Good child nutrition will support the growth of your toddler. There are several key nutrients your toddler needs to ensure that he grows up healthy. Here are some of the essential nutrients that should be part of your toddler’s diet.
Calcium is essential for promoting healthy bone development, nerve and muscle function, helping blood clot and activating enzymes (to convert food to energy). This nutrient is very essential during the years when bones are growing. Make sure your toddler gets enough calcium by serving him cheese, yogurt, milk, banana, pear, dried plum, watermelon, broccoli, green beans, spinach and calcium fortified cereals and juices.
There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber help decrease blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. Soluble-rich foods include – brown rice, oats, apple, orange, strawberry, carrots, cauliflower, corn and sweet potatoes. Insoluble fiber cleans your toddler’s insides as well as increases and softens stools to keep the digestive system working well. Whole-wheat cereal and bread, green beans, legumes, leeks, mango and papaya provide a good amount of insoluble fiber. This nutrient also lowers your toddler’s chances of type two diabetes and heart disease.
Fatty Acids
EFAs or essential fatty acids are fats necessary in a diet because they cannot be produced by the body. EFAs reduce the risk of dementia, diabetes and heart disease and help build cells and immunity, normalize the nervous system and fortify brain function, vision and cardiovascular system. Good sources of essential fatty acids include – egg, fish, peanut butter, soybeans, tofu, nuts and seeds (pine nuts and pecans).
This nutrient boosts brain development, carries oxygen in the blood to help keep red blood cells healthy and to help keep children energized. Sufficient iron intake also prevents anemia which can make your toddler irritable and weak. Make sure you boost the iron in your toddler’s diet with iron-fortified breakfast cereals, fish, red meat, beans, lentil, spinach, dried fruits (e.g. raisin and cranberry) and whole-wheat bread.
Magnesium keep bones strong, controls heart rhythm, boosts immune system and helps maintain healthy muscles and nerves. Serve your toddler magnesium-rich foods such as wheat germ, whole-wheat bread, avocado, nuts (e.g. roasted cashews and dry peanuts), fish, turnip, Chinese cabbage, black beans and soybeans.
Children need high amounts of protein. Protein is a source of energy and amino acids necessary for the development of antibodies, enzymes and hemoglobin as well as for restoration of damaged cells. Protein can be found in eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, seafood, beans, grains and nuts.
Vitamin C, D and E
Vitamin C helps improve your toddler’s immune system, speed up growth, repair bones, blood vessels and tissues, keep your toddler’s gums healthy and keep diseases at bay. Foods rich in Vitamin C include – orange, guava, kiwi, mango, broccoli, potato, spinach and tomato.
Vitamin D absorbs calcium, builds strong teeth and bones, regulation of cell growth and for achieving growth potential. Egg yolk, margarine, cereal, mackerel, canned tuna and salmon are foods rich in vitamin D.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that keeps the body’s cells from damage. It also plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and muscle, DNA repair and strong, responsive immune system. Foods packed with vitamin E include kiwi, mango, papaya, roasted sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli and wheat.
The amount of nutrients your toddler needs depends on his age and appetite. Do not worry if your toddler refuses to eat foods rich with these nutrients. Just think of creative ways to incorporate them into his diet.