Archive | Safety

Ways To Prevent Lead Poisoning In Children

Childproofing your home is one of the most important obligations you have as a parent. Follow these tips on how to prevent lead poisoning in children so you can create a safe abode for your toddler.

Get A Screening For Lead Poisoning

Most children around 2 years of age have to be screened for lead poisoning since over 1 million children in the United States have high lead levels in their blood which can result to seizure, anemia, hearing loss, kidney problems and even death. Hence, it is very important that you talk to your pediatrician about this testing. Generally, a lead screening is conducted by a simple blood test. Your doctor may perform this test by taking blood from the vein or pricking your toddler’s finger. If the test shows your baby has a high lead level, medical treatment such as “chelation therapy” may be necessary to eliminate lead from the body. For more information on lead poisoning prevention, contact the National Lead Information Center (NLIC).

Check Your House

Regularly wet-mop floors and windows since household dust is a number one source of lead. Test the paint inside and outside your home especially if it was built before 1978. Make sure furnitures and walls do not have any peeling paint. Use vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to clear the air of possible allergens. Check household items to make sure they are labelled lead-free. Visit the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) website for a list of recalled toys and dispose recalled items at once.

Have Your Soil and Water Tested

See to it you have your soil and tap water tested by your local health department to ensure they are not contaminated. Cover the soil with wood chips, mulch or grass. You may purchase a water filter to remove the lead from tap water. Run your faucet for a few minutes before using the tap water for drinking or cooking. In addition, it is best to use cold water for since warm tap water is more likely to contain lead.

Wash Hands Frequently

Basic hygiene is very essential in decreasing the risk of lead poisoning. Teach your toddler how to wash his hands properly especially before eating or after playing and using the toilet.

Serve Your Toddler Healthy Meals

See to it your toddler gets a well-balanced diet. Offer him foods rich in calcium, iron, protein, vitamin C and zinc as these minerals can reduce the absorption of lead by the body. Read food labels and avoid foods processed in other countries as much as possible.

Renovate With Caution

If you decide to renovate your home, make sure you are well-informed about the guidelines. Contact the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) for more information about home renovation and make sure you follow the rules dutifully. You can also have your newly renovated home undergo a risk assessment to be 100% sure your home is lead-free.

Lead poisoning is a fatal health hazard. Thus, care should always be observed to avoid exposing your precious one from danger.

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How To Treat Burns In Children

Burns in children are common and are classified in three degrees – a first-degree burn only involves the external layer of the skin, a second-degree burn affects the second layer of the skin, causing blistering and swelling which is very painful and a third-degree burn is the most severe as it affects the entire layer of the skin. A toddler will feel numb because the nerves on the skin are damaged. All burns require immediate action. Here are some tips to treat burns in children.

Take Immediate Action

Remove your toddler from the source of the burn as fast as possible. If his clothing is on fire, wrap him in a blanket or coat and roll him in the ground to put out the flames. For electrical burns, remove the power source with a non-metallic object (e.g. rope or wooden spoon). Never use your bare hands.

For First-degree and Minor Second-degree Burns

  • Get rid of any obstruction around the burned area.
  • Apply cool compress or cold water in the affected area for at least 20 minutes or until pain subsides. This will help stop or reduce inflammation. Do not apply butter, ice, lotion or powder to the burned area since this could exacerbate the injury.
  • Gently pat the area dry with a clean washcloth. Dab a small amount of triple antibiotic or 100% aloe vera gel (e.g. Bacitracin or Neosporin) to ease the pain and avoid bacterial infection. Cover it loosely with a non-stick sterilized bandage or gauze.
  • Give your toddler the right dose of pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce his discomfort. Never give aspirin to your toddler.
  • Change the bandage twice a day or whenever it gets dirty or wet.
  • Once the burn begins to blister, apply an antiseptic ointment over the area. Never try breaking a blister.

For Major Second-degree and Third-degree Burns

  • For major second and third-degree burns or if burn is caused by chemical substances, do not remove clothing especially if it sticks to the wound. Doing so can cause major pain to the child. Run cool water only to the burned area (to avoid hypothermia and shock) for several minutes before removing your toddler’s clothes.
  • Next, lay your toddler flat and elevate the burned areas to his chest level. Cool compress the area using a clean washcloth for 10 to 15 minutes. Again, do not apply butter, ice, powder and lotion.
  • Wrap the area with a clean, moist gauze or washcloth.
  • Call 911 or take him to the emergency room as soon as possible. Serious burns need immediate medical attention. Your toddler may need to undergo early debriding (extraction of dead skin and tissue from the affected area) and skin grafting (to fully treat a major burn).

