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Tips For Developing Leadership Skills In Children

What are some ways to teach leadership to children? Leadership is a skill that can be taught to children sans the pressure and guided through the process at their own pace. Developing leadership skills in children begins at home. The following are simple steps on how parents can develop leadership skills in children.

Hone Your Toddler’s Communication Skills

Good leaders are good communicators, and this can be achieved by teaching your toddler early. Work on your toddler’s reading and speaking. You can do this by reading something to your toddler and then asking him to narrate the story back to you. If he knows how to read, ask your little one to read you a book. Hold conversations with your toddler. Ask him anything under the sun – how his day was, what he did, his thoughts about the movie you watched together, events, etc. In addition, teach your toddler to talk in a calm and courteous manner and to listen carefully when someone is talking.

Promote Independence

Allow your toddler to do things for himself. If he says he can do it, let him do it. Give your toddler responsibilities by giving him age-appropriate chores such as setting up the table, making his bed and sorting clothes. Even if you might have to redo them, at least you are giving your child an opportunity to flourish. Also, encourage independent play. This is an excellent way to encourage your toddler to look for ways to entertain himself instead of providing him a solution.

Encourage Your Toddler To Volunteer

One effective way to develop leadership skills in children is to train your toddler to volunteer. You can encourage this by letting your toddler make decisions. For instance, he can take part in deciding what to eat for dinner, help plan a weekend trip or choose new sheets and linens for his bed.
Furthermore, why not do community service together. Visit soup kitchens, animal shelters and homeless shelters. Or, why not organize an outreach program or a garage sale and donate your earnings to charity. These experiences will help empower your toddler and teach him how to have a positive impact on others.

Hone Your Toddler’s Talents

Another very good way to instil leadership skills in children is to nurture their talents and interests. If your toddler loves to play basketball or likes playing the piano, enroll him in a class. Pursuing something he is passionate about will make him feel comfortable and later take on a leadership role.

Increase Social Interaction

The best way to practice leadership skills in children is through exposure. Organize play dates with other moms in your neighbourhood. Let him spend more time in the playground. Sign him up for art or singing lessons. By surrounding your toddler with people, you are giving him an opportunity not just to lead but to learn teamwork.

Let Your Toddler Express Himself

Encourage your toddler to express himself. When a child is free to voice out his thoughts, ideas and opinions, he feels more confident. You can help by encouraging him to speak out. But, do not disregard angry outbursts or impose silence. Instead, recommend alternative ways of self-expression. Learning how to speak tactfully and assertively are two traits of becoming a good leader.

Give Praise

When your little one accomplishes something, do not forget to praise it whether it is getting a high score in his assignment, learning how to tie his own shoes or writing cleanly or reading faster. You might say, “I am so proud of you that you know how to tie your shoelaces without any help!”. In your toddler’s young age, small steps mean a lot and he will feel good with his achievements. When he feels good, he builds up his self-esteem which is essential to developing leadership skills.

Teach By Example

Keep in mind that whatever parents do, children follow. Your toddler is your best imitator so whatever you say or do, he will surely mimic. Be the type of leader you want your toddler to be by being your toddler’s role model. Be involved. Help others. Volunteer. Take initiatives in everyday life. Explain to your toddler what you are doing and the reason why you are doing it.

Being a leader is not something innate, it has to be taught and nurtured. Every child has the potential to develop leadership skills. Hence, it is imperative for parents to develop leadership skills in children to guarantee them a brighter future.

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How To Help A Child With Anxiety

Toddlers are at a point in their lives where they are discovering new things. However, these discoveries can be frightening for a young child. Here are some effective tips on how to help a child with anxiety.

Respect Your Toddler’s Feelings

Recognize your toddler’s fears. Telling your toddler to stop being anxious or worrying about his fears does not help at all. It will only increase his uncertainties and make your toddler feel like he is doing something wrong by feeling anxious. Let him know it is normal for a person to feel bad or terrified of something and at the same time reassure your little one that you will stay by his side to help him conquer these fears.


Listening is a skill every parent needs to learn. Listen to your child as he narrates his nightmare about a three-eyed giant with small feet or how uneasy he is meeting his classmates for the first time. Listening is a very effective technique used to help a child with anxiety. Plus, by getting your toddler to talk, you might be able to identify the source of his fear. For instance, you might find out that his fear of the water is actually a fear of sharks, which, you can clarify, do not live in pools.

