Flu season ranges from November until April. While you cannot completely stop your toddler from getting it, but at least, you can come up with ways to prevent the flu. This guide will help you out.
Get A Flu Shot
Before or during flu season, child health experts strongly suggest that a toddler must be given his yearly flu injection. This is the best way to protect your toddler against influenza, especially if he is constantly exposed to people (daycare centers or schools), has a weak immune system or has a chronic condition such as asthma, allergy and diabetes.
Practice Good Hygiene
It is very important that you teach your toddler proper hygiene habits – especially proper hand washing as this will keep viruses away. Wash hands before and after every meal, after using the bathroom and when his hands are dirty. Hands should be cleaned thoroughly using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, concentrating on the backs of the hands, wrists, between the fingers, underneath the fingernails and halfway up his arms.
Teach your toddler to sneeze in a tissue and to throw it away after every use. Teach him to keep his hands away from his eyes, nose and mouth. Daily bathing is also a must to get rid of germs he might have incurred inside and outside your home.
Avoid Contact With Too Many People
As much as possible, keep your precious one away from crowded places. Do not let your toddler be in close contact with a sick playmate, classmate, relative or family member nor allow people who may be ill around your toddler. Moreover, prevent your little one from using or sharing utensils and other items with sick people.
Offer Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that acts as an anti-oxidant that block damage caused by free radicals, heals and grows tissues and boosts the immune system to reduce the risk of getting sick. Since the body is incapable of producing vitamin C, it is imperative that you include plenty of vitamin C-rich foods into your toddler’s diet. Lemon, lime, orange, broccoli and tomatoes are excellent sources of vitamin C. You may also give him vitamin C supplements as long as your pediatrician recommends it.
Get Physical
Engage your toddler in physical activities. Let him play outside. Run around the neighborhood. Take a walk. Ride a bike. Go swimming. These simple activities exercise the body which helps reduce the occurrence of flu.
Allow Your Toddler To Rest and Relax
Being active shields the body from influenza, but be careful not to overwork it. See to it your toddler gets plenty of rest, meaning – taking 1 or 2 short naps throughout the day and sleeping early at night. Manage your toddler’s stress. If he seems overstimulated, do relaxing activities to soothe his frazzled nerves. Read a book. Work on that jigsaw puzzle together. Draw, color or paint. Give him a warm bath, a glass of warm milk or a massage. Cuddle.
Do not let the flu season dampen your toddler’s spirit. Following these preventive measures will minimize his chances of getting the flu.