After you have treated the injury, call the doctor if the following situations arise – your toddler has a major second-degree and third-degree burn, your toddler has stopped breathing and if the burned area is bleeding, oozing or extremely red.

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Toddler Safety – Storing Medicines Properly

Children love to explore their surroundings and they have little understanding of what is safe and unsafe, making them prone to mishaps. Medication is one safety hazard toddlers are exposed to every day. This guide will teach you how to store medicines correctly to ensure toddler safety.

Store Medications In A Locked Cabinet

The safest place to store medicine is in a high cabinet or a closet that you could lock. This way, it is out of your toddler’s sight and reach. Securing medicines may be inconvenient but it will stop your giddy toddler from climbing and jumping, preventing accidents. Also, do not place your purse, medicine pouch, diaper bag and the likes near your toddler. Out of sight, out of mind.

Use Child-resistant Safety Caps

See to it all your medicine bottles have child-resistant safety caps for extra security. However, keep in mind that child-resistant does not mean childproof. A persistent toddler can break into these caps so keep them locked and away just to be sure.

Do Not Switch Containers

Never remove the products from their original containers so you do not confuse the medicines for something else. This also allows you to easily keep track of expiration dates and instructions. Make sure each medicine bottle is accurately labelled.

Do Not Use The Bathroom Medicine Cabinet

The most hazardous place to store medicines especially when you have a toddler is the bathroom cabinet. This location is easily accessible by toddlers. Plus, the moisture and heat of the bathroom can cause medicines to lose their effectiveness before their expiration date which can be very lethal. Find a cool, dry place to store medications. A kitchen cabinet with a lock is an ideal place to stash medicines. If medications should be stored in the refrigerator, place them on the top shelf where your toddler cannot reach them, make sure your refrigerator is protected with a child safety lock and the lids are tightly closed.

Unload Medicines First

Once you get home from the grocery, always unpack the medicines first before your toddler starts rummaging through the grocery bags. Children can mistake a bottle of coated tablets or pills for candies.

Return Medicine To Its Proper Place

Make it a rule in your household to return medicines to their storage place right after taking them. Leaving medicine on the counter if you are giving your toddler another dose in a few hours may be convenient, but leaving them for your toddler to reach and consume is very unsafe.

Keep Your Toddler Informed

Most importantly, teach your toddler the importance of proper use of medicine. Refer to medicine as medicine, not as candy. Explain to your child that medicine is good but dangerous. Tell him not to play with it and that you are the only one allowed to use them.

Medicines can be a danger if used improperly. Follow these preventive measures to keep your toddle safe and sound so you can get the most from your medications!

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How To Keep Kids Safe This Winter

It is that time of year again for gifts, building snowmen, snowball fights, sledding and the flu. Having a sick toddler can take the fun out of this special season. But luckily, these tips can keep kids safe this winter.

Keep Your Toddler Warm

Keep your toddler warm by dressing him in layers. A long-sleeved shirt, pants and jacket or sweatshirt will provide adequate warmth to your little one. Do not forget to let him wear gloves, bonnet, a neck gaiter and closed shoes.

Offer Healthy Meals

A toddler who eats nutritious food has a stronger immune system. So make sure your little one is eating right by offering him full servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Foods that are immune boosters and rich in vitamins and minerals include broccoli, carrots, corn, potatoes, pepper, spinach, citrusy fruits (e.g. grapefruit, lemon, pomegranate and pomelo), fish, cereal, chicken, meat and milk.

Practice Regular Hand Washing

Regular hand washing is the simplest way to keep germs and viruses at bay. Teach your little one to wash his hands with soap and water before he eats, after he plays, uses the toilet and each time his hands are dirty. Handwashing should last for 20 seconds. Have him sing the “Happy Birthday” song so he will not get bored. Oh, and do not forget to wash your hands as well.

Get Flu Shots

It is hard to protect your toddler from cold and flu during winter season. Visit your doctor to see to it his vaccinations are up to date. Have your toddler and each member of the household vaccinated with the current flu shots.


