Archive | Toddler Sleep

Treatment For Night Terrors In Children

Night terror or sleep terror is far different from a nightmare. A toddler will wake up in the middle of the night yelling, sweating and with his eyes wide open but will not recognize you. It can be frustrating and scary, but you can stop this sleep disorder. Here is a guide about the treatment for night terrors in children.

Do Not Attempt To Wake Your Toddler

Naturally, your intuition will be to soothe your toddler. But, if you wake him up, you will only confuse him and make him more frantic. Do not try to hold or shake him either. Remember, a child who wakes up with a night terror is still asleep even if his eyes are open. Be patient. Just wait it out as long as he does not hurt himself. Within 10 to 30 minutes, your toddler should calm down, fall into deep sleep again and will not have any recollection of the episode in the morning.

Focus On Keeping Your Toddler Safe

Make sure you remove any objects that he can possibly hurt himself with during an episode. Remove the bedcovers off of him. Store sharp objects. Keep his bedroom floor free from clutter. Install a child safety gate on the staircase.

Establish A Soothing Bedtime Routine

Another treatment for night terrors in children is setting a bedtime routine. The activities during the day can overwhelm and stress a toddler. Hence, it is very important for him to have a bedtime ritual to help him transition to sleep. Start by having dinner, playing quiet games (e.g. jigsaw puzzles or drawing), giving him a bath and a glass of warm milk, reading a book and end the ritual with lots of cuddling.

Wake Your Toddler Before An Episode

Determine what time his night terrors usually transpire. For example, if night terrors occur in the first few hours of sleep, quietly rouse your toddler 15 minutes after he has been asleep for 2 hours. Set your alarm clock so you can wake up before an episode and then awaken your toddler. Have a quiet chat, sing a lullaby, have him drink water, lead him to the potty or press a washcloth to his neck or feet. You can also keep a spray bottle filled with water near his bed and squirt water on his face until he wakes up. These techniques are very effective in disrupting your toddler’s sleep cycle and prevent night terrors.

Get Adequate Sleep

It is very important for toddlers to get enough sleep. Toddlers who go to bed worn out are more prone to experience sleep disorders. To avoid exhaustion, let your toddler sleep a little later in the morning, extend his nap time and put him to bed a few minutes earlier at night.

Stay Calm

Lastly, the most effective treatment of night terrors in children is keeping your composure. Sure, it can be uncomfortable hearing your toddler scream or seeing him flailing his arms but try to stay calm until the night terror has passed. The more relax you are, the calmer your toddler will become.

Night terrors normally last only a few weeks. But, if your toddler’s night terrors continue, it would be best to talk to your pediatrician and ask for other treatment options.

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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Sleep Apnea In Toddlers

Sleep apnea in toddlers is a very common form of sleep disorder. This disorder is characterized by repetitive interruption of breathing during sleep. There are three types of sleep apnea in children – central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea which is the most common type and mixed apnea which is a combination of the two. This sleep problem can be potentially fatal. Thus, it is very important for parents to understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of sleep apnea in toddlers.


Sleep apnea in toddlers can be caused by a number of things. Adenoids or enlarged tonsils are the most common cause of sleep apnea in toddlers. A toddler’s tonsils are naturally a bit larger than an adult which can momentarily obstruct air from getting into his lungs. Adenoids and tonsils may also become engorged from allergies.

Other causes of sleep apnea in toddlers are obesity, Down syndrome, certain facial features such as cleft palate and a receding chin and failure of the brain to send signals to the muscles to breathe.

Signs and Symptoms

The following are indications of sleep apnea in toddlers:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Snoring
  • Pauses in breathing during sleep (lasts at least 10 seconds)
  • Huffing noises while sleeping
  • Restless sleep
  • Coughs at night
  • Mouth breathing
  • Poor weight gain
  • Weight loss
  • Constant bed-wetting
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Cognitive and behavioural problems such as aggressiveness, hyperactivity and absent-mindedness


Tonsils and Adenoids Removal

In most cases, sleep apnea in toddlers can be treated through adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy (surgeries for removing the adenoids and tonsils). Your toddler’s pediatrician will recommend an otolaryngologist to perform the surgery as well as discuss the risks and benefits with you. This surgery requires general anesthesia, can be done on an outpatient basis (depending on your toddler’s health) and has no long-term and negative side effects.


CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is a special machine that may be used by your toddler at night. This machine keeps the airway free by blowing air into the nose through a mask during sleep. Letting your toddler wear the mask for at least 3 hours a night can make a big difference.

Bi-Level Breathing Machine

Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machine is similar to a CPAP machine but is mainly used for more severe cases. It has 2 different pressures – one for inhaling and another for exhaling which allows your toddler to get more air in and out of his lungs.

Weight Management

If your toddler’s sleep apnea is due to obesity, your child will have to undergo a weight management or weight loss program. Obese children are more vulnerable to having jammed airways. Your doctor may prescribe a special diet and exercises to help cure the problem before it further aggravates.

If you think your toddler may be suffering from sleep apnea, consult your pediatrician immediately. Your toddler might need to undergo a sleep study for diagnosis.

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Bed Sharing – The Pros and Cons of Sleeping With Children

Bed sharing, also known as sleep sharing means sharing a bed with a toddler instead of sleeping independently. It is a concept that is being practiced all over the world. But, is sleeping with children a good idea? Here are some pros and cons of sleeping with children you must consider before making the choice.


Offers Security

Bed sharing promotes intimacy among family members. Toddlers thrive on cuddles and they want to feel safe and warm beside their parents. For instance, a toddler with nighttime fears might not be able to sleep well in his own room. As a result, he stays up crying and awakens family members causing them to lose sleep as well. But when a toddler sleeps with his parents, he gets a feeling of comfort knowing that mommy and daddy are beside him making it possible for everyone to get a good night’s sleep.

Needs Are Met

When a toddler sleeps beside his mommy, the mother becomes more attentive of the toddler’s conditions and may be able to respond instantly to the toddler’s cues. You no longer have a difficult time figuring out the reason behind your toddler’s sudden outburst because you are aware of his needs.

More Time Spent Together

Bed sharing is also an excellent way for working parents to squeeze in some bonding time with their toddlers at the end of a long day. According to research, sleeping with toddlers helps parents regain the “closeness” that they missed during the day. The shared time with toddlers while sleeping creates a fostering bond that strengthens parent-child relationship.

Improves Overall Development

Studies show that toddlers who share a bed with their parents grow up more confident, satisfied, have less behavioural issues and are less apprehensive as compared to toddlers who sleep on their own beds.


Lack of Sleep

Some parents complain about not being able to sleep with a wriggling and restless toddler next to them. Your toddler can also get used to sleeping next to you making it hard for him to sleep when you are not around.

Encourages Dependence

While studies reveal that bed sharing is beneficial to a child’s development, other child developmental experts claim that toddlers who sleep with their parents will become very dependent which may cause problems in the long run.

Puts A Toddler’s Health At Risk

If one or both parents drink, smoke or use drugs, there is a big possibility that the toddler’s health will be at risk. Cigarette smoke can seep into pillows, blankets and bed sheets where the toddler will breathe in the chemicals causing inflammation in the lungs. Parents who suffer any contagious health condition (e.g. cough, chickenpox and fungal infections) can also endanger a toddler’s well-being.

Affects The Relationship of The Parents

Bed sharing can also cause intimacy problems between the husband and wife. It can also lead to arguments if the spouse is uncomfortable with the arrangement.

The decision to share the family bed with your toddler is a personal one. This set-up might work for your friends but it may not work for your family. Hence, it is important that you take the needs of all family members into account.

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How To Get A Toddler To Sleep In His Own Bed

It is important for toddlers to learn how to be independent. One way to practice that is by encouraging your toddler to sleep in his own bed. Here are some tips on how to get a toddler to sleep on his own.

Create A Safe and Comfortable Bedroom

Make your toddler’s bedroom feel secure and inviting. Have him choose his own bedding and pillows to make him feel connected to his bed. Give him a “lovie” (e.g. stuffed toy, pillow, special blanket, etc.) he can sleep with. Hang blankets on bed posts to create a tent so he feels like he is camping. Play soft music to help soothe him while he sleeps. Install a nightlight in your toddler’s room so he will not feel scared when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Give your little one a warm bath, put on pajamas, give him a glass of warm milk, read a bedtime story, take one last trip to the bathroom, tuck him to bed, give him a kiss goodnight and then lights out. Make sure you do the routine consistently. A bedtime routine helps your little one transition to sleep and makes your toddler feel calm and relaxed, making him more secure about going to bed.

