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Surprising Facts About Asthma In Children

Asthma is an inflammatory illness in the airway. This condition is not new for parents with toddlers. But, did you know there are hidden facts about asthma in children? Below are surprising facts about asthma in children every parent needs to know to help their precious ones breathe easier.

Fact # 1: A toddler who had eczema as a baby has a higher risk of developing asthma later.

This fact is the most surprising facts about asthma in children. There is a strong connection between eczema and asthma. Doctors call it the “allergic march” – children who have eczema as an infant go on to develop allergies (often food and airborne allergies) and then asthma. However, the risk of your toddler developing asthma later can be minimized by treating hay fever with medications and allergy shots or immunotherapy.

Fact # 2: Exposing a toddler to certain environmental factors can lead to the development of asthma.

Certain environmental factors can trigger asthma symptoms such as being near a traffic-related area where pollution is very high. A toddler exposed to pollution and high levels of ozone has a bigger chance of getting asthma. Other environmental factors include – tobacco, perfumes, cleaning fluids, wood smoke, dust mites (a very common asthma trigger), mold, seasonal weather changes (especially when pollen levels are higher), animal dander as well as indoor swimming pools (the chlorine in pool water can cause a toddler’s airway to experience changes which can lead to asthma).

Fact # 3: A toddler who does not wheeze can still have asthma.

If your toddler has a chronic or ongoing cough, it may not be a persistent cold or a symptom of allergy. Recurrent bronchitis can also be an indication of underlying asthma. Coughing is one common symptom of asthma but other factors can cause a cough so an accurate analysis is necessary. To do this, you toddler’s doctor may perform a test called spirometry to gauge the volume of air your toddler can breathe out forcefully into a tube. The doctor will listen for wheezing (narrowing of airway), coughing and shortness of breath which comes from the muscles in the airways narrowing and from the swelling of the lining.

Fact # 4: A toddler with asthma can perform various activities.

It is not true that asthma can limit a toddler’s activities. All too often, parents limit their children to do certain things to prevent asthma attacks, but this is not necessary. In fact, doing various activities such as sports and exercises can improve an asthmatic toddler’s condition. As long as right medication is used at the right time, adequate rest and healthy eating habits are observed, a toddler with asthma will be fine.

Fact # 5: Mild cases of asthma in children should not be taken for granted.

Toddlers with mild asthma may not suffer as much as children with full-blown asthma but it is still very important for parents not to let their guard down. A toddler with asthma, mild or severe can easily develop upper respiratory illnesses which can aggravate the condition. A parent should also be cautious about exposing the toddler to foods with sulphites such as packaged fruit jams, canned vegetables and baked goods and certain medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

Fact # 6: A toddler’s asthma action plan must be constantly re-evaluated.

According to pediatric pulmonologists, a toddler who has persistent asthma has to have a written asthma action plan. This asthma action plan must be reassessed with your toddler’s doctor at least 2 to 4 times a year. Young children are also required to use a peak flow meter to help figure out how well their asthma is being controlled. This should be done every morning before a toddler takes his medications. The record must be shown to the doctor so the doctor can adjust a toddler’s asthma action plan accordingly.

Fact # 7: Asthma is often referred to as Reactive Airway Disease.

Some doctors do not directly diagnose a toddler of having an asthma condition for two reasons – the toddler is too young to undergo examinations that can help detect asthma or the toddler has very sensitive airways but the doctor is unsure if it is asthma and it may be something the toddler will outgrow before adulthood.

Asthma is a very widespread childhood disease in the United States. There are a lot of facts about asthma in children but the seven facts mentioned above are unknown to a lot of parents.

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How To Help Your Toddler Cope With Asthma Attacks

Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease. Asthma attacks can impede with a toddler’s performance. But fortunately, there are plenty of ways parents can help their children cope with asthma attacks.

Control Asthma Symptoms

The first step is to control the symptoms. In order to do that, you have to know the symptoms of an asthma attack. Wheezing, coughing, tightness of chest, trouble breathing, shortness of breath, difficulty talking, bluish skin, flaring nostrils and fatigue are all signs of an asthma attack in children.

Avoid Common Asthma Triggers

Identify the triggers. According to the American Lung Association, asthma attacks are normally triggered by exercise, dust, smoke, cold air, mold, allergies (e.g. pet dander) and infections (e.g. the flu). Clean your home regularly. Stay away from people who smoke. Keep the family pet outside the house. Knowing what sets off the attack is a way of helping your toddler cope with the condition.

Educate Your Toddler

Asthma can be a terrifying condition for toddlers. Hence, it is important that you help your toddler understand what asthma is, how and why it happens and what steps he should follow to stop or prevent an asthma attack. During your next visit to the doctor, ask his pediatrician to explain his condition. Watch videos or read books about children with asthma. Try “The Lion Who Has Asthma” by Jonathan London or “Taking Asthma To School” by Barbara Mitchell. When your toddler understands his condition, he will be better equipped to deal with it.

