Tag Archive | "toddler games"

Games That Teach Children About Money

Teaching children about money is very important. It is a skill that will benefit them for a lifetime. Here are some fun and easy toddler games that can help teach children about money.

Piggy Bank Game

Toddlers love putting coins in, whether in the meter or a piggy bank. Give your little one a piggy bank. Buy him a Money Savvy Pig piggy bank instead of a traditional one-slit piggy bank. A Money Savvy Pig is a see-through piggy bank with four slots – spend, save, donate and invest which allows your toddler to see that his money is really there. Each time you give your toddler allowance, say, if he gets $5 for a week, give him five $1 bills instead of a $5 bill. This will help him allocate how much money he wants to drop in each slot.

Sorting Game

Toddlers love sorting things, so let your little one pile your coins with this entertaining game. Write the numbers 1, 5, 10 and 25 in four clear plastic cups. Then, give your toddler your spare change and help him arrange those dimes, nickels, pennies and quarters into their corresponding cups.

Money Bingo Game

Money bingo is a fun substitute to the classic bingo game. This game teaches toddlers the value of currency. On every square, you will see a picture of a group of coins instead of a number. Ask your toddler to determine how much money is in each square. Encourage other family members to join to make this game more exciting.

Cash Register Game

Role play with your toddler by setting up a pretend grocery store or restaurant using empty food containers. Use play money to pay for the products and take turns buying or ordering items and working the cash register (you can buy one from your local toy store).

Payday Game

Payday is a classic board game of earning and spending money. Start by setting the number of months the players are going to play and then start budgeting. Your toddler will be able to learn a lot from this game since something happens every day such as paying bills, birthdays, going on trips and doctor visits. Your little one will have to pay all of his bills and see how much cash he has left. Your toddler might have some trouble playing this game at first so make sure you guide him.

Open For Business Game

Put up a mini store filled with snacks, inexpensive toys, stickers or tickets for weekend trips. Give your toddler chores for a week. Pay him with play money. Give him a dollar for picking up his toys, two dollars for making his bed, three dollars for setting the dinner table and so on. At the end of the week, ask your toddler to count how much many he made and then let him spend his cash to buy what he wants from the store. Your little one will surely enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Teaching your toddler about money can be tricky. But through these games, your toddler will learn the difference between a dime and a dollar and that money does not grow on trees.

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Toddler Games – Eight Best Applications For Preschoolers

Toddler games are an important part of a toddler’s development. With today’s modernity, more and more toddlers are using iPhones and iPads to play games. To make sure they are learning while having fun, download these popular applications designed for preschoolers.

Wheels On The Bus

Wheels On The Bus is based on an interactive nursery rhyme song designed to provide preschoolers hours of creative fun. It is available in 5 different languages. Your toddler can read the lyrics while touching various objects on the screen to open bus doors, make whooshing sounds by touching the windshield wipers, turn the wheels, pop bubbles and even make a dog bark. Your toddler can also change the settings to hear the instrumental version. He can choose from cello, kazoo, piano and violin. There is even a recording feature which will truly delight your little karaoke master.

Preschool Music

This application will help unleash the musician in toddlers. It features a virtual keyboard with 4 musical activities – an underwater percussion, rhythm game, compose a tune that is narrated by a jolly parrot and a silly group of parrots that sing music in the round.

Preschool Adventure

From the developers of Preschool Music, Preschool Adventure also has the same colorful and simple graphics but focuses on educational games. Your little one can learn basic shapes, count to ten and match colors. This application also includes a game that will teach your toddler animal sounds and noises. It has tons of bright, expertly drawn characters that will surely entertain your toddler for hours on end.

Etch A Sketch

Etch A Sketch is a classic toy you might have played with as a youngster. Your preschooler can now create works of art virtually. He can use his finger or use the knobs to draw, change colors using the paint palette, shake to erase and even save drawings and import photos. Plus, it has various games and puzzles that will challenge your preschooler’s drawing skills.