Make sure your toddler takes plenty of fluids – chicken soup, milk, an electrolyte solution and water (at least 8 glasses of water each day). Having sufficient fluids into his system helps wash out toxins, keeping your little one healthy. Reduce intake of sugary and caffeinated drinks as these can cause dehydration.

Get Plenty of Rest

See to it your toddler gets enough rest. The more rest he gets, the better the chance for his body to develop a strong defense to fight off germs. An early bedtime during winter should be enforced. Encourage him to take at least 2 short naps each day.

Encourage Outdoor Play

Instead of making your toddler stay at home and watch TV or play video games, send him outside to play. Better yet, play outside with your child. He may not be able to stay out long, but at least the physical activity will get his heart pumping. Just be sure to clear your driveway and pathway first to keep accidents at bay.

Keep Your Home Clean

Moist air increases the chances of germs to breed and spread. Take time to clean your house regularly. Disinfect and keep surfaces dry as possible to avoid mold and mildew from growing.

Winter is one of the most exciting seasons for toddlers. So make sure to keep your toddler healthy and safe so he can enjoy the moment.

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How To Soothe An Injured Child

Seeing your precious angel in distress is heartbreaking. Thus, it is important that you know what to do in order to alleviate your toddler’s discomfort. Here are some techniques parents swear by to soothe an injured child.

Stay Calm

If your toddler is hurt, remain calm and confident as much as possible. If you panic or become hysterical, your little one will feed off your emotions and become frightened as well, making the situation even worse. But, if you stay composed and grab a bandage if he scrapes his knee, your toddler will see that the bandage will cure the wound, which will stop the tears from flowing.

Run A Bath

Your injured toddler can find comfort by taking a warm bath. Run tepid water in the tub and let your little one sit on it for at least 10 minutes. This will help ease his anguish. It will also help eliminate any dirt present in his wound without having to forcefully rub the injury. Then, once he is done taking a bath, cover his small injury and he will be all better.

Have A Steady Supply of Colorful Bandages

Bandages can cure minor cuts and scrapes. The key is to buy tons of colorful bandages or Band-Aid’s with a cartoon character print. Have him pick the bandage he likes, help him put it on and commend him for a job well done. Also, let him remove it once the bandage is ready to come off.

Give Lots of Kisses

A parent’s touch is very magical for a toddler. So see to it that you give your toddler a teddy bear hug and shower his boo-boo with lots of kisses. The tender and healing touch of a parent is probably the fastest way to sooth a toddler’s owie and put that smile back on his face.

Use A Fun Icepack

A plain looking icepack is okay, but using it on a toddler is not a very good idea. Keep it exciting by buying a cute looking icepack. You can choose from a colorful cold pack, Elmo cold pack, Football Boo Boo Buddy or a Boo Bunnie Ice Pack. Just keep it in the freezer and get it out to relieve a bump. The adorable designs will keep your toddler so happy that he will want it on his owie for a long time.

Provide A Distraction

When treating his injury, redirect his attention by talking about something else. Think of a topic your toddler is interested in or have him recount his favorite scene in the PB&J Otter show. Sing a funny children’s song (e.g. The Wee Song, Shake Your Sillies Out). Count to 10 together. Make silly faces and loud smacking sounds.

Ignore It

This is for minor injuries. If your toddler hurts himself yet he does not cry, do not overdramatize it. Instead, pick him up and encourage him to try again. Most likely, his attention will be so focused on finding a solution on how he can try again without hurting himself that his small injury will be forgotten.

It is normal for children to suffer some cuts and bruises. The tips mentioned above can do wonders to soothe a toddler in pain.

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Keeping Your Toddler Safe From Bites and Stings

Whatever the season, your toddler can acquire bites and stings. These can cause momentary pain and discomfort, making them a nuisance. But thankfully, you can minimize and keep your toddler safe from bites and stings. Here are some tips you should keep in mind.

Animal Bites

It has been reported that almost half of the 800,000 people who received medical attention for animal bites every year are children. Your toddler can get rabies infection if the animal that has bitten him is unvaccinated. He can get it from common house pets such as cats, dogs, guinea pigs and hamsters as well as from wild animals such as bats, coyotes and raccoons.


