Coping With The Terrible Two’s

Parenting is a challenge. And once your little one gets to the terrible twos stage, it becomes more difficult for the both of you. You will know your toddler is well through this stage when your toddler goes from being cute one minute to throwing a fit the next. There are various styles to handle your toddler’s temperament. Resolve this by being prepared to avert any major outbursts.

Terrible twos often occur to 2 year old children. Mainly, this trying stage in their life consists of saying no and throwing tantrum displays every so often. To help you out, here are some tips on how to cope with terrible twos.

Handling Terrible Twos

Stay Calm and Collected

As the elder, you need to extend your patience as much as you can. Try your very best to remain calm. Keeping your cool can be quite difficult, but once your toddler sees you stay undisturbed with his whines, chances of tantrum outbursts to elevate is minimized. Soothing your toddler’s ruffled feathers will make him at ease. So the next time he lashes out, pick him up and hug him tight. Pat his back. Whisper calming words or something appealing in his ear.

Identify What Triggers His Outbursts

You can effectively overcome terrible two’s by determining the causes of your toddler’s uneasiness. Avoid these circumstances by diverting his attention to something interesting. Say for example, if your little one starts throwing tantrums a few hours before bed time, then make sure his rough play stops a few hours before dinner time. Let him take a warm bath or give him a light snack to help him relax and calm his raving energy. Create a fun routine to which your toddler can easily stick to.

Offer Him Choices

At this stage in his life, your toddler wants to exercise his freedom and assert his independence. To give him what he wants, supply him with options about everything. If you know he dislikes eating breakfast, do not ask him if he wants to eat. Instead, let your toddler choose whether he wants cereal, pancakes or apples for his breakfast. Let him dress himself. When going shopping, seek your toddler’s opinion. Once he knows he can voice out his suggestions, he will no longer try so hard to seek attention by crying or screaming.

Provide Him With An Outlet

Channeling the negative emotions of your little one to something productive helps balance his temperament. Enroll him in a sports class. Sign him to join summer camp or an arts and crafts workshop. At home, give your toddler stimulating toys like puzzles and building blocks. Encourage your toddler to draw, color, paint or any activity that will keep his mind and hands busy.

Instil Disciplinary Measures

Striking a balance between not scolding and ignoring your toddler’s outbursts is important. Do not listen to his temper tantrums while he is still on the verge of screaming. This will make your toddler understand that the right way to catch your attention is to talk to you, not to shout at you. If he becomes violent and starts to throw things or hit people, give him a time out. Let him sit in his room alone for a couple of minutes. Only allow him to come back once he has calmed down. The time spent alone will make him evaluate his behaviour.


Be a listener instead of a talker. When your toddler has simmered down, let your toddler talk. Listen to his explanation. In this way, you are able to understand him better helping you sort out his problems easier. Afterwards, talk to him and explain why his actions displeased you. Tell him about the possible consequences of his actions if he repeats it. By doing so, you are able to determine the root of his temper tantrums and come up with solutions to resolve problems together.

Give Praise

Whenever your toddler does something good, always commend him. Remember to say thank you for the kiss he gave you or for helping you pick up his toys. Once your toddler knows that you appreciate every little thing he does or says, you make him feel good inspiring him to be better.

Coping with your toddler’s terrible twos need not be a nightmare. After all, this is just a passing stage in his development. Discipline him with firmness. Give ample space to let him resolve tantrums on his own. By doing so, you still give him the freedom he wants while assuring him that he matters to you.

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