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox is an excellent way to introduce your toddler to colors, letters, numbers, shapes, counting and puzzle solving and matching. It has 6 different activities that is led by a cute monkey. Your preschooler can help the monkey stuff the lunchbox with fruit by solving the games. Once several activities have been completed, your toddler can select a cartoon sticker and tack it on a personalized virtual board.

First Words Sampler

In this game, your toddler is given a picture, the word illustrating the picture and jumbled letters. Your preschooler has to drag the letters to its corresponding place. This application teaches your toddler spelling, sounds, pronunciation and recognition.

Teach Me: Kindergarten

Teach Me: Kindergarten has 4 age-appropriate topics – addition, subtraction, sight words and spelling. You can choose subjects, difficulty levels and even pick a specific question. It is very easy so your toddler can play without asking for help. Your toddler can earn a coin for every 3 correct answers which can be used to purchase stickers to place in sticker scenes or to purchase fish to create a virtual aquarium.

Math Magic

Make Math easy and fun for your preschooler with this game. Math Magic introduces basic math concepts. It features a friendly voice that gently prompts preschoolers towards the correct answers and says “You can do it!” to encourage toddlers when they get the answer wrong. You can also set a timer to challenge your toddler and you receive a colored star for every 5 successful answers.

With these educational applications, your preschooler can spend plenty of time with your phone or tablet without feeling guilty about letting your toddler use them.

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Top Five Toddler Games For Messy Play

Toddlers love playing and they enjoy this activity more when mess is involved. Messy play is a part of childhood and is also a great learning tool. Here are five toddler games you must include on your toddler’s next play date.

Mud Pies

On a bright sunny day, go outside and make your own mud pies. Provide plastic spades, trowels, watering cans and containers such as aluminum foil pie tins and terracotta pots (to shape the pies) and some beads, sticks, rocks, flowers, leaves and other natural items to decorate the mud pies. Let the toddlers mix sand, dirt, potting soil and water to make the mud. Once they are done decorating, set the finished mud pies in the sun to bake.

Finger Painting

This is a classic messy game every toddler will love. Not only is finger painting a fun game but it also stimulates a toddler’s sensory and creative abilities. Prepare non-toxic washable finger paints in every color, cut-up sponge, bits of cloth and papers. Let the toddlers go crazy mixing paint with lots of water and letting them wash it onto their desired canvas. The children can use their hands, fingers and even their feet to create a masterpiece. Show them how you can use these prints to make pictures and patterns. Hang their artworks to dry and ask each toddler to give a brief explanation of his work of art. When it is time to leave, let the toddlers take them home as a souvenir of a fun and messy play date.

Mystery Piñatas

Use brown paper bags or dark-colored plastic bags to make piñatas. Place a different mystery item (they can be wet or dry items such as confetti, whipped or shaving cream or popped popcorn) in every bag along with some small gift items (e.g. stickers, eraser, keychain, etc.) or wrapped treats such as candies and chocolates and hang them to a tree branch or pole. Blindfold one toddler and give him a tennis racket or a small bat to smack the bag. Turn him around to make him a bit disoriented and then tell the toddler to swing at the bag. Once the contents of the bag fall, let the others gather around to get their prizes. After that, you can hang another piñata and repeat the game until every toddler has had the chance to take a swing.

Shaving Foam

Place a big storage tub or an inflatable pool in your garden. Give each toddler a can of shaving foam and let them squirt shaving foam into the container. You can add a few drops of food coloring to change the color and give them large plastic spoons or spades and a pail to play with. Or, they can just use their hands to scoop the slime.

Spaghetti Tag

Provide cooked spaghetti and start the game by giving a toddler a bag of spaghetti in his hands. He must tag others by making a piece of spaghetti stick to the players. Toddlers who are tagged must take out the spaghetti from their body and tag someone else with it.

These games may cause mayhem in your home and in children but messy play is a great way for toddlers to have fun while developing skills that are beneficial for their development.