Take It Slow

It is not a good idea to pressure your toddler to sleep in his own bed when he is accustomed to sleeping with mommy and daddy. Take small steps. Place a folding bed or air mattress beside your bed in case you little one visits at night. This way, your toddler gets to be close to you without interrupting your sleep and it is not so comfortable that he will decide to sleep in his own bed for good. You may also let him stay in your bed for 15 minutes and then bring him back to his bedroom.

Minimize Your Presence

When you have said your goodnight, do not linger in your toddler’s room as this will only make him dependent on your presence. If you need to stay in his room for awhile, do not talk to your toddler or lie in his bed. Once you have attended to his needs, leave the room at once.

Offer Rewards

Create a reward system. Toddlers need motivation and this technique is proven to be very effective. Hang a calendar on the refrigerator or his bedroom wall. For each night he sleeps in his own bed, let him draw a star or put a smiley sticker. Once he has collected 10 stars or smiley’s, give him a small reward such as a trip to the candy store or to the zoo, cooking his favorite food, buying him a small toy or extra 5 minutes of playtime or TV time.

Do Not Give In

Be firm. Do not give in to your toddler’s pleas or allow him to sleep in your bed because he is sick or has difficulty sleeping after watching a scary movie. You can offer comfort to your toddler without inviting him to your bed.

With some time, effort, patience and ingenuity, you can teach your toddler to sleep independently so the two of you can get a good night’s sleep.

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Toddler Bedtime – What To Do When Your Toddler Will Not Sleep

Toddler bedtime is a battle. You keep on insisting your toddler to go to sleep yet your child keeps on finding excuses so he can get up. Wondering how to resolve this? Here are six effective tips you should try.

Keep Him Busy Throughout The Day

Toddlers have plenty of energy and they need to release that. Keep your little one busy while he is awake. Take your toddler to the park or playground. Schedule a day trip to the zoo or museum. Organize a picnic with your family or friends with children his age. Let him tag along when you go grocery shopping or run errands. Walk around your neighborhood in the afternoon. These activities will not only help him work off some of that excess energy but also encourage him to be more active.

Keep Naptimes Short

Some toddlers give up afternoon naps once they hit 2 years old, while others still need it. If your toddler still naps, make sure you adjust nap lengths and times. Shorten the nap (at least 30 minutes to 1 hour) or let him nap an hour ahead. If your toddler gets 4 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, then it is not surprising he has trouble sleeping at night.

Set A Realistic Bedtime

Choose a bedtime that is reasonable. Your toddler is just like you, he has his own sleep patterns. He might be a morning person or a night owl. Consider your toddler’s body clock. If he is too tired during dinnertime, adjust the meal and bedtime to an earlier time. Likewise, if your little one is not tired by 7:30, never force your toddler to go to sleep as this will only increase power struggle. Consider a slightly later bedtime for your toddler instead. This will save you and your toddler time, arguments and stress.

Establish A Bedtime Routine

By now, you already know that your toddler thrives best when there is consistency. Create a bedtime routine and stick to it. Start early so you can take your time preparing your toddler for bed. After dinner, you can start the routine by brushing his teeth, giving him a warm bath, giving a glass of milk, reading a book, talking, a kiss and a hug and then lights-out.

Be Firm

Your toddler needs to understand that once you turn out the light, you are done for the day. Do not give in to his pleas as this will only make him think that he can get away, making the bedtime ritual useless.

Give Reassurance

Your toddler may not sleep because he is afraid. Toddlers have imaginative minds, hence the reason why they have nightmares and night terrors. He may fall asleep faster if you hold hands or if you pretend to fall asleep beside him. Let him know that you are there for him when he needs you. Tell him that if he is afraid, all he needs to do is pray or give your toddler a comfort object such as a stuffed toy or blanket to help him feel more comfortable.

Getting your toddler to sleep can be a challenge. But with consistency and a little planning, you can get your toddler to doze off in no time and get that much needed good night’s sleep.

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Effective Tips To Make Your Toddler Nap

Making your toddler nap is a constant struggle. This may be because he does not want to miss anything going on around him or he just wants to exert his independence. Here are some simple yet very effective tips to make naps happen in your house.