  • Never leave your toddler unsupervised.
  • Make sure your house pet has been vaccinated.
  • Enroll your pet in a basic obedience training class.
  • Teach him not to touch animals, come near them (especially when they are eating and sleeping), feed them and not to make impulsive actions (putting face close to an unknown animal, hugging, kissing, pushing, squeezing ears or pinching) that may startle the animals without your permission.
  • Tell your toddler not to run if a strange animal comes near him. Teach him to stand still, avoid eye contact and to slowly back off once the animal stops paying attention to him.

Bee and Wasp Stings

Bees and wasps have a stinger that releases venom that can cause an allergic reaction which can be deadly. When stung by a bee or wasp, the stinger should be removed as soon as possible. The stinged area will look red, swollen and itchy and this can last for a few days.


  • Dress your toddler in pastel-colored, solid clothing. Dark, brightly colored clothes or printed clothes attract bees.
  • Make sure he wears shoes when playing outside.
  • Do not use scented soaps, lotion and other body products on your little one since scent is a magnet for bees.
  • Refrain from giving your toddler a drink when outside. If you must, see to it that the drink is closed. A bee could get inside and sting him when he takes a drink.
  • Always keep your toddler close to you when outside, especially near flowers, orchards and trees.

Insect Bites

Children are very prone to insect bites. Insects (mosquitoes, spiders and ticks) are everywhere, whether your toddler is at home, at the park or at the beach. Usually, the reaction is a mild one. But, in some cases, it can lead to an allergic reaction especially if your toddler keeps on scratching his bites or if he is very sensitive to insects.


  • Dress your toddler appropriately (long sleeves, pants, socks and closed shoes).
  • Apply insect repellent to your toddler’s clothes and the exposed skin area (except for his hands and face).
  • Get rid of any stagnant water or avoid going near woodpiles, canals, water holes and garbage areas as they are a breeding ground for insects.
  • Fix torn screens and windows in your home.
  • Clean your home regularly. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up webs, spiders, ticks and their egg sacs.
  • Teach your toddler to shake out his clothes, shoes and beddings before using them.
  • Use a natural bug killer (safe for children) to eliminate unwanted pests in and around your home.
  • Check your pet for fleas.

Yes, you can never completely safeguard your toddler from bites and stings. But, it would be very helpful if you follow preventive measures and teach your toddler what to do. Remember,  “Prevention is better than cure.”.

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Kitchen Safety For Kids Who Cook

Most children love watching and helping their parents in the kitchen. Thus, it is very important for parents to teach their toddlers the value of safe cooking. Here are some easy-to-follow tips about kitchen safety for kids.

Keep Your Kitchen Child-friendly

The kitchen is probably the most unsafe place in your home so it is good to be conscious of the hazards so you can try to minimize them. Before you start cooking with your little chef, make sure the kitchen is as safe as possible. That means:

  • The floor should be dry and free from spills and blockages to avert tripping or skidding.
  • Small appliances should be kept away from water.
  • Cover all unused outlets with plastic outlet covers.
  • Check cords to ensure they will not spark and keep electrical cords out of reach.
  • Sharp utensils and chemicals (e.g. bleach, disinfectant, detergent, etc.) should be properly put away in a safe and locked cupboard.
  • Keep pan or pot handles to the side or back of the hub to avoid burning or scalding.

Watch Your Toddler

When you are working with a toddler in the kitchen, anything can happen, so see to it that you keep a close eye on him and never leave him alone while food is cooking. Your toddler can cut himself with a knife or knock oil into the stove and start a fire when left unattended.

Provide Your Toddler Kitchen Utensils Designed For Children

Use age-appropriate cooking materials so your toddler can use them easily and safely. Use plastic or rubber utensils, measuring cups, mixing bowls and other cookware items that are lightweight. Lightweight products are safer for your little one, unlike a heavy glass bowl, when dropped, can cause disastrous kitchen accidents. Buy him a cutting board that will not skid around and kitchen knives for children like the Curious Chef Nylon Knife Set which are very safe, BPA-free and are approved by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).

Give Limits

Yes, allowing your little one to help you in the kitchen is a fun way to bond but make sure you inform him what he can and cannot do. Let him know that sharp objects and the stove, oven and other appliances are off-limits. Do not let him help you cook anything on the stove nor assist you in using appliances (e.g. microwave, mixer or blender). Be clear about when it is okay and not okay to stick and lick fingers and that he should never touch anything if his hands are wet.

