Archive | Early Childhood Education

The Montessori Method of Education Is the Perfect Way to Get Success for Children

A particular teaching method becomes a contributor to success of kids based on its pillars of learning. Today, we uncover the Montessori learning methods and understand how and why it is the perfect way to bring success to your kids:

An environment without competition

In the Montessori classroom there is no competition, because each child works according to their level and rhythm, and individually with their material. The child relates only to his previous work, and his progress does not compare with other children.

Mixed Ages

The Montessori classroom teaching offers kids the opportunity to choose discount Montessori learning material, that is, the materials present different levels of difficulty as you progress through their presentations.

The child learns as he or she is interested in taking it from one level of difficulty to another. The fact of having mixed ages in the same room allows younger children to have a series of graduated models to imitate, and that older children have the opportunity to reinforce their own knowledge by helping children.


It is an essential element in an environment Montessori environment, for two main reasons: firstly, only in an atmosphere of freedom, the child may be disclosed. Since it is the duty of the educator to identify child development, contributing to it, one must have the opportunity to observe it in an environment that, as far as possible, is free and open. Second, if the child has within himself the pattern for his own development, this inner guide should be allowed to direct the growth of the child.

According to Maria Montessori, every child who is given freedom is at the mercy of their deviations and not at the command of their own will. He also believes that the freedom of children depends on the development of the previous construction of their personality, involving their independence, will and internal discipline.


It is a stage where the child spontaneously begins to choose self-discipline as a way of life. Children make their own choice of material, to achieve their own liberation as a person. It is a state characterized by activity, being a starting point. In this period the child makes creative use of his abilities, accepting the responsibility of his own actions and subjecting himself to the limits of reality.

The internal formation of the will develops gradually through the adaptation to the limits of a chosen task. Maria Montessori observed that children, through the process of Normalization, acquired an inner peace and an order that was reflected externally in self-discipline and obedience to the rules implanted in a classroom in which they participated.


While normalization is taking place in a child, rudeness and other similar unsociable deviations are disappearing and are being replaced by a social order that really works without the control and corrections of the adult leader being necessary. Thus, Dr. Montessori never equated good behavior with silence and immobility. He always pointed out that self-discipline must be acquired by them.

Montessori discovered that children had a natural impulse to work together, with cooperation and much harmony, without need or interest in rewards and punishments. Once free of the harmful influences of the environment, they operated in an orderly and disciplined manner.

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Tips For Teaching Your Child To Write

Teaching your child to write is no easy task. It is a process that needs to be nurtured through time. But, with your support, patience and determination, you and your toddler can accomplish this. Below are some tips to help you out.

Show It

The first step to encouraging your toddler to write is by writing yourself. Show your little one that writing is fun and important. Write lists, notes and letters in front of your toddler and read them out loud. Give him a paper and a crayon to encourage him to imitate you. Even if he is just scribbling, at least he is able to exercise his handwriting skills.

Provide Manipulative Activities

Make playtime educational by introducing your toddler to fun activities that help improve his manipulation skills. Play with clay. String Cheerios to a piece of yarn or string to make a necklace. Encourage him to construct things using his building blocks. Finger paint together. Help him use safety scissors to cut shapes from paper and pictures from old books and magazines. Doing these activities helps him practice finger and hand movements which helps enhance his manipulative and fine motor skills.

Introduce Writing Materials

After introducing him to activities that promote his writing skills, it is time to present your toddler with writing materials. Give him crayons, coloring books and dot-to-dot books. Keep paper and washable crayons and markers around the house so he can draw and doodle anytime he wants to. Teach your little one how to properly hold a pencil. Help your toddler draw shapes, lines and stick figures. Ask your toddler to write stories about the things he did that day. Let him write cards and notes during holidays and important events (e.g. birthdays, Valentine’s day or a letter for a sick friend). Let him write using sidewalk chalks or on a dry erase board. Praise him for a job well done. Stick his masterpieces to the refrigerator, the wall or frame them to recognize his great work. Be positive and resist the urge to make corrections.

Print Your Toddler’s Name

Keep your toddler interested to write by teaching him how to write his name. Guide his hands so he can write the letters of his name on a piece of paper. Better yet, print his name as an outline. You may use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Paint to do this. Just choose a large font, select outline and then print it. This will make it easier for your toddler to focus in between the lines while he follows the outline of the letters in his name.

Read Aloud

Reading is a very effective way to teach a toddler to write. Read a book every day. Pick out books that contain colorful images and bright, short phrases. Good examples are the alphabet and number book. Read these books to your toddler and repeat it. This will make it easier for your toddler to recognize the letters and numbers and soon start writing them.

Remember that learning should always be fun and exciting, and with the help of these methods, your toddler will learn how to write in no time.

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How to Make Your Toddler Ready For Kindergarten

Your toddler is old enough to start school. But, is he ready? To make learning effective, it is essential that your toddler is physically, mentally, emotionally and socially prepared. Getting your toddler kindergarten ready can be done by doing small things. As always, consistency will help him adjust and adapt easily to this new exciting stage in his life.

Starting school is one of the most imperative transitions in your little one’s life. Since school is a new environment for your toddler, he might still feel wary and anxious. Hence, it is your responsibility to ease his worries. Here are some easy tips you can apply to help your toddler get ready for kindergarten.