Choose A Daily Naptime

Putting your little one to sleep at a different time every day confuses his body clock. When you are consistent, your toddler will take a nap without putting up a fight. Create a schedule and stick to it. The best time to take a nap is usually after lunchtime or when he starts to yawn, rubs his eyes or becomes quiet.

Establish A Nap Ritual

Toddlers are full of energy, so naturally, they cannot go from energetic playtime to sleep. Your toddler will need some time to wind-down and creating a routine will help him transition to sleep. You can start the routine by feeding your toddler a healthy lunch followed by reading a book or singing a lullaby and rocking him in your arms until he is sleepy and finally putting him in his bed.

Offer A Comfort Object

Your toddler will feel secure and more at ease when he has something by his side. Let your toddler choose a comfort item to nap with him. Having his favorite teddy bear, blanket or pillow close to him will make his afternoon snooze more meaningful.

Create A Quiet and Soothing Nap Environment

The best nap area for your toddler is the same place where he sleeps at night. Turn the lights down. Close the windows. Turn down the television. Or, be creative and let your toddler create his own napping bed. You can place a bunch of blankets on his bed that will serve as a makeshift tent or put a large cardboard box on the bed he can lay in.

Provide Soft Music

The sounds of the house and the neighborhood can wake a napping child. Prevent your little one from waking up early from his nap by playing sounds or white noise all through naptime. Turn on a fan, air purifier, play recordings of ocean waves, rainfall or chirping birds or play soft lullaby music and classical songs.

Do Not Use The Word Naptime

Some toddlers may be averse to the word “nap”. Use a less intimidating phrase like “rest time” or “quiet time”. This may make your toddler more willing to take a nap since he will feel like a big boy than a baby if you refer to it this way. Explain to your child that it is now time for “quiet time” and that he needs to take a break to help his body stay strong and healthy.

Be Consistent

Your toddler may cry or fight back so you need to remain firm. Give him a hug and kiss and leave the room and tell him that you will return when you hear no noises coming from his room. This will encourage him to lie still enough to fall asleep.

Toddlers can benefit from a daily nap. These extra hours of sleep helps your toddler stay healthier and feel more alert especially during the most important developmental years of his life.

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Helping Your Toddler Say Goodbye To His Night Fears

Night fears are common in children. Add the media and an active imagination, bedtime fears can go into overdrive. Here are some tips on how you can erase your toddler’s night fears so the both of you can get that much needed sleep.

Monitor TV Viewing

Generally, night fears are generated by what a toddler sees on television (e.g. scary or action movies or cartoon shows). Pay close attention to the shows your toddler watches. Change or turn off age-inappropriate television shows. Extreme, violent scenes often create disturbing or terrifying ideas which can develop night time fears leading to your toddler not wanting to go to sleep. Let him watch TV shows that encourage happy thoughts to help him sleep well throughout the night.

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Create a bedtime ritual that is simple and relaxing and make sure you stick to it. Start the routine the same time every night. You can begin by giving your toddler a light activity a few hours before bedtime to help him calm down after a long day followed by a soothing warm bath, helping him dress in his pajamas, dimming the lights in his room, reading a book and kissing him on the forehead before saying goodnight.

Acknowledge Your Child’s Fears

Do not make fun or downplay your toddler’s fears. Remember that your little one does not think the way an adult does so do not expect him to distinguish fact from fiction on his own. Talk to your toddler about his night fears. Ask him what he thinks he sees at night and why he is afraid. Calmly reassure him that his fear is normal and it is okay to be scared. Tell him that you also had your own bedtime fears when you were still a child and tell him how you dealt with them to make those fears go away. When your toddler knows that you can relate to him, he will become motivated to work towards alleviating them.

Give Your Child An “Anti-fear” Weapon

Provide your toddler with tools that can fight the monsters, ghosts or whatever is causing the night fears. For instance, you can fill a small spray bottle with water and tell your toddler to use the spray bottle which contains “monster fluid” to any scary areas of the room before going to bed so anything that comes into the room is instantly destroyed. Encouraging your little one to fight back against his bedtime fears is often the best approach to eliminate his fears completely.