Teach Your Toddler To Clean Up

Ensure that your toddler washes his hands before and after handling food and utensils. Teach him the significance of cleaning up spills and messes as they occur. Messes and spills are hazards for slipping and they are a breeding ground for bacteria. Keep a mop or a towel handy for easy cleanups.


Never assume your toddler understands kitchen products or will know what to do in the kitchen. Take the time to explain the function of the kitchen, the use of each product, the proper way to use them and what will happen in case he plays with them. Also, teach your toddler what to do in case accidents happen (e.g. cuts, scalding or fire).

By following these safety guidelines, cooking with your toddler will be enjoyable and safe.

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Important Tips On How To Prevent Food Poisoning In Your Home

Contaminated food can cause mayhem to little tummies. Hence, food safety at home should be every parent’s priority. It is easy to prevent food poisoning in your home by following these tips.

Practice Handwashing

The number one cause of food poisoning is poor handwashing. Train your toddler to wash his hands, use soap and rub his hands together for at least 20 seconds before and after eating, after using the restroom and after playing. Your toddler’s busy hands will come into contact with germs and once he places his hands inside his mouth, there is a 90% chance for him to get sick. Of course, do not forget to wash your own hands as well especially before cooking and after handling raw foods such as chicken, fish and meat.

Cook Food Thoroughly

Toddlers have sensitive tummies and eating raw and uncooked food will truly result to stomach aches. Keep in mind that contaminated food often looks and smells normal. Use a food thermometer to test if the fish, chicken, meat and poultry are cooked to a safe temperature. Make sure to place the food thermometer in the thickest part of the food and away from the bone. You can eliminate harmful organisms in most foods by cooking them to temperatures between 140 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

Avoid Certain Foods

Food poisoning is very common to young children since they have undeveloped immune systems. Avoid giving the following foods to your little one:

  • Undercooked eggs
  • Soft cheeses (brie, feta and blue-veined cheeses)
  • Certain seafoods such as clam, mussel, oyster, scallop and shellfish
  • Raw meat and chicken
  • Unpasteurized (failure to undergo in the process of food heating) milk and milk products

Portion Food Accordingly

Divide your toddler’s food into small containers. This way, the untouched food can be stored in the fridge for a few days. Allow warm leftovers to cool down a bit before placing it in the refrigerator. Make sure to put it away within two hours. The refrigerator should be cold enough (at least 40 degrees or below) to slow down the growth of bacteria. If you have to re-heat his food, only warm up enough for your toddler to eat at that sitting.

Keep Your Kitchen Clean

So you have followed the tips above, but have you checked your kitchen? Bacteria can live on kitchen surfaces and spread to other foods so make sure you clean your kitchen. Wash cooking utensils carefully before and after use. Do not use the same knife and chopping board to slice raw fish and then fresh fruits for dessert. Scrub the countertop, kitchen sink and kitchen utensils with hot soapy water. Wash your towels often and replace the sponge every few weeks.

Throw It Out

If you are unsure if the chicken sandwich you prepared for your toddler is safe, discard it. Remember, if you are in doubt, throw it out. Just prepare a new one for your little one.

Food safety at home all boils down to cleanliness, proper preparation and correct storage to keep your youngster’s tiny tummy safe and healthy.

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Choking Hazards – Ways To Safeguard Your Toddler

Toddlers have busy hands. They like touching, reaching and putting anything their hands can grab into their mouths. Thus, the reason why toddlers have a high possibility of choking on food and small objects. Below are some safety precautions you need to follow in order to protect your toddler from these choking hazards.

Pay Attention

Supervise your toddler every time he is eating or drinking. Teach him to chew and swallow his food before talking or laughing. See to it your toddler is seated while eating. Do not let him run, walk, climb or throw food in the air and catch it with his mouth. Store chokable foods in an area your toddler cannot reach.

Mash, Grind and Chop

Always cut up your toddler’s food into bite-size pieces before serving it to him. Puree and chop hotdog, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, chicken and cheese into small portions. This will make it easier for the food to go down the trachea (windpipe).