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Fun Toddler Activities For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is not just for couples, this day is for toddlers too. Valentine’s day is a wonderful time to teach your toddler about love, gratitude and empathy. Here are some fun toddler activities to try this Valentine’s day that will surely keep the two of you busy all day long.

Valentine’s Day Kiddie Party

Nothing makes this special day more extraordinary by holding a party. Make a list of children you want to invite. Send Valentine’s invitation cards. Plan your menu, music as well as the activities the children will be doing. Together with your toddler, decorate the room with heart-shaped or red and pink balloons, whirls, wall accents, drapes and cupids.

Homemade Crafts

Nothing is cuter and sweeter than homemade Valentine’s crafts made by your little angel. Of course, the classic Valentines card should be on top of your toddler’s to-do list. Spice it up by buying plain card stocks, patterned paper, buttons, ribbons, strings, doily, stickers, markers and crayons and then let him embellish it as he fits. Write a sweet verse on the card or cute one-liners such as “You are my Valentine.”, “Sealed with a kiss.” or “Cute as a button.”. and then ask him to sign his name.

Another great idea is to create homemade refrigerator stick-ons. Paint small wooden hearts or ask your toddler to swirl and slap finger paints on a white poster board and let it air dry. Then, cut out heart shapes and attach a double-sided tape on the back of each one and write a quirky sentiment. Glue the magnet on the back and you have a charming tool to display notes and photos.


Now is the best time to indulge your toddler’s sweet tooth (and yours as well). Whip up a charming and yummy treat together. Find a sugar cookie recipe and use heart shaped cookie cutters to form a heart and then have him decorate them with anything his heart desires (red frosting, edible marker, sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc.). While you are at it, tell your toddler how much you love him or how you are thankful that he is doing well in school.

Sing A Song

While you are doing things together, why not belt out a tune. Choose a fun song and change the words to a specific name and so on. Here are some songs you can sing with your little one:

Be My Valentine (to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb)

You’re a special friend of mine,

Friend of mine, friend of mine.

You’re a special friend of mine.

Please be my Valentine.

Heart (to the tune of B-I-N-G-O)

There is a shape, it stands for love,

And heart is its name.

H-E-A-R-T (3x)

And heart is its name.

Play Games

A day before Valentine’s day, cut out a bunch of colorful hearts. Hide them around the house and ask your toddler to look for them the next day. You can make a collage and hang it in his room once he has recovered them.

Or, you can also play “Memory Game”. Paste multi-colored hearts with notes such as “I love you.”, “Be mine.”, etc. (make sure you make 2 of each) in index cards. Place them face-down and then ask your toddler to find their matches. Use a timer to make it more exciting.

Valentine’s day is one special day to create memories with your toddler. These ideas will make your bonding and expression of love even sweeter.

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Toddler Games That Teach Good Behaviour

Parenthood is a huge responsibility. One of the most important obligations you need to instil in your toddler is good behaviour. Fortunately, you can teach your toddler proper manners while having fun at the same time. How? By playing toddler games! Here is a list of good behaviour games to try.

Build A Train

Gather several large cardboard boxes. Provide a variety of art supplies – crayons, markers, stickers, glue, construction paper, etc. and ask each toddler to turn the box into a train car. After they are done decorating the outsides of their box, assist them in organizing the boxes one behind the other and then ask them to jump aboard for a make-believe train ride.

What It Teaches: Teamwork and Perseverance

This game encourages toddlers to work hard in order to generate a positive result. It also teaches the value of cooperation and creates a feeling of “oneness” as they help decorate each other’s boxes.

Blind Workers

Group the toddlers into 3 and assign a leader per team. Each team leader receives an object they are supposed to create (e.g. bridge, tower, etc.) and building materials. The team members are blindfolded so they cannot see the model they have to make. Then, the team leader will direct his teammates to copy the model using the provided materials by giving verbal directions to the members. The team that finishes first is declared as winners

What It Teaches: Leadership, Trust and Cooperation

This game effectively teaches toddlers the significance of giving accurate instructions, performing them correctly, improves leadership skills and promotes trust in children.