Offer A Security Object

A stuffed animal, pillow or your old shirt can act as your toddler’s security blanket. He can bring it with him to bed to help make him feel secure at night. A set of walkie-talkies makes it easier for your toddler to contact you every time he gets scared. Hearing your voice will reassure your toddler that he is safe and that you are always by his side. Using a nightlight also helps illuminate any objects in your toddler’s room which can ease his feelings of anxiety whenever he wakes up to a dark room in the middle of the night.

Create A Peaceful Sleeping Area

Ambiance is important in ensuring a good night sleep. Make your toddler’s bedroom as comfortable as possible. Decorate his bed with bed sheets with a design of  his favorite superhero and place his favorite things (e.g. toys, stuffed animal, pillows, drawings, etc.) in his room. This will give him a sense of familiarity which creates a homey feel which will make him think less of his fears and think of more happy thoughts so he can drift off and dream sweet dreams.

The only way to deal with your toddler’s night fears is to help and support him. Think of creative ideas which you think can erase his fears so he can sleep well and wake up bright and happy.

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Toddler Sleep Mistakes You Should Avoid

Getting your toddler to sleep is a challenging job. Thus, you tend to look for ways to help make it easier. There are common toddler sleep mistakes many parents make. Read on to find out if you are doing them so you can change and correct your actions.

Mistake # 1: Sleeping late.

Admit it, making your toddler sleep at night is a tug of war. Recent studies have shown that children today get less sleep as compared to children in the 90’s. A toddler’s body gets over fatigued easily no matter how bubbly and energetic he may seem. Your toddler’s body is still immature, hence, getting a lot of hours of sleep is very essential. Do not put off bedtime to avoid battles or hope that your little one will fall asleep without any intervention. This will only make your toddler exhausted which will make sleeping even harder.

Plan his day accordingly. Do physically demanding activities in the morning and reserve relaxing activities in the afternoon. This will help prepare his body for the night to come. Set a time for sleeping (naptime and bedtime) and stick to it. Do not wait until your toddler is rubbing his eyes, yawning or whining. Put him to bed an hour before his bedtime. Read a story book or talk about your day. This will help him slow down.

Mistake # 2: No bedtime routine.

You think your little one may not need it but consistency is very important to toddlers. They need to know what to expect and what to do next, otherwise, they will do as they please. Having a series of peaceful, pleasing activities before switching the lights off is imperative. A bedtime routine serves as a sleep clue that will help your toddler wind down. This might mean giving him a bath, changing into pajamas, talking, cuddling, reading a story and a hug and kiss. Do this in the same order, the same space and at the same time each night.

Mistake # 3: Inconsistent Sleeping Area

This is a common sleep mistake parents are guilty of. Allowing your toddler to sleep in your bed or crawl into bed with you every time he wakes up in the middle of the night teaches your child to stay awake or worse, turn your bed into a “family bed”.

Doing this is okay especially when you have to comfort your toddler after he has had a terrible nightmare. But, once he has settled down, bring him back to his room so as not to intercept the routine.

Mistake # 4: Relying on strollers, car seats and swings.

Using motion to get your toddler to sleep is not beneficial. The constant motion decreases quality of sleep and keeps him stimulated instead of attaining deeper levels of sleep which toddlers need.

You may use these gears to calm your toddler after a busy day. Once he has fallen asleep, turn off the swing and keep the stroller motionless.

Mistake # 5: Over stimulation.

What you surround your toddler can affect his sleep. Noise, lights and toys can cause distraction which will only keep him wide awake. Maximize sleep by keeping his room as dark and noise-free as possible. Use a nightlight to keep his fears at bay when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Sleep plays a big factor to your toddler’s development. So it is essential that you make sure you steer clear from these sleep mistakes to ensure your toddler gets all the shut-eye he needs.

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Simple Tips to Stop Your Toddler From Bed Wetting

Bed wetting is a common problem in toddlers which usually occur because children’s muscles are still undeveloped to control their bladder. But with a few easy steps, parents can help stop bed wetting. Here is how you can do it.

Limit Fluid Intake

Limiting is different from forbidding so never make your little one feel like he is being punished. Giving your baby a glass of water at least two hours before bedtime allows your toddler to empty his bladder before going to bed. Also, avoid giving caffeinated drinks throughout the day as they may increase urine production.