Help Your Toddler Identify Feelings

Another way on how you can help a child with anxiety is to teach your little one how to recognize his feelings. Help him name different emotions. Demonstrate how others express their fears by saying “I’m scared.” or “Please do not leave me alone.”, avoiding eye contact, raised eyebrows, flared nostrils, wide eyes, tightly clenched mouth, lip biting, busy hands, butterflies in the tummy, quick breathing and distance.

Stick To Routines

Routines are very important for toddlers because they thrive on consistency. Follow his morning and bedtime routine as much as possible. This way, even if there are some changes, he still has something customary to look forward to which helps alleviate his anxiety.

Provide Distractions

Do something your toddler will enjoy. If he loves being active, go outside and play a game of tag or hide and seek. Go for a run around your neighbourhood. Go to the playground so he can spend time with other children. Help him finish jigsaw puzzles. Doing things he is interested in provides a feeling of comfort and security. But, make sure you do not overschedule or you will end up overwhelming an already anxious child.

Teach Your Toddler Relaxation Techniques

Unwinding is also a very effective activity that can help a child with anxiety. Play some soft music and ask you toddler to lie on the bed. Read books together. Teach him to count to ten and to take deep breaths. Do these 10 minutes each day and watch your toddler’s tense muscles let loose.


Spend time with your toddler. Cuddle him in your lap. Give him a big hug. Talk about happy things. Tell your toddler you love him and show him you have faith in him by saying “I know starting preschool is tough, but I am very sure you will find a way to handle this.”.

Most of all, set a calm example. This is the most important thing you can do to help a child with anxiety. Keep your emotions in check. When you are relaxed, your anxious child will feel your calmness and this feeling will rub off on him.

Posted in Development, Emotional DevelopmentComments (0)

Social Development In Children – When A Toddler Feels Left Out

It is truly sad to see your toddler hurt and upset because he was ignored by his friends or excluded from playing a game. But, rejection is a normal part of the social development in children. Here are some ideas to help you ease your toddler’s pain.


As a parent, it is your obligation to be there for your toddler. Be patient and compassionate. When your toddler comes home crying because he did not get invited to his classmate’s birthday party, stop whatever you are doing, sit down together, let him talk and listen calmly and quietly. Being there for your toddler is the best way to reassure him that you will always be his friend, no matter what happens.

Know The Reason

Try to find out the reason behind the rejection and then explain it to your toddler. Was it because the celebrant was only permitted to invite a small number of guests or your toddler is not very close to the birthday celebrant unlike his other classmates? It is important to empathize with your child but it is also very crucial that you help your little one keep everything in perspective so you will not encourage your toddler’s depression or make him feel victimized. Help him think sensibly so he feels motivated to make his own decisions on how to handle rejection.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

It hurts to be left out and this can leave you with a wounded ego. Thus, it is important that you remind your toddler of all the unique traits he has. Spend more time with your toddler than usual. Make it a point to tell him that you love him and you are proud of him.

Model Social Practices

Not everyone is a social butterfly. But, you can help your toddler be more sociable by being friendly yourself. Make an effort to connect with your friends. Help out at your neighbourhood’s fundraising event. Invite your relatives to your home for dinner every week. If you are connected with the people around you, your toddler will also make an effort to be like you.

Offer An Outlet

Help your toddler deal with rejection positively. Have him join a playgroup. Enroll him in a class he is interested in so he can interact with other children who have the same interests as his. Encourage your child to be a volunteer at the animal shelter. Anything that will bring your toddler positive feedback will help boost his confidence and stop your toddler from thinking that there is something wrong with him.

Allow Venting

Most importantly, let your toddler throw a tantrum. Allow your toddler to feel sad, hurt or mad for being left out. Let him cry or stomp for a few minutes. Once he has calmed down, give him a big hug and help him think of ways to ease his grief.

Being left out is a part of life. It can be difficult to handle, especially for a young child. But by giving your toddler tools to cope with rejection, you will teach your toddler to be himself, whether he is accepted or left out.

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Myths and Facts About ADHD In Children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is a condition that affects millions of children worldwide. It has been a subject of constant debate for many years and there are plenty of myths and facts that surround this topic. This article will give you a better idea of what ADHD in children is really all about.

Myth # 1: Children can outgrow ADHD.

