toddler will have difficulty pronouncing and understanding compound rhymes or multi-syllable words (e.g. aminal instead of animal). He will also have difficulty learning to identify syllables (e.g. backyard in back-yard) and speech sounds (e.g. d-o-g in dog) in words.

Poor Writing and Motor Skills

A dyslexic toddler may have difficulty with handwriting. Meaning, he has poor handwriting, inability to write straight on a blank paper and writes slower than the average speed. Motor skills are also affected. A dyslexic toddler is clumsier and have poor dexterity.


Consult An Expert

Treating dyslexia requires professional help. A speech pathologist is a medical professional who help individuals correct various problems related to speech. This expert can create a special verbal dyslexia treatment program suited to the needs of the dyslexic toddler. Parents can ask for recommendations from their child’s school, private practices and non-profit organization. They may also visit the website of National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) for help.

Teach Phonics

Phonics is a technique for teaching reading and writing by developing a learner’s phonemic awareness or the ability to hear and identify phonemes in order to teach the learner how letters are related to sounds in order to form words. This will help the dyslexic toddler manipulate words more effectively so he can easily read and spell them out loud.

Focus On The Weakness

Hold guided activities a few hours each day. If he has difficulty reading, concentrate on that and hold reading sessions. If writing is the problem, focus on teaching the toddler how to write correctly. Repetition is very essential for the child to correct his errors. Repeat these activities until he gets them right.

Encourage Participation In Recreational Activities

A dyslexic toddler needs to relax and have fun. Let him join workshops, enroll him in a swimming class or anything he excels at. Hone that talent. This will help the toddler build self-esteem and the courage that he needs to tackle complicated reading, writing, and spelling assignments.

Show Support

A dyslexic toddler needs the full support of his parents. Remind him that he is loved. Praise him each time he reads or writes a word correctly. Be patient and give the toddler as much time as possible.

Children with dyslexia have special needs and require more assistance than other children. They need specific techniques repeatedly done overtime so they can progress beyond their inability.

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Parents Guide to Bathing A Toddler

Bathing a toddler is fun, it is like a movie filled with action, drama, laughter and suspense. Keep the following tips in mind to keep your little one happy and safe while he gets squeaky clean.

Schedule Bathing Time

Having a fixed bath time makes a difference. Most parents prefer morning baths as it can be the perfect way to jump-start their toddler’s day. Some opt for night baths to help their toddler relax for a good night’s sleep. There is no right or wrong time of day, just set a time your toddler is most comfortable with.

Never Leave A Toddler Unattended

The most important rule when it comes to toddler bathing is to never leave your toddler unsupervised, even for one second. There are a lot of elements that can harm your precious one – water, soap, slippery floor and the likes. Gather all of his bathing supplies beforehand. And if you must take your eyes off your child to answer the doorbell, scoop your toddler up in a towel and bring him with you.

Exercise Water Safety

Do not put your toddler in the tub when the water is still running. Fill the tub with about 3 inches of water. The level of water in the tub should be waist high when in a sitting position. Make sure the water is tepid (between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius), not hot. Test the water by using your elbow to check water temperature. Better yet, use a thermometer so you can get an accurate reading of the bath water. Put cold water in the tub first followed by hot water. Make sure you mix the water to ensure that there are no hot areas. Most importantly, keep electric appliances away from the tub.

Utilize Baby Safety Products For Bathing

Bathtubs tend to be slippery so prevent any accidents from happening by placing rubber bath mats. Also, attach cushioned spout covers to faucets to safeguard your toddler’s head from painful bumps. Use a bath ring suction-cup at the bottom of the tub to give you extra assistance.

Avoid Using Strong Bath Products

Yes, bubble baths make bath time more fun. However, they may cause urinary tract infection and rashes so it is best to use them sparingly. If you must give a bubble bath, see to it that the tub is not full of soapy water and make him pee after bathing to empty his bladder of any bacteria. Soaps and shampoos that contain harmful ingredients must also be completely avoided. They can strip off the natural moisture of your toddler’s skin which can cause dryness and irritation. Go for organic bathing products, no-tears products or those that are mild and formulated for toddlers with sensitive skin instead.

Have Fun

Lastly, never forget to enjoy. Bathing should be a happy time for your toddler. Use bath toys such as rubber ducks, foam animals, beach pails, toy shovels and boats to keep your little one entertained. Play games. Talk. Sing together. Make bathing an opportunity to bond with your child.

Get creative and make bath time a pleasurable experience that will generate joyful squeals and giggles not only from your toddler but from you as well!

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Ways to Prevent Travel Sickness In Toddlers

Traveling for toddlers is one whirlwind adventure. As born explorers, the idea of being in an unknown place gives them a rush. But, travel sickness can dampen their high spirits. So to make sure your toddler stays happy and excited all throughout the journey, here are some tips to help you manage your toddler’s travel sickness whether you are traveling by land, air or sea.

Avoid Giving Heavy Meals

As much as possible, limit your toddler’s food intake to light snacks a few hours prior. Eating a full meal 30 minutes to an hour before your travel time can upset your little one’s tummy since the stomach has not yet completely digested the food. Avoid fatty, oily, salty and spicy foods. Stick to breads, crackers, oatmeal and sandwiches and 3 glasses of water for the mean time. This limits travel sickness evading any nausea and vomiting incidents from happening.

Take Anti-Motion Sickness Medications

Antihistamines and other pills with hycosine helps eliminate motion sickness. But, be sure to consult his pediatrician first so you will know its efficiency and the possible side effects.

Wear The Right Clothing

Sometimes, what triggers motion sickness is bad clothing. Layering your toddler with pullovers, jackets and coats will only make him feel queasy because of too much heat. Pants, t-shirt and a jacket will do for air travel. This will keep your toddler warm and comfy. Cotton shirts, cargo shorts, sandals and a hat is the ideal outfit for sea travel. The soft, lightweight materials will keep him cool and well-shaded.

Position Forward Facing

Another way to help decrease travel sickness is by situating your toddler face forward. Rear facing and backward facing positions send alarms to the nervous system at an abnormal rate due to the travel impact increasing stress and apprehension. But, the forward facing position helps your toddler’s ears, eyes and nerves transmit positive signals into the brain. For car travel, position him in the back seat. When air traveling, sit your toddler in the middle seat. When on a boat, sit in the center.

Look to The Horizon

Motionless objects confuses the eyes causing the brain to receive the wrong signal. Have your little one concentrate on things that are far and in action. This gets his brain stimulated helping the nerves relax and the mind preoccupied. Refrain from doing immobile travel activities like reading and playing video games in his PSP.

Ensure Ample Head Protection

Placing a sun-shade on his side of the window filters the rays of the sun from hitting him. In this way, you protect your toddler from the harmful rays and encourage him to look forward instead of looking down. Also, it is essential to make sure your toddler’s head is adequately protected so as to prevent his head from moving side to side. Having a neck or head pillow handy helps your young one comfortably adjust especially during sea and air travel where seats are too hard or too soft for his head.

Provide Distractions

Do entertaining things together. Bring along his crayons and coloring books. Listen to music. Make sure to include his favorite songs and nursery rhymes. The familiar tunes engages him to sing along and will likely divert your toddler from feeling ill. Let him use binoculars and a camera so he can have fun watching things from afar and take snapshots of his surroundings.

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