I Spy

This game is a great boredom buster. You can take turns spotting nearby objects and describing them. For instance, while you are driving to the grocery store, you can say “I spy with my eye something that is tall…”, then your toddler will try to guess the object by looking for it by following your description. Once he guesses it correctly, he gets to be the next “spy”.

What It Teaches: Patience

Everyone knows toddlers are very impatient because they have a short attention span. The I Spy game will teach your little one to be persistent and to wait courteously while others take their turn.

The Cheer Up Game

Draw a couple of faces showing different gloomy emotions (angry, sad, scared and crying) on large pieces of paper. Place them on a basket and ask the toddlers to take turns picking a face and then have them act out the feeling. For instance, an “angry” toddler can pretend to cross his arms or shout. Then, ask the other players to think of ways to help the “angry” child feel better. They can ask questions like “Why are you mad?” or console the “angry” child by giving the toddler a pat on the back.

What It Teaches: Compassion

This is a very important behaviour toddlers must learn. Through this game, toddlers are able to understand how it feels to be hurt and why it is very important to show respect and be kind to others.

Follow The Helpful Leader

Ask your toddler to follow the “helpful leader” (you). Lead him inside a messy room by singing a song, hopping or clapping. Then, start cleaning up. Make sure he is copying your actions. After a few minutes, switch roles. Your toddler will be the “helpful leader” while you are the follower. Once the room is clean, say “This room looks very tidy!”.

What It Teaches: Cleanliness

This teaches your toddler that he should be accountable of cleaning up his own mess and that tidying up can be fun. It will also motivate him to help in household chores.

Teaching your toddler good behaviour does not have to be complicated. All it takes is a little creativity and entertainment.

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Bath Time Games For Toddlers

Are you having a hard time giving your toddler a bath? Worry no more, these fun bath time games promise to entertain your toddler and end your crisis of getting him clean once and for all.

Go Fish

While your little one is sitting in bath water, why not play a fishing game? You can purchase a bath toy set (e.g. Munchkin Bath Toy Set or Sassy Catch N Release Net Bath Toy) or make your own marine-life collection by buying a small aquarium net for your toddler and some craft foam. Using the craft foam, cut different sea creature like fishes, starfishes, sea horses, dolphins and whales. You may also download and print a sea life template. Let the creatures float around the water and challenge your toddler to scoop up all of the fish or everything that is green.

The Card Game

Your toddler will need foam-like card like the Splashimals by Milliwik. He can get them wet, stick them to the wall and then help him name the animals one by one or ask him what sound each animal makes. This is a great game to boost your toddler’s enthusiasm to take a bath while improving his artistic, memory and reading skills.

Hello, Teddy!

Encourage your young one to shampoo his own baby’s hair (he may use a plush bath toy or an old teddy bear) while you are shampooing his hair. It is a very effective technique that will distract him while at the same time, make him more at ease with the hair washing process.

Bath Time At The Zoo

Gather all your toddler’s plush stuffed animals and have them join your toddler while you are giving him a bath. Tell him that the animals are dirty and are in need of some good scrubbing. Your toddler will truly have fun getting his stuffed animals squeaky clean.

Eye Spy

Wondering what is the simplest way to prevent soap from entering into your toddler’s eyes? Have him look up while you wash him. You can blow bubbles in the direction of the ceiling or stick a colorful poster on the ceiling.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Place an unbreakable mirror on the wall where your toddler will face. While you shampoo his hair, let him watch as you turn  his hair it into a Mohawk, a flattop, give him a pair of antlers or a pirate’s mustache.

Measuring Game

Place an assortment of plastic spoons, bowls, cups and other kitchen items in the bathtub. While you slather soap on his skin, have him pour and measure water using his tools. Then, ask him which items float, which ones go down or which holds more water better, the bowl or the glass?