Accurately Time Introduction of Solid Foods

Now that your little one is eating solids, you have to be very meticulous of the food you will serve. See to it that he has the motor skills to swallow to prevent choking. Do not give your toddler any hard, smooth foods if he is below 4 years old as this can partially or completely obstruct the trachea. Avoid giving him the following:

  • Hard candy
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Fruits with pits
  • Unpeeled fruits (e.g. apple and pear)
  • Soft foods (e.g. bubble gum, caramel, marshmallow, jelly or gummy candies)
  • Peanut butter
  • Sausages
  • Raw celery, carrots and peas


See to it that you read all manufacturers’ food labels cautiously to find out if it contains ingredients that pose choking hazards. Also, be wary of foods with labels that says “100% organic”, “all-natural” or “no preservatives”. Not all of them are honest.

Evaluate Your Toddler’s Toys

Look for age guidelines when buying toys for your little one. Some toys contain small parts that can cause suffocation, so make sure you read and understand everything that is written on a toy’s packaging. Do not forget to inspect the item as well. In addition, check your toddler’s toys regularly to ensure they are in excellent condition. Some of his toys may have loose parts like a busted plastic hinge, chipped paint, loose eyes or cracked parts that may need repair or has to be thrown away.

Properly Store Small Objects

Get on your hands and knees and check the floor and tables for small items that could pose a choking risk such as  buttons, batteries, coins, clips, safety pins, small balls and toys, bolts and screws or any object smaller than 1 ¼ inches. You can buy a small object choking tester or use an empty toilet paper roll to help you assess the safety of an object. If it fits into the cylinder, it is a choking hazard. Keep these harmful objects in a container and place them in a cabinet with a lock. Also, make sure you keep hazardous household items like detergent, toilet cleaner, fertilizers and other products with chemicals out of your toddler’s reach.

Your toddler’s safety is your number one priority and the best way to ensure that is to childproof your home so you can provide your precious one a haven where he can explore safely.

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Water Safety For Children

Water play is a fun activity for toddlers. However, it can also put a child’s safety at risk. Keep these water safety tips in mind so you can protect your toddler whether he is in a tub, at the pool or at the beach.

Water Safety In The Bathroom

The bathroom is a hazardous place for your toddler. Make sure you childproof your bathroom by storing hair dryers and other electrical appliances to avoid the risk of electrocution. Cover the bathtub surface with a rubber suction mat to prevent slipping. Put a bath spout or a faucet cover over the faucet so he does not hurt his head in case he bangs into it. Fill the tub with only 3 to 4 inches of warm water (less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid scalding) and always test the water first with your elbow before placing your toddler in the tub.

Do not let your toddler swallow bathwater or let him submerge his eyes and head. Soap and shampoo can cause diarrhea and irritate his eyes and intestinal tract. Make sure you keep the toilet bowl and bathroom door closed when not in use or get a lid lock for the toilet. Most of all, never leave your toddler unsupervised in the bathtub, even for a minute. If you have to, wrap him in a towel and bring him with you.

Water Safety In Pools and Beaches

Teach your little one how to swim. This will make him feel more comfortable in the water. Have him wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life vest or life jacket. Impose water safety rules and remind him every so often to help him follow them. For instance, tell your toddler that he should never go near the water without adult supervision. If he wants to, he should bring an older person to accompany him. Warn him not to push someone in the water, not to dive, not to run or play on the pool deck since he can slip into the water or hurt his head and if there is lightning, he should get out of the pool at once.

Take a child CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) course so you can give first-aid help in case something unprecedented happens. See to it that the pool water is well-chlorinated and only allow him to swim in beaches and lakes that have clear, obstruction-free water. Let him wear protective footwear especially for beaches with uneven surfaces and make sure that a lifeguard is on sight.

Make sure the water is warm enough. Water temperature should be between 85 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid your toddler from getting hypothermia.

Install a self-closing, self-latching gate (at least 4 feet high) around the pool. Remove any toys from the water and deck after swimming and double check that there is  nothing your toddler can climb on to get over your pool’s fence.

Most importantly, always keep a close eye on your toddler. Never assume that just because he is not in the water, knows how to swim, wears a life vest and has memorized water safety rules by heart, he is safe. If you must leave your toddler, designate an adult to look after him.

The best way to protect your toddler from accidental drowning is by being prepared and well-informed. Being in the water is good for your toddler so let him splash and play to his heart’s content as long as you are watching and within arms’ reach.

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