Have An Emergency Inhaler On Hand

It is very crucial for a toddler with asthma to carry an emergency inhaler at all times in case of an asthma attack. This is a fast-acting medication that ease the spasms in the airway, making breathing easier.

Take Controller Medications

Controller medications are necessary for preventing asthma attacks. Inhaled steroid medication can be given to your toddler everyday using either a nebulizer (a battery or electric operated device that turns liquid medicine into a steam your toddler can inhale through a mask) or an MDI (a meter-dosed inhaler – a small spray can inserted into a long tube called a holding spacer which has a mouthpiece attached to it). Leukotriene (a chewable nonsteroidal tablet) may also be given for reducing inflammation.

Make sure controller medications are taken as prescribed by the doctor and that every family member, your toddler’s caregiver and teacher are aware of his condition and knows how to treat an asthma attack.

Encourage Physical Activity

Keep your toddler active. Exercise together. Play physical games. Enroll him in a soccer class. Go swimming. Asthma does not have to interfere with your toddler’s life. As long as he does not overexert himself, he will be fine. Using a bronchodilator before your toddler does anything active can increase airflow to the lungs, preventing an attack.

Eat Well

Make sure your toddler eats healthy. Include fruits and vegetables, dairy products such as egg, cheese and milk, fish, walnuts, whole grains, cereal, pasta, meat and poultry into his daily diet. Having a nutritious diet can help your toddler breathe easier, reducing bouts of asthma attacks.

There is no cure for asthma. But, with medical assistance and appropriate treatment, your toddler will be able to manage his asthma and function like other children.

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Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Asthma In Children

Asthma is probably the most common chronic illness which affects a lot of people, especially children. Thus, it is very important for parents to be well-informed about the causes, symptoms and prevention of asthma in children.

What causes asthma?

The exact cause of asthma is unknown. But, there are various risk factors for developing this health condition. The following are:

  • Family history
  • Exposure to allergens (e.g. air pollution, dust mites, animal dander, mold, pollen, second-hand smoke)
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Low birth weight
  • Poor family lifestyle

What are the signs of asthma?

Asthma symptoms may vary from period to period in the same toddler. The most common symptoms are:

Recurrent Coughing

Frequent coughing may occur at night or early in the morning (between 1 a.m. to 4 a.m.).


Wheezing is a piercing whistling sound a person makes while inhaling and exhaling, though the sound is more obvious when breathing out. Wheezing attacks occur more often during the early hours of the morning and while sleeping.

Breathing Difficulties

Your toddler may also experience sporadic shortness of breath, rapid breathing or shallow breathing after performing physically demanding activities such as playing, talking, walking, running, crying and laughing.

Chest Tightness

When your toddler’s airways become inflamed due to mucus and muscle constriction, his airway is unable to move air in and out of the lungs which leads to chest tension or “chest hurting”.


A toddler with asthma feels restless. He may lose his appetite, have less energy during play and feel weak or exhausted even when resting.

How can asthma attacks be prevented?

Avoid Exposing Your Toddler To Allergens

As much as you can, keep your little one way from allergens that trigger asthma attacks. Keep your pet and plants outside your home. Clean his toys, your home and change his bedding regularly to keep dust and mold from accumulating. Do not smoke or let your toddler near an individual who smokes.

Run A Humidifier

Install a cool mist humidifier in your child’s bedroom and in specific areas where he spends most of his time. A humidifier discharges water into the air, creating a mixture of air and water which keeps the atmosphere humid. The added moisture in the air helps regulate your toddler’s breathing. Just make sure you change the water frequently to prevent molds from developing.

Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Ensure your toddler gets plenty of sleep to boost his immune system. Offer a well-balanced diet. Limit the amount of dairy you serve and increase his fruit and vegetable intake. Get him to exercise by walking, swimming or doing yoga together.

Asthma Medications

Most asthma medications are safe for children. Your toddler may need an inhaler (Advair, Albuterol or Pulmicort Turbuhaler) or asthma nebulizer to treat airway irritation and bronchoconstriction. Make sure to ask for your doctor’s opinion first.

Regular Check-ups

Make regular appointments with your child’s pediatrician to check your toddler’s asthma status. The healthcare provider will examine your toddler’s history as well as the severity of his asthma in order to provide you with a care plan known as an “Asthma Action Plan” (right usage of asthma medications, what to do during severe asthma attacks and when to ask for emergency assistance).

Asthma cannot be cured, but, it can be controlled as long as you are aware about the disease, have regular check-ups and observe preventive measures, you can help your precious child grow up to be a healthy adult.

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