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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Ulcer In Children

Stomach pains are often associated to stomach ulcer. Although this condition is more common in adults, children are at risk as well. Here is some information to help you better understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of ulcer in children.


  • H. Pylori – Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that destroys the mucus that guards the lining of the abdomen and small intestine.
  • Acid and Pepsin – A toddler’s delicate stomach is unable to defend itself from powerful digestive fluids, hydrochloric acid and pepsin that results to the formation of ulcer.
  • Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) – Moderate intake of anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can break down mucus barrier that can cause ulcer and bleeding in children.
  • Caffeine – Toddlers who love taking caffeinated beverages such as soda, iced tea, and energy drinks are prone to developing an ulcer since caffeine stimulates acid discharge in the stomach.
  • Stress – Children who are often under emotional and physical stress due to a medical condition or a grave injury are susceptible to ulcer.


Ulcer symptoms are similar to the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Thus, it is very important to have the condition diagnosed by a doctor right away. Symptoms of stomach ulcer in children include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Chest pain (dull and achy)
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Belching (frequent burping)
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Blood in vomit or stools


Consult With Your Pediatrician

The doctor may perform an upper IG series (set of x-rays of the esophagus, tummy and small intestine) on your toddler in order to get a close-up look at your toddler’s gastrointestinal area. Your doctor may also refer you to a gastroenterologist who will perform an upper endoscopy (inserting an endoscope (a flexible tube with a camera) into the mouth and through the esophagus). This procedure is not painful but your toddler has to be sedated.


Antibiotics can be given to your toddler to eliminate bacteria in the body if ulcer is caused by a bacterial infection. H2 blockers (acid reducers or antacids) and acid pump inhibitors are used to decrease acid production if your child’s ulcer is due to stress and NSAIDs. In addition, doctors advise parents to avoid giving their children NSAIDs.

Modify Your Toddler’s Diet

Eliminating certain foods in your toddler’s diet is unnecessary unless a particular food aggravates your child’s stomach pain. Just be sure your toddler gets his daily dose of fruits and vegetables. Also, have him drink water (no caffeinated drinks) and reduce his intake of hot, spicy and acidic foods until his ulcer is totally treated and also 1 to 2 weeks after that.

At times, children with severe ulcers that do not react to treatment have to go through surgery to remove them, but this is very rare. In order to avoid this, make sure you seek professional help immediately if you suspect an ulcer so proper action can be taken.

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