Archive | Home Daycare

The Advantages of Home Daycare

Different daycare options are present for you to choose from, home daycare being the most popular. There are a lot of benefits both you and your toddler can get that are not offered in larger programs. The following are:

Incorporates Learning Through Play

At this point, your toddler’s willingness to study and learn in a serious setting is very low. A home daycare center provides a perfect balance between education and play. Lessons are done by holding entertaining activities like storytelling, role plays, fun puppet shows, painting and arts and crafts. Because of its casual atmosphere, your toddler gets to play as much as he wants without him noticing that he is learning new words, the alphabet, numbers and so on.

Enhanced Social Interaction

Unlike a daycare center where toddlers are grouped according to age, a home daycare have a mixed age-group. This provides a better opportunity for your toddler to meet and make friends with both older and younger children. It is able to provide a sense of family so your toddler is able to adjust properly with different people. A home daycare closely scenario’s a family wherein your little one learns how to comfortably deal with an elder toddler and how to care for a younger child.

Provides An At Home Setting

Home daycare’s were designed to make toddlers feel relaxed, not uneasy. Unlike regular schools, its ambiance is very light, colorful and welcoming which enables children to feel that they are in their own home. The center is fully equipped with items that are generally found in your own house. The change of surrounding will not scare your toddler. Instead, it will excite him.

Continued Routines

Habits are hard to break. With this child care provider, you no longer have to worry whether or not your toddler will feel confused with the changes going on around him. Home daycare’s are patterned to adapt with the needs and routines of children, not change them. Your toddler can play, eat lunch, take naps and go outdoors the same time he normally does on a daily basis. There is no employee turnover, so your child does not have to adjust to a different caregiver every few weeks. This gives him a sense of stability and enables him to grow a genuine bond with the caregiver as well as the other youngsters in her care.

Better Service

Home daycare regulates the number of toddlers they take in. The small group of toddlers (maximum of 10) assures you that they are capable of providing quality service. They are able to give one on one care and undivided attention which is essential so each toddler can thrive with ease. Special instructions are better accommodated especially for toddlers with special needs.

Healthier Environment

The more toddlers enrolled in a program, the more viruses are present. One of the best benefits of a home daycare is that the smaller size decreases the number of diseases spread to children. In addition, this provider is better in supervising toddlers’ hygiene practices – hand washing, use of soap, tooth brushing and wiping.

More Affordable and Flexible

Because it is not a commercial establishment, operation costs are reduced. Perfect if you are low on funds. They provide better pick-up and drop-off points. Plus, if you are a working parent with an erratic schedule, a home daycare can offer you more leeway. Since operating hours depends on the provider, extended time is given so your toddler can stay safe inside the center while waiting for you to arrive.

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Things to Consider When Searching For A Home Daycare Provider For Your Toddler

Childcare is very important that must be considered heavily. In the past few years, more and more parents are looking into the home day care option for their toddlers. It is already heart breaking to leave your toddler and go back to work. Thus, it is essential that you choose a toddler childcare provider that perfectly caters to your toddlers needs.

The decision to choose home day care than an actual day care center is now more favored since it scares parents to not know how their child is doing outside of their home. When it comes to choosing a home day care provider for your little one, it is important to consider two aspects – your budget and your toddler’s emotional and social demands.

What to Look For In A Home Day Care Provider

Home day care is all about keeping your toddler safe and secure through the guardian of a caregiver. Screening various home day care providers can be exhausting since you only want what is best for your tot. You need to know what to look for to make the situation easier. Here are the things you need to consider when selecting one:

1.) The guidelines

A good home day care provider must allow you to observe or check in at your own time. Check if the provider made an appointment to give you a consultation. It is essential that you can drop in with your toddler anytime you please. As much as possible, the home day care provider must have an open-door policy. The best places to start your search will be in your area. Check out classified ads in newspapers and magazines, the yellow pages or in your community resource center.

2.) The type of services it offers

It is important for you to be well aware of how home day care providers operate. It is best to call up each prospect and ask for a personal meeting. Inquire about the asking rate, hours, schedule and other important matters you want to ask. Pick the one you are most comfortable with. A good home day care provider must be eager and honest to answer any questions you have. Visiting your prospective home day care is also a must so you can see for yourself what activities goes on. This will also give you an excellent idea of how a caregiver will treat your little one.

There are also different rules set by providers, such as whether you need to provide snacks or meals, or if these are integrated in your weekly charges. Generally, providers include one meal, such as lunch and a snack in their fees. However, you will need to pack all of the basics for your toddler such as bottles, formula milk, diapers, extra clothes and the likes.

3.) The environment

You are entrusting your toddler to someone not close to you. So it is important to consider the surroundings of the home day care. Check whether the place is well kept, clean, tidy and child proofed. Observe how well cared are the other toddlers, whether they are happy and energetic. Pay close attention to how the caregivers treat the toddlers and how the toddlers respond to the caregivers, whether they like them or not. It is also necessary to check every area of the home day care. Take a tour and see the areas where your toddler will eat, sleep and play. If you find yourself enjoying the place, then most probably your little one will feel comfortable and safe in it too.

4.) The way they instil discipline to toddlers

Another very important factor to pay close attention is a home day care’s discipline style. How you discipline your toddler at home must also be the manner how the home day care provider disciplines your child. See to it that the provider meets and agrees your own discipline techniques.

5.) The feedback of the references

Always check for the home day care provider’s background and references. See if they have the right credentials, certification and papers. Check each of the provider’s staff. Each staff must be professionally well-trained and have the right qualifications. Check the provider’s listed references one by one. Contact each of them and ask about the home day care provider’s performance. To make it more secure, have it background checked by a professional. You need to be sure your toddler is in good hands while you are away.

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