Fact: In most cases, children do not outgrow ADHD especially when left untreated. However, studies show that early intervention (therapy, a structured environment plus medication) can help reduce the symptoms gradually. But, early intervention cannot completely eliminate the condition. A child’s hyperactivity and impulsive tendencies may be gone when he reaches his teenage years but the inattentiveness remains.

Myth # 2: There is no known cause of ADHD.

Fact: It is true that the exact cause of ADHD is still unknown, although experts suggest that ADHD is hereditary. If one or both parents of a toddler are diagnosed with this condition, there is a 70% chance that the toddler will have it too. Other causes include – exposure to lead, pesticides, smoke, alcohol and drugs (during pregnancy). Although many parents believe that eating too much sugar and junk food can cause ADHD, there is no evidence that food additives can increase higher activity levels.

Myth # 3: ADHD only affects boys.

Fact: There is no proof that boys are more likely to be affected. However, detecting ADHD is easier on boys since girls are only diagnosed with ADHD later in life, particularly once they start elementary.

Myth # 4: Toddlers with ADHD are not as smart as toddlers without the condition.

Fact: A toddler with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder develops certain parts of the brain 3 years later than those without ADHD. Hence, it is trickier to teach a child with ADHD because he has difficulty focusing long enough for the information to sink in. The child may also have trouble remembering and writing words. But, this does not mean he is lazy or less intelligent. In fact, it is believed that many famous people have ADHD.

Myth # 5: ADHD is a result of bad parenting.

Fact: ADHD is a biological disorder. Poor parenting skills are not liable for causing ADHD in children. But sadly, a lot of parents blame themselves as the reason why their children are diagnosed with such condition.

Myth # 6: ADHD medications are ineffective.

Fact: Majority of children with ADHD respond well to stimulant medication combined with forms of behavioural therapy. This medicine turns on neurotransmitters in the brain that control attention and impulsiveness.

Myth # 7: ADHD medications are dangerous.

Fact: Stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall are proven to be safe for children. It is also not true that children under ADHD medications are more at risk to take drugs as teenagers. In addition, the side effects of these medications can be reduced by doctors by lowering the dosage or switching to another brand.

The first step to understanding ADHD in children is separating fact from fiction. Use this information to serve as your guide.

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Handwriting For Kids – Six Steps For Better Handwriting

Is your toddler having problems with his handwriting? Here are some tips on handwriting for kids you can follow to help improve your toddler’s penmanship.

Develop Fine Motor Skills

Practice your toddler’s grip by encouraging him to manipulate objects. Finger paint, use a hose to mist the plants, have him hold a spoon and fork or do craft projects that involve beads, beans, rice and shells. These activities help build your toddler’s fine motor skills and hand muscles essential in handwriting.

Have The Right Tools

Having the right writing tools can help hone your toddler’s handwriting. If he is struggling with a regular pencil, try a jumbo-sized pencil or better yet, a golf pencil which is smaller and lighter. A good eraser will be handy for erasing mistakes. Raised line papers will help your child learn correct sizing while alphabet books and tracing papers are great for outlining letters which helps him learn proper letter formation. In addition, supply your toddler with fun accessories such as pencil toppers, crayons, colored pencils, scented markers, gel pens and doodle pads to help him associate writing with fun.

Teach Proper Grip and Posture

Proper grip and posture are necessary in having a good handwriting. Show him the right way to write by sitting up straight and gripping the pen an inch from the tip. Index finger should be on top and the thumb underneath. The pencil should rest on the third finger and his non-writing hand must be at the top of the paper to keep the paper in place while elbow must be out and lightly resting on the table. After which, ask him to copy what you did.

Spot The Problem

Know the problem. Is your toddler having a hard time sizing letters, forming letters or lining words on the page? Knowing where your toddler is having the most difficulty is important so you know where to concentrate on.


Practice makes perfect. Start by making him write letter in groups of six. Ask him to make a set of swirls like cursive lower case “e’s”. Show him how punctuations are used in sentences. Ask your little one to write things for you. Dictate reminders, your home address, telephone number, shopping list. Write on a foggy mirror or give him a stick so he can write on a patch of mud. Another great idea is to help him write a letter or a short story. Giving him a diary is also a good technique to encourage your toddler to write.

Play Games

Hone your toddler’s spelling ability by playing fast-paced games. Take turns thinking of words that end with “-ight” or “-tion”. Play simple word puzzles, a game of hangman or anagram or ask him to jot down the things he sees in your home. See how many your little one can write correctly.

