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Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids Lunchbox

A healthy diet is essential for children, especially those who go to school. However, it can be overwhelming to figure out what snack to prepare for your toddler every day. But, with a little creativity, any parent can pack a healthy snack for kids lunchbox without the fuss.


Sandwiches are a classic, filling and nutritious option for a toddler’s lunchbox. Instead of using white bread, use brown bread (either whole wheat or multi-grained), soft tortillas for wraps or pita pockets. You can try different sandwich fillings. Peanut butter, jelly, cheese, cubed chicken, corn, bacon, ham, thin slices of roast beef or turkey, tuna and grilled vegetables should do the trick. Toast the bread, remove the crusts and make mini sandwich shapes for a fun, bite size snack to eat.


Fruits are an ideal way to add sweetness to your toddler’s lunchbox. Cut up different pieces of fruit into cubes such as apple, apricot, banana, papaya, peach, pear, orange, strawberry, kiwi and watermelon. Combine all of them in a small plastic container to make it colorful. To make it even yummier, offer a tasty dip such as yogurt, cream or peanut butter. This will ensure you that your toddler gets his daily dose of fiber, protein, potassium and vitamin C even if he is in school.


Vegetables can be a tricky snack to give your little one. But, with a little creativity, you can get your toddler to enjoy this healthy snack. Veggies such as broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherry tomatoes and cucumber are popular snacks. Because toddlers love dipping their foods, do not forget to throw in a small container filled with low-fat ranch dressing to increase the taste factor.

Starchy Foods

Cereal, pasta, bagel, crackers, pretzels, almonds, sunflower seeds, muffins and energy bars are also great additions to your toddler’s lunchbox. Starchy foods are rich in carbohydrates which supplies your little one’s body with the energy it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, helping your child perform his best in school.

Snack Mix

Prepare a trail or snack mix your toddler can munch on. In a resealable plastic bag, add cereal, raisins, baked potato chips, popcorn, dried cranberries, peanuts, banana chips, tortilla chips, chocolate chips, etc. There are so many possibilities you can experiment with.

Sweet Treats

It will not hurt if you add one or two sweets into your toddler’s lunchbox. Low-fat pudding, yogurt, Jell-o, oatmeal cookies, granola bar, a slice of cake or any sweet he likes will satisfy your toddler’s sweet tooth.

Healthy Drink

Of course, a lunchbox will not be complete without a drink. Store a bottle of water, applesauce, white or chocolate milk, orange juice or homemade lemonade to keep your toddler hydrated throughout the day.

Healthy snacks need not be boring. The key is to know what your toddler likes to eat and to pack his snacks in an appetizing way so your preschooler can come home with an empty lunchbox.

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