Name That Body Part

Use washable crayons or markers to outline the different parts of your toddler’s body. Point out the markers in his body and ask your toddler to name as many parts as he can. After naming a part, rinse it off with a soapy washcloth until no marker is left.

These bath time games will surely keep you and your toddler laughing, making bathing stress-free for the two of you. So do not be surprised if he wants to take a second, third or fourth bath just so he can play these games again.

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Fun Backyard Games For Toddlers

In this modern time, it is very easy for toddlers to be glued in their iPad, Xbox or computer. Though they may be fun, they will never replace classic backyard games. Below are some fun backyard games that will guarantee you, your toddler and his friends a great time, a healthy body and a blissful spirit.


Toddlers love bubbles, even grown-ups do. Blow bubbles with your little one and have him catch, chase and pop them. You can buy bubble guns, automatic bubble makers or make your own bubbles to make this game even more fun.

Sidewalk Chalk

Buy a box of jumbo washable sidewalk chalk, place them in a bucket and let your toddler go crazy on your driveway and walkways. He can draw different shapes, animals, numbers, letters or anything he wants. Then, point out each doodle, name them one by one and let him repeat after you.

Obstacle Course

Invite your toddler’s friends over. Let them run through planks, crawl from corner to corner, hop or jump through hula hoops and walk with a ball in between their knees. This physical activity will get their body up and running and will leave them exhausted yet happy. But, do make sure that the course is age-appropriate and secure from any hazards.

Scavenger Hunt

Hide items in your garden and let the youngsters find them. You can hide easy to spot items such as toys and small items such as eggs, coins, leaves or markers to make it more challenging. Rather than making it a solo game, divide the toddlers into teams so they can look for the items together which teaches them the value of cooperation. Give the winning team a special prize and of course, prepare a consolation prize for the other team.

Mother May I?

Line up the toddlers side by side except the child who is the “caller”. Position the caller 5 to 6 feet away from the players. The caller will ask each player to take a number of steps towards him. Every player should ask “Mother, may I?” and then the mother (caller) answers “Yes, you may”. If the player does not ask permission after he gets his orders and takes the prescribed steps toward the mother, he will be sent back to the starting line. Whoever reaches the caller first is proclaimed the winner and new caller.

Follow The Leader

Assign one child as the leader. Let the others tag along in a line as the leader goes across the backyard. The players should sing “We are following the leader, leader, leader, we are following the leader anywhere he will go.”. The leader can take his followers around trees, through bushes or skip along a zigzagged garden hose. The followers must mimic the leader. Change leaders so everyone can try to be in front.

Freeze Tag

Appoint an “it” toddler. The “it” child must then tag the other children by patting them on the shoulder. The tagged toddler must remain at a standstill until another free child pats them. When the “it” child freezes all the players, the game is over and they can start again. The last person tagged will be the next “it”.

Soil Wildlife

Satiate your toddler’s curiosity by playing an inspector game. Provide your little one with a toy shovel, shallow dish, magnifying glass, notebook and pencil. Let him dig for decayed leaves, seeds, stones or soil around your garden, spread them in the dish and observe it using a magnifying glass. Help him record or draw his findings. This game will teach your child important lessons about nature.

These action-packed backyard games will leave your toddler breathless, sticky and happy – a feeling no computer game or tennis tournament in Wii can ever elicit.

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A Parent’s Guide To Kids and Video Games

Parents and kids do not always see eye to eye when it comes to video games. Stopping children from playing them is not an option. So in order for parents to successfully deal with this problem, they need to understand some things about kids and video games.

Why Children Love It

Children love immersion. They love getting their heads into things and stay with them for a long time. Video games have enticing graphics, fast processing speed and booming audio which makes them more alluring. Children feel they have control and freedom to do things they may not be able to do in the real world (race cars, play sports with pros, wrestling, etc.). In other words, video games give children a break from reality.

How Much Is Too Much?