Most importantly, do not pressure your toddler too much if he still writes his “B” backwards even if you have been practicing for a week. Give him time and encouragement. Once your toddler gets the hang out of it, it will stick with him permanently.

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How Learning A Foreign Language Helps Boost Toddler Development

The early years are the most important years of a toddler’s life since it is during this time when learning patterns are best established. Learning a foreign language is one way to increase toddler development. Here are some of the benefits it brings.

Helps Toddlers Develop Intellectually

Many researchers have said that although learning a foreign language is effective at any age, the human brain is more open to learning a new language from birth to toddlerhood. Hence, the reason why a 4-year old child can better absorb the sounds and intonations of a new language as compared to a 12-year old child. In addition, learning two or more languages can boost certain crucial brain functions. In fact, it has been proven that children who grew up speaking two languages are better at “executive function” – an important skill that helps people focus, pay attention, plan and make decisions.

Enhances Language Skills

Introduction of foreign languages helps a toddler build his vocabulary which in turn increases the child’s reading aptitude and generates new ways to be communicative. Moreover, learning a foreign language greatly benefits a toddler’s communication and oral expression. Grammatical formation, memory and listening skills are improved which helps enhance a toddler’s cognitive abilities. In addition, teaching a toddler to speak a foreign language before he reaches 10 years of age increases the chances of the child to develop native-like pronunciation (speak the language like a native).

Encourages Better Understanding of Other Cultures

As a toddler discovers a new language, he is also exposed to beliefs, cultures and traditions which are different from his own. Instead of shutting out another language, he gains better awareness of not just his own individuality but also of others which helps a toddler become well-rounded.

Improves A Toddler’s Personality

Research has also proven that toddlers who are bilingual are more creative and seek various ways to resolve problems aside from having tantrums and displaying aggressive behaviour. They are capable of thinking outside the box because they have been exposed to different points of views and languages.

Helps Toddlers Excel In Academics

According to a recent study conducted, toddlers who continue learning concepts in their native language while at the same time learning a foreign one perform better academically than children who only learn American English. This is because bilingual children have developed better concept structure, systematic skills and cognitive flexibility – skills that are important in providing academic success. As a result, the toddler will be able to build a strong educational foundation that will be of great help once he enters higher education.

Learning a foreign language offers plenty of benefits to children. Thus, honing your toddler to be bilingual is valuable for his development. Start early. Expose your toddler to native speakers by letting him talk to an aunt who lives in Spain or an Italian neighbour. Read books and watch shows that teach children various languages and practice speaking them at home to help reinforce your child’s brain.

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Speech Delay In Toddlers

Your toddler is 2 years old and still is not talking. Though he can say a few words, he cannot put whole sentences together unlike his playmate. Is this something you should worry about? Here is what you need to know about speech delay in toddlers.

Types of Speech Delay

There are 2 kinds of speech delay – expressive and receptive delay. Expressive speech delay is the inability to produce speech while receptive speech delay is the inability to comprehend and decode the words of others. In some instances, children may both have these types together (mixed expressive or mixed receptive speech delay), hence, they are incapable of generating any sound or speech.

Causes of Speech Delay

A lot of factors can cause speech delay in children.

  • Oral Impairment – Problems with the tongue, having a cleft palate or an extra fold beneath the tongue can restrain tongue movement to produce speech.
  • Developmental Disorders – Autism, mental retardation, PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) and auditory processing disorder (dysfunction of the central nervous system which results to a difficulty in identifying and understanding sounds) are also one of the major causes of speech delay because a toddler’s brain is still immature delaying the child’s ability to grasp, study and create speech.
  • Hearing Problems – Toddlers with hearing problems such as chronic ear infection can also suffer from speech delays. This is because they are unable to hear words and sounds to emulate them properly.

Spotting The Problem

If you are concerned about your toddler’s speech development, here are some warning signs you should watch for:

  • Does not use gestures such as waving, shaking and pointing
  • Prefers gestures over words to talk
  • Does not use consonants
  • Unable to speak at least 1 to 3 words
  • Unable to follow basic instructions (e.g. asking your toddler to hold an object or point at various body parts)
  • Does not imitate actions or words of others
  • Cannot join 2 words together
  • Has a strange tone of voice (raspy or nasal sounding)
  • Parents or caregivers have trouble understanding half of a toddler’s speech

How Parents Can Help

Read To Your Toddler

Reading is the foundation of speech and language development. Read to your baby on a daily basis. Stick to picture books to encourage your little one to focus while you name the pictures. Help him imitate the actions and point and identify the pictures.


