A toddler in the midst of a fit might be too hard to control. But even if it is impossible to stop your toddler from ever having a tantrum, there are many things you can do to prevent them. Here are some parent-tested tips on how to prevent toddler tantrums.
Identify The Triggers
What sets off your toddler to have a meltdown? The first step on how to prevent toddler tantrums is to figure out what sets off the behaviour so you can stop it before your toddler dissolves into a full-blown tantrum. For instance, avoid bringing your little one with you when you shop if you know he will just beg and whine for toys and treats. Choose restaurants with a quick service. Make sure your toddler is well-fed and well-rested before going to grandma’s house.
Give Your Toddler Choices
Giving your little one freedom to make his own choices gives him a sense of control which children constantly crave for. This is a very effective technique to prevent toddler tantrums. Substitute direct commands. Instead of saying “Put on your pajamas right now.” (which often sets off a battle), say, “Do you want to brush your teeth or put on your pajamas first?” or “Would you like to wear your blue pajamas or your white pajamas?”. Do not forget to compliment your toddler for his choice.
Encourage Your Toddler To Use Words
Most often, tantrums occur because a young child is unable to express his thoughts and feelings which make a toddler feel helpless. Teach your little one to say or sign words such as “hungry”, “sleepy”, “hurt”, “I want.” and “more”. The easier your toddler can communicate with you, the lesser the chances you are to struggle with tantrums.
Establish A Daily Routine
Toddlers thrive when there is consistency. Thus, it is very essential that you create a daily routine, including mealtimes, naptime, bedtime as well as everyday activities. See to it that you stick to the routine as much as possible. Having a routine helps your toddler know what to expect, giving him a feeling of security which in turn minimizes toddler tantrums.
Keep Your Toddler Busy
Plan active and quiet times for your little one. If you notice your toddler has been playing outdoors or around the house for quite some time, invite your toddler to sit quietly and read a story or finish a puzzle together. If you think your toddler has been cooped up in the house for hours, play active games, ask him to help you with household chores or take a walk around the neighbourhood to get some sun and fresh air.
Give Warnings
If there is any change of plans or activity, make sure you notify your toddler beforehand. For instance, before you pack up the toys or leave the playground, give your little one a 3- to 5-minute warning. Say something like, “We are about to leave in 5 minutes. It is almost time to say goodbye.”, “We will be cleaning up your toys in a while. After we pack them up, let us head to the kitchen and have a snack.”.
Provide Distractions
If you feel your toddler is about to have an outburst, try to distract your toddler. Play a new game. Go to the next room. Sing a song. Talk about anything under the sun. Be silly and make funny faces. It also helps to teach your toddler calming exercises such as counting to ten, taking a deep breath, going for a walk or writing.
Praise Good Behaviour
One way how to prevent toddler tantrums is to give children credit for their good behaviour. Give your toddler a big hug, kiss or a pat on the back for behaving well. Say “I am so happy you behaved in the restaurant.” or “Thank you for following mommy’s instructions.”.
Be A Good Example
Most importantly, there is no better technique how to prevent toddler tantrums by setting a good example for your toddler. If you shout when you are angry or frustrated, then expect your toddler to act the same way when he gets upset. Stay calm and be mature when dealing with difficult situations. Your toddler will see this and will most likely emulate the behaviour.
Toddler tantrums are normal. After all, it is a toddler’s way of expressing and experimenting with feelings. But, these preventive measures are very important in helping a toddler learn how to control emotions and display good behaviour.