Everyone knows that video games can be very addictive, even 30-year old individuals spend a lot of hours in front of the computer screen. Too much time spent playing video games have negative effects. Experts recommend that young children should only be allowed one to two hours of screen time per day. However, there are no magic numbers. The only way to strike balance in your toddler’s daily activities is to encourage a variety of activities that does not include the “screen”.

The Pros and Cons


  • Video games help sick toddlers. Absorption in a game diverts the mind from pain and discomfort, especially toddlers undergoing painful treatments.
  • Improves mental dexterity. A toddler’s ability to take on cognitive challenges is increased which enhances cognitive skills including organized thinking and pattern recognition.
  • Boosts hand-eye coordination.
  • Enhances awareness.
  • Better social skills. Video games promote teamwork. It also helps toddlers gain self-esteem.


  • Decreased interest for other activities and hobbies
  • Less socialization
  • Poor school performance
  • Health complications (e.g. fatigue, obesity, eye problems)

How To Supervise Your Child

Set A Schedule

Allotting a specific time for playing video games is the best way you can manage your toddler’s video game time. You may let your little one to play for 30 minutes to an hour. Having a schedule is very beneficial as it allows time for your toddler to complete assignments, chores, participate in other activities (arts, music and sports), play with other children, bond with the family and rest.

Screen Video Games

Letting a 4-year old play God of War or Grand Theft Auto is really inappropriate for his age. Choose video games according to your toddler’s interests or what you would like your toddler to be exposed to more. You do not have to necessarily choose educational games all the time. Games with colorful graphics, intriguing searches and a stress-free setting (e.g. Big Brain Academy, NBA and Little Big Planet) work just fine.

Set The Video Game System In The Living Room

Make playing video games a social, rather than a solitary activity. Set it up in your family room or somewhere you will be able to keep an eye on your little one while he is playing. This will make it easier for you to reinforce your rules and for your toddler to follow them.


Why not play a video game with your toddler? Children love it when parents play with them. If you do not want to play, just sit beside him and watch. This way, you get to model to your toddler the significance of family togetherness and proper time management.

In addition, introduce other fun activities you can do together like going for a walk or riding a bike, swimming, visiting a zoo, playing board games or working on puzzles.

Create A Reward System

Create a reward system where your toddler will have to work for video games. For instance, you can allow your toddler an hour of game play for an hour of chores or in exchange for good grades. This technique forces your toddler to make video games an extracurricular activity and to divert his free time in a way that will benefit him in the long-run.

Game play is not a bad thing. It is perfectly okay as long as there is parental involvement and you make it a bonus activity for your toddler.

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Kids On Computer – Ways To Make It Work

In this modern age, electronics have become an indispensable part of every individual’s life. Children at a very young age even know how to use computers. While computers can help shape the development of toddlers, there are some guidelines that parents should put in to place for kids on computer.

Delay Introduction

Hold off until your toddler is at least 9 months old. Children below 9 months do not have the physical skills to interact with the computer. Your toddler does not have the vision to clearly focus on the screen until he is about 6 months old. Plus, he will not be able to sit up without any support to enjoy the program while you do your work around the house until he is around 6 to 8 months old.

The best way to let your toddler use the computer is when he shows some interest. If your little one constantly points at your computer, bangs on the keyboard, watches you whenever you are using the machine or if he seems responsive (clapping, smiling and laughing), then go for it.

Choose Age-appropriate Programs

Adult games are too loud and violent for your little one. It is best to start with programs designed for young children. Visit online learning game websites such as Fisher-Price, NickJr., Learning Games For Kids, Funbrain, Sesame Street, Playhouse Disney, Starfall and Up To Ten.  They have lots of fun and educational games that teaches your toddler the alphabet, numbers, shapes, letter-sound relationships and many more that will surely be helpful for his development.

In addition, make sure that you choose websites with big, clear images so your toddler can easily comprehend what he is seeing.

Focus On Fun Instead of Learning

Generally, toddlers under 4 years old view the computer as another toy so there is no point pressuring your toddler to learn everything he sees in the computer. Instead, think of computer time as a way for you to reinforce your toddler’s skills.