Communicate with your toddler as much as you can. Sing, ask questions, inform him about your activities, explain to him what you are doing while cooking dinner or cleaning a room. Make sure you speak clearly and loudly and use simple words. Each time your toddler talks, reiterate and expand what he says. For instance, if he says “Mama, ball.”, say, “Yes. That is a big, red, bouncy ball.”. Then, have him repeat the words slowly.


Provide your toddler tons of positive reinforcement whenever he talks. Doing so boosts his confidence and will make him more motivated to try again.

Get Help

Consult with a speech-language pathologist. This specialist can give you a precise evaluation about your toddler’s condition. The doctor can also suggest speech therapy sessions to help improve his speech.

Be patient. Do not pressure your toddler to talk. Give him time to say what he wants to say. Sooner or later, your toddler will improve and start gabbing unceasingly.

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How To Get Your Toddler Talking

Toddlers do not pick up verbal skills at the same time. Some love making conversations while others do not talk very much. If your toddler belongs to the latter, here are some tips to help you get your toddler talking.


Spend plenty of time talking to your toddler. If your toddler says “ball”, give him the ball and say “Yes, this is a ball. A big, red, bouncy ball.”. This is called language expansion which helps your child learn more words. The more words he knows, the more motivated your toddler will talk. Describe what you are doing while you fix him a meal or give him a bath. Keep your sentences brief and simple. Talk slowly and clearly. Ask your little one simple questions such as “Do you want some milk?” or “What do you want for dinner?”. Every night before bed, ask him to rehash his day – what he did, who he was with, where he went and so on. Do not worry if your toddler still stutters while he speaks, this exercise will help him become a word expert sooner or later.


Do not just talk, but listen to your toddler. Research shows that it is important to let children have the floor. Listening and attention gives reassurance. So every time your toddler tries to talk to you whether he is babbling, singing or engaging in sound play, pause for a moment, face your toddler and listen to what he has to say.


Read to your toddler every day. This activity is the most effective way to teach your little one new words and proper sentence structure. Go for pop-up books, touch and feel books and other short books filled with colorful illustrations to capture his attention. If he cannot sit through reading a whole book, focus more on describing the pictures rather than reading every word.

Or, once you start reading the story, pause occasionally and ask him to fill in the blanks. Have him repeat after you so he can work on the pronunciation of new words. Better yet, ask him to come up with his own ending of his favorite bedtime story.

Play Word Games

Play word games with your toddler. After you sing a song, ask him to slowly repeat the lyrics with you so he can hear each word clearly. Play “I Spy” whenever you and your toddler are out of the house. Point out fascinating things you see such as “I spy a big blue truck.”. Give your toddler a toy telephone to get him talking. Pretend to talk to grandma and then give the telephone to your toddler and encourage him to gab away.

Encourage Social Interaction

Toddlers are encouraged to talk more when they are with children their age. Plan a play date with your friend or neighbour’s toddlers. Enroll your little one in a class he is interested in. Put him in a daycare center. Not only will he be able to practice his conversation skills but he will also hone his social skills.

Toddlers love to gab. So do not worry too much if your toddler does not talk as much as his peers. Just keep it casual and do not pressure him. In time, your toddler will badger you with a million questions every minute of the day.

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Activities That Boost Emotional Development In Children

Raising children entails nurturing all aspects of their development, and one of those is their emotions. Here are simple but fun activities to enhance the emotional development in children.

Play Dates

Give your toddler a chance to learn cooperative play by joining play dates. Better yet, organize your own play date and ask your neighbour’s kids or children of your relative and friends to come over your house. Provide them with structured yet entertaining activities such as an arts and craft project, decorating cookies, playing with clay, make-your-own pizza or a puppet show. Play dates allow toddlers to practice social interaction which help them hone their emotional skills (respect, sharing, listening, taking turns, etc.) that are helpful in building friendships.

Play Games

Play games with your toddler that will require him to wait for his turn and follow directions such as rolling or kicking a ball back and forth, Memory game, Noisy Animals, Bounce, Balloon Fun and Following Directions.