Preparing Your Toddler For Kindergarten

Boost Basic Skills

Your toddler must be physically prepared for kindergarten. Now that he knows basic skills, you need to exercise them to help improve his abilities. During his playtime, hold educational activities. Encourage him to draw, paint, write and read. Give him blocks and puzzles to help boost his problem solving skill. Incorporate physical activities during his playtime. Perform activities that let him practice how to climb the stairs, hop, jump, run, and walk with control.

Assign him to do simple household errands like putting his dirty clothes in the hamper, opening the mailbox, putting his toys back in the chest or setting the table. Make the most out of craft materials. Use clay dough, crayons, coloring books, paper, scissors and so on. This will build hand-eye coordination and increase his motor and fine motor skills. To make it extra fun for your toddler, do these exercises together. With your assistance, he will be able to learn more efficiently.

Exercise Basic Lessons

By now, your little one knows how to count, read the alphabet and distinguish shapes. Expand his mind by doing fun indoor and outdoor exercises. Each time you go to the grocery store, let him assist you in putting the items in the counter. Tally the items together. When outdoors, go to the park and let him enumerate the things he see. Hold a car counting contest. At home, use his blocks to identify colors or let him arrange it in size order.

Practice Independence

Your toddler needs to be aware by this time. Train him to memorize his basic information (e.g. his full name, age, address, name of parents and contact number) in case of any emergency. If he finds it difficult to remember all these information, leave your calling card in his bag or pocket. Teach him to clean up on his own. Train your toddler to do simple things without any assistance like reading his own name, dressing himself, tying his shoes, going to the bathroom, washing his hands and blowing his nose.

Improve Social Interaction

Your toddler will interact with a lot of children his age in kindergarten. Hence, introducing him to different people will prepare him to socialize well with his peers. Encourage your toddler to play outdoors. Invite his playmates over. Have an afternoon of movie marathon. Round up your neighbors’ kids and do fun-filled activities such as a puppet show or an arts and crafts workshop. Divide them into teams. Or, you may enroll him in a sports class or summer camp. This will train him to be comfortable working with a team. Plus, he learns how to socialize and deal with different personalities. He learns the value of giving, sharing and listening.

Visit The School

To ease out the fear of your toddler, take a tour of his soon-to-be school. Visit a couple of weeks before his school starts so he is able to get a good feel of this new environment. Introduce him to his teachers. Attend the orientation seminar together. Let him play in the school’s playground so he gets to socialize with other toddlers. Stop over classrooms, libraries and other parts of the school building.

Have a Heart to Heart Conversation

While yes you are also anxious for his first day in kindergarten, never express your anxiety to your toddler. This will only scare him and increase his panic. Share your own happy kindergarten memories. Explain to him why he needs to go to kindergarten. Tell him about all the fun activities he can do every day, the friendly teachers, the friends he will make, his Justice League school bag and the supplies he will be using and finally, the food he wants to eat for lunch and snack time.

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How Early Childhood Education Affects Your Toddler

Education is anyone’s stepping stone to success. For toddlers, they spend most of their time learning. At a young age, they are immersed in their surroundings as well as the people around them. But, learning is beyond playing. That is why, your precious one needs an upbeat early childhood education which he can benefit from in the future.

Early childhood education is becoming more customary these past few years. Parents are more encouraged to give their toddlers early education due to the fact that this program is an excellent helping hand as they begin their schooling.

The Pros of Early Childhood Education to Your Toddler

Prepares Your Toddler’s Mind For Formal School

Going through early childhood education allows your toddler to jump-start his learning for his preschool and elementary days. This program also serves to be the perfect ground for his preparation to formal education. Since early education is all about incorporating learning and free play at the same time, your toddler gets to develop and increase his social, cognitive, fine motor and mental skills at an early age. When school time comes, he will no longer be shocked or have a hard time adjusting to his new environment.

Improves His Overall Skills

At this age, your toddler needs all the assistance he can get to help him master reading and writing. Early childhood education consists of numerous reading and writing activities. Interactive stories helps your toddler how to read and how to comprehend properly. He also learns how to distinguish basic lessons such as the alphabet, animals, numbers, colors and shapes. During art class, your toddler gets to enhance his writing. He is able to do different arts and crafts which can help bring out his capabilities. In addition, your toddler will be able to pronounce simple words correctly and increase his vocabulary.

Plus, all the free play activities give him the opportunity to develop his fine motor and motor skills which develops dexterity and coordination skills. Not only is his mind nourished but as well as his body.

Enhances His Social Interaction Skills

Early childhood education introduces toddlers to other toddlers. Since this program is mainly about educational play, your toddler gets to appropriately relate with his peers. Your little one gets immersed with children his own age. This is beneficial because it will allow him to learn the value of sharing, taking turns and listening. Being socially competent also allows him to function better during his teenage and adult years. He adapts a more cheerful, positive and friendly personality which are essential in building relationships with others.

Patterns Your Toddler’s Educational and Personal Success

Early childhood education gives your toddler consistency which is imperative in building a solid foundation for his education. He gets to learn good habits and form patterns which helps your little one accomplish immense educational success. As his second mentor, the values you instil in him will be strengthened by the people (teachers) assisting your child. This helps develop his personality and mold his character.

Having an early childhood education produces a strong foundation for your child’s learning. It helps mold your toddler’s development – from the physical, emotional, mental and cognitive aspect, you can be sure each area is covered.

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