Bladder Training

Assure your toddler that he can inform you every time he needs to pee. Using a hand signal is also a nice way to train your toddler. Do this every morning so it becomes a part of his daily routine. The more he drinks and pees during daytime, the more practice he gets which is very useful in preventing bed wetting. At night, make sure your toddler pees before sleeping. In this way, you can find out the number of times your toddler wets and the volume with which he wets.

Lifting Method

A common technique used by parents, lifting involves making sure your toddler goes to the bathroom right before his bedtime and then waking him up a few hours later so you can take him to the toilet. Do this two times every night, one after 2 hours of sleeping and another during the wee hours of the morning. This strategy takes time but eventually it will pay off.

Use a Bed Wetting Alarm

Also called a urinary bed alarm or moisture alarm, this device is known as the most effective bed wetting treatment. It has a wetness sensor you can attach to your toddler’s pajama that is attached to an alarm box connected to the shirt. Each time your child feels like urinating, the sensor will detect moisture and vibrate to alert your toddler to wake up and go to the bathroom. These alarms are child-friendly, battery-operated and are also available in wireless models.

Never Pressure or Scold The Toddler

Helping your baby stay dry and stop bed wetting requires your full cooperation and encouragement. If he wets himself at night, just smile, help him clean up and reassure him that it is alright. This will erase his fear of punishment and help boost his self-confidence. Let him assist you in changing his bed sheets to encourage him to go to the bathroom at night so you no longer have to change his covers the next day.

Reward Dry Nights

Nothing makes a child happier than getting a prize for a good deed. Let him pick the reward he wants – a visit to the amusement park, his favorite toy or eating burgers at your local diner. This will motivate your toddler every night to try and have a dry bed.

Bed wetting is a normal phase children go through with. So stop fretting, relax and be patient. Staying dry all night is a developmental skill almost all children achieve in time, whether by sleeping through the night without urinating or by getting up to use the bathroom.

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How Napping Helps Minimize Toddler Sleep Issues

As much as toddlers need physically demanding activities to help nurture and develop their bodies, sleep is also very important. When a toddler is at sleep, the development of the body and mind is at its best. Ample sleep must be done during day and night time. Having your toddler take his afternoon naps allow his body to recharge and restore energy permitting him to function well.

Napping secures your tot’s good health and is the best way to supply growth and rejuvenation. Once your tot lacks sleep during day time, he can easily and quickly get tired when performing his activities. Also, studies have shown that not taking regular naps can increase your toddler’s sleeping problems. To help you get a better idea, here are some ways how napping can trim down toddler sleep issues.

Decreases Negative Vibes

Taking regular naps is an effective way to combat anxiety, depression and hyperactivity which are very common mood swings to toddlers from age’s three to five. Based on a recent study, it was found out that toddlers who do not take sufficient naps are more likely to experience regular occurrences of negative mood swings which creates a feeling of uneasiness making tots temperamental which they can bring to sleep. Having these negative vibes can trigger sleeping disorders such as night terrors, sleep walking or sleep apnea.

Minimizes Restlessness

Some parents think that not allowing their child take naps in the middle of the day helps make their tot go to sleep faster in the evening. This is absolutely not correct. Never trade in a nap for an earlier bedtime; this will only backfire on you. If you keep your toddler up with lots of activities just to make him tired, he only becomes restless and that can lead to insomnia. This unsettles his bedtime routine and will keep him wide awake and hyper. See to it that you let him take his nap at a reasonable time say for example at one or two in the afternoon. This evens out his energy level making him energetic in the afternoon and mellow down in the evening helping him go to sleep soundly through the night.

Relaxes Body and Mind

Having enough nap time in a day (depending on your toddler’s age) will make it easier for your tot to sleep well throughout the night. No more waking up because of bad dreams. During this stage, your toddler is very active making him reject taking a nap. His body needs signal to let him slow down. An hour of nap during day time and in the afternoon allows his body to use his energy letting his body and mind relax in the evening. A calm body and mind always results to a good sleep without any interruptions.

Better Sleep Training

Once your child has grown accustomed to taking every day naps, his bedtime sleeping pattern improves. He will find it easier to adapt to it. It makes him feel more at ease and steady because the naps he took sleeps train him to slowly shift towards a peaceful sleep.

Toddler sleep issues can be eliminated by taking ample naps throughout the day. This provides him calmness helping him fall soundly asleep.

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