Household Chores

Assign your toddler things to do at home. It can be as simple as making his own bed, putting clothes in the dryer, setting the table, feeding the family pet or watering the plants. Praise him for a job well done. This gives him a sense of accomplishment and happiness in his own work which makes him feel confident. If he fails, do not ridicule but give encouragement so he is motivated to try again.

Pretend Play

Gather your toddler’s friends, dress them up in different characters or give them puppets. Give them scenarios such as a friend who does not want to share his toy with his playmate and then let them act out how they will handle the situation. Pretend play teaches toddler how to properly deal with situations they might encounter.

Classes or Workshops

If your toddler loves to play ball, enroll him in a basketball workshop or if he likes tinkering with instruments, let him join a music class. Encouraging your little one to join classes and workshops not only promotes teamwork and sportsmanship, but it also teaches your toddler to focus. Plus, being active helps your toddler deal with negative feelings better since he has an outlet for his emotions.

Go Out

Stop spending time indoors and take your little one outside. Visit parks, museums, zoos, stores, public markets or restaurants. Run errands. Let him help you with the groceries. These simple things teach your toddler how to interact with others by imitating your actions. Sooner or later, he will be ready to mingle with people of all ages.

Have Alone Time

Teach your toddler how to process emotions on his own by giving him space. Choose an area in your home with little distractions as his alone spot, place a small table and chair and some papers and crayons, puzzles, blocks or balls. This will serve as his area to get to know himself, his feelings and thoughts.

Nurturing you toddler’s emotional skills is very essential for it teaches him how to deal with different situations he will face later on in life. So start early and follow the tips above!

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Activities That Boost Motor Development In Children

Sitting, standing, crawling, running and head control are just some motor skills children need to master as early as possible. Thus, it is very essential for toddlers to have ample opportunities to exercise these skills every day. Here are a few ideas that can help improve motor development in children.

Put On Some Music

Take advantage of your stereo at home and put on some music and dance with your little one. Interactive songs such as “Patty Cake”, “Itsy-Bitsy Spider”, “Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes” or “Ten Little Indians” are creative ways for your toddler to use his hands and bounce and wriggle to music which enhances his gross motor skills. Use instruments to make it more fun. You can make your own instruments – a bottle filled with coins can be a noisemaker, pots and spoons can be drums and string bells to thick paper plates to make a tambourine.

Coloring and Writing

Toddlers love to draw, write and color. Give him a pencil and a piece of paper. Draw a circle or any shape and have him copy it. Give him a coloring book and jumbo sized crayons. Show your toddler how to color inside the borders of a picture. Have your toddler draw or color on the floor. These activities teaches your toddler to hold objects properly which helps improve his grasping skills and reinforces the hips and shoulders, improving stability.


Practice your toddler’s walking and running skills by exercising. Walk on different surfaces such as sand, gravel, grass and smooth concrete to help perfect his balance. Climb up and down the stairs together. Play with large balls and ask your toddler to kick the balls, throw them back and forth and catch them to increase hand-eye coordination. Jump with your toddler. Let him ride a children’s bike or tricycle to get him used to pushing his foot forward on a pedal which strengthens leg muscles.

Dumping and Filling

Place an empty container or box and different items (e.g. plastic spoons, forks, cups, blocks or toys) in front of your toddler. Ask him to sort out the objects by color, size, and shape.

Household Chores

Give your toddler simple household chores such as sorting laundry, dusting, sweeping, setting the table and putting away groceries. These chores will get your toddler’s body moving as he bends, squats and stretches. Not only will this hone your little one’s motor skills but it will also give him a sense of pride for being mommy’s little helper.

Play With Toys

Stack blocks to build a tower. Blow bubbles. Have him squeeze a plush toy, a ball or squirt water from a washcloth. String large beads. Work on a simple puzzle together.

Play Games

There are countless children’s games that help increase gross motor skills. Games such as “Follow The Leader”, “Hide and Seek”, “Duck Duck Goose”, “Hot Potato”, “Simon Says,”, jump rope and hop scotch are simple, interactive games your toddler will enjoy. Role play with your child by putting on a puppet show. These games not only help develop motor skills but also improves your toddler’s social skills.

Motor skills help individuals perform multiple tasks appropriately and contribute to a person’s overall well-being. With the help of the tips above, you can help him develop this skill at an early age.

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