Teaching your child to write is no easy task. It is a process that needs to be nurtured through time. But, with your support, patience and determination, you and your toddler can accomplish this. Below are some tips to help you out.
Show It
The first step to encouraging your toddler to write is by writing yourself. Show your little one that writing is fun and important. Write lists, notes and letters in front of your toddler and read them out loud. Give him a paper and a crayon to encourage him to imitate you. Even if he is just scribbling, at least he is able to exercise his handwriting skills.
Provide Manipulative Activities
Make playtime educational by introducing your toddler to fun activities that help improve his manipulation skills. Play with clay. String Cheerios to a piece of yarn or string to make a necklace. Encourage him to construct things using his building blocks. Finger paint together. Help him use safety scissors to cut shapes from paper and pictures from old books and magazines. Doing these activities helps him practice finger and hand movements which helps enhance his manipulative and fine motor skills.
Introduce Writing Materials
After introducing him to activities that promote his writing skills, it is time to present your toddler with writing materials. Give him crayons, coloring books and dot-to-dot books. Keep paper and washable crayons and markers around the house so he can draw and doodle anytime he wants to. Teach your little one how to properly hold a pencil. Help your toddler draw shapes, lines and stick figures. Ask your toddler to write stories about the things he did that day. Let him write cards and notes during holidays and important events (e.g. birthdays, Valentine’s day or a letter for a sick friend). Let him write using sidewalk chalks or on a dry erase board. Praise him for a job well done. Stick his masterpieces to the refrigerator, the wall or frame them to recognize his great work. Be positive and resist the urge to make corrections.
Print Your Toddler’s Name
Keep your toddler interested to write by teaching him how to write his name. Guide his hands so he can write the letters of his name on a piece of paper. Better yet, print his name as an outline. You may use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Paint to do this. Just choose a large font, select outline and then print it. This will make it easier for your toddler to focus in between the lines while he follows the outline of the letters in his name.
Read Aloud
Reading is a very effective way to teach a toddler to write. Read a book every day. Pick out books that contain colorful images and bright, short phrases. Good examples are the alphabet and number book. Read these books to your toddler and repeat it. This will make it easier for your toddler to recognize the letters and numbers and soon start writing them.
Remember that learning should always be fun and exciting, and with the help of these methods, your toddler will learn how to write in no time.