Schedule Computer Time

It is very important that you set a time on how long your toddler can use the computer. For 1 to 2 year olds, they can access the computer for 10 to 15 minutes. For children ages 3 and above, they can use it for an hour. Children who face the computer more than an hour have lesser time available for doing developmental activities such as eating, dancing, singing, playing, sleeping and talking with other people.

Never Leave Your Toddler Unsupervised

Make the most out of computer time by making this an activity where you can bond with your toddler. This way, you will be there to assist your toddler, answer his questions and explain things he may not be able to understand. If you are unable to attend to your toddler while he is using the computer, ask a responsible adult to be with him. Never leave your toddler on his own. The internet is not safe for your toddler to explore and he can be exposed to things that may have a negative effect on him.

As you can see, computers are not entirely bad for your toddler. It can be beneficial for his physical, cognitive, language, motor and social growth given the correct guidance.

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Simple Games That Can Boost Toddler Development

Playtime is an imperative part of toddler development. For it is during this time when toddlers discover and understand themselves, the people around them and the world. Here are some fun toddler games to try.

Hide and Seek

Just as he liked peek-a-boo as a baby, your toddler will love to play simple games of hide and seek. Take turns hiding under the bed sheets or use a pillow to cover your face. To make it more exciting, you can gently prod your little one as he hides. When he is using a big bath towel to cover himself, say “I wonder if this is a leg or an arm?”. Games like this help educate your toddler that just because he cannot see something, it does not mean it is not there.

Let’s Pretend

Toddlers love to mimic their mommy and daddy. Play a game of make believe or do a role play by dressing each other up as a doctor, dentist or construction worker, using finger puppets, big cardboard boxes to become houses, trains and planes, toy gadgets (e.g. telephone and remote control) and housekeeping items (e.g. toddler-sized mop or vacuum, wooden toy tool kit, etc.). Do not forget to talk about what you are doing as this will help your toddler with his language skills. Do different facial expressions (be happy, sad, confused or worried) as well so he can learn about feelings and emotions while developing his imagination.

Stop Dance

Play interactive songs that allow your baby to do particular actions such as stomping like an elephant, tiptoeing so he will not disturb a sleeping lion or hopping like a kangaroo. After a few seconds of dancing, hit the pause button and make sure your toddler stays still, and resume playing the music. Not only is this game fun and easy, but it also enhances your toddler’s imagination, develops his sense of rhythm and builds up his stamina.

Clap Me Happy

By now, your little one can hold his hands open, but it may take some time before he can clap on his own. Clap them together for him or let him hold your hands while you tap them together. Sit him facing you on your lap or on the floor and sing clapping songs like Pat-A-Cake, Miss Lucy Had A Baby and Miss Mary Mack. These will improve his language skills as well as his hand-eye coordination.

Catch The Ball

Toddlers love playing with balls. Use a soft, foam ball to play catch. Both of you sit on the floor facing each other with your legs apart and toes touching, and start rolling the ball backward and forward to each other. This game promotes arm muscle strength and dexterity.

Block Party

Use his stacking toys to make simple patterns such as a square or a rectangle and encourage him to copy it. Help him stack all the blocks together to build a tower or allow him to make his own pattern. Sorting games will help boost your toddler’s problem-solving skills.

Little Treasure Hunter

Spend some time outdoors and give your toddler a short and exciting excursion. Go for a walk together and take his toy pail with you. Let your toddler collect small objects that interest him such as a huge stone, pine cone and dried leaves he found in the park or some seashells and sand he gathered during a trip to the beach. He will enjoy filling and dumping items in the bucket and at the same time, he gets to practice his hand movements. Being outdoors exposes your toddler to different places which helps him learn new concepts and vocabulary.

Make the most out of your toddler’s playtime by playing these simple games that help enrich his development. Both you and your toddler will have so much fun to even notice that he is learning.

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