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Five Causes of Toddler Tantrums And Ways to Prevent Them

Mood swings, tantrum displays, constant arguments, kicking and screaming are just some of the most common toddler tantrums. This display of emotion is practically normal especially during the early stages of a little one’s development. But, it is also important to minimize outrage as early as possible. To help you effectively deal with them, you must first determine what triggers these emotions.

Coping with toddler tantrums is one of the most challenging tasks of parenting. The key to eliminating some of them is to understand your child. From there, you may be able to recognize its causes and come up with techniques to help your toddler control himself.

Toddler Tantrums – Cause and Prevention

1.) Boredom

Cause: Boredom is one of the most basic causes of toddler meltdowns. Once he gets bored, he becomes gloomy and a gloomy child makes an unhappy family. This tantrum can be due to doing or getting too much of something. A certain activity (e.g. reading, writing, watching TV, etc.) that is done repeatedly can lose its charm making your toddler restless.

Solution: At his tender age, your little one thrives on physical and intellectual activities. Anything that keeps him busy and active will make him happy. The secret to combating boredom is to have variation with his day to day activities. If he likes reading books, give him the task of creating his own stories. When playing games, allot him 30 minutes of playing online games and another 30 minutes to play outdoors. Mentally stimulating activities satisfy him since he gets to learn different things every hour of the day.

If what he craves is a change of scenery, go out. Do grocery shopping together. Visit the park, zoo or malls. Watch a movie together. At home, assign him simple household chores like helping you cook dinner, putting dirty clothes inside the hamper and so on. His short attention span will be well compensated once he juggles various tasks.

2.) Frustration

Cause: Remember the feeling of being incapable to express your needs and wants? It’s a very frustrating feeling isn’t it? Your toddler is still too young to process emotions on his own. Hence, once he does not relay something correctly or you cannot understand what he is trying to tell you, he gets disappointed. Or, it may be because he wants to exert his freedom yet you are controlling him.

Solution: Careful observation is the answer to this toddler tantrum. You need to take a closer look at your little one’s actions, words, body and facial expressions. While it can be irritating on your part, you need to stay calm and be patient. Speak in a clear, firm and slow manner. Use soothing words to cool him down. Let your toddler sit in your lap. Have eye contact and then ask him what is bothering him. Once he sees you unruffled with his outrage, he can properly process the message he wants to deliver.

3.) Hunger or Fatigue

Cause: It is normal to get a little grumpy when one is hungry or tired. However, it can trigger other tantrum problems. Children are prone to this. Too much physical play or being overly stimulated can make your toddler agitated.

Solution: To prevent these outbursts, be aware of your toddler’s eating and sleeping time. Never go out with your toddler especially when a meal or nap are due. Instead, leave him at home. After a rigorous hour of playing, let your little one rest and prepare him healthy meals that can rejuvenate his lost energy.

4.) Wants Attention

Cause: Toddlers always like to be in everybody’s center of attention, and once they feel the slightest sign of neglect, they instantly throw tantrums to catch your interest.

Solution: The best way to prevent this is to shower your toddler your undivided attention at appropriate times. He wants security and affirmation. Even with a busy schedule, reserve several hours for bonding time. Together, you can play with his toys, read him books, cuddle or simply talk to him. Once he is secured of your love, he no longer feels threatened. Also, never give in to his tantrums. By ignoring it, he will soon realize he won’t get anything from it.

5.) Unable to Get Things He Wants

Cause: You and your toddler are in the toy store. He spots a robot and asks you to buy it. You decline him since he has plenty of robots at home. What do you get? A major breakdown.

Solution: While spoiling your toddler is a big no-no, take some time to consider his pleas. If you think his request is unreasonable, then be consistent with your decision. By being firm and not giving in to his outcries helps you discipline your toddler. By doing so, he learns how to respect your decision and understand that he cannot have his way all the time.

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Effective Tips For Dealing With Toddler Tantrums

Generally, toddlers are full of emotions. Most often, these mixed emotions are what causes toddlers to throw a fit since they cannot completely relay what they feel. Tantrums happen even to the most well behaved children. Watching your little one go from being calm and cheerful to a series of crying and bashing is frustrating and stressful. But, the good news is that controlling your toddler’s tantrums is doable. You just have to know and understand what his feelings and desires are.

Toddler tantrums are absolutely normal. It is their way of coping with their feelings. According to studies, tantrums are a good sign that your toddler trusts you very much that he expects you to be able to determine what his thoughts and feelings are.

Tips For Coping With Your Toddler’s Tantrums

Losing one’s temper, spanking and hitting are not useful techniques when dealing with toddler tantrums as this will only increase their distraught. Here are a few simple yet proven tips to help compose your upset toddler.

Ignore It

The best way to make your toddler stop his tantrums is to simply not pay any attention. Once your toddler begins his meltdown, leave the room (but keep an eye on him to ensure he is safe) for awhile and let him cry out all his distress. There must be no eye contact and no words exchanged between the two of you. Having no audience to watch him throw a fit will make him stop crying immediately. He will soon realize that what he is doing is not working and most likely will not try to repeat his outbursts.

Keep Your Eyes Open

Tantrums usually take place when your toddler is feeling or wanting something. Understand why he is upset. Look for its core. Do his tantrums occur when he is hungry, tired, rushed or bored? Where does he usually throw a fit? Is it in the grocery store, playground or his day care center? Keep a small notebook handy to help you record his quick display of emotions. This will also help you recognize his pre-tantrum indications so you will know how to deal with it before your toddler blows up.

Keep Your Cool

Your toddler’s tantrums can get the best of you especially when it is done in public. Rather than losing your temper, just stay cool and keep your calm to lighten the situation. While it can be really embarrassing, just carry your toddler to a more private place, say for example in the bathroom or in your car to give him time to settle down.

Listen to Him

Your toddler not being able to completely express what he wants to say is already causing him too much frustration. Treat him like an adult and give him your full attention. Listen to what he wants to say. Reflect on it and talk to him about it letting him feel that you understand him. Use calming words and actions. Pat his back, whisper to his ear, hum his favorite song or wipe his tears.


Whenever your toddler wants something that is not possible, he gets mad and throws tantrums. Explain to him why you cannot grant his request. If he wants another robot and yet he already has 20 of it at home, explain to him why you will not buy him one this time. Tell him he has plenty of robots and some are still unused.

Give Him A Signal

Once your toddler is on the verge of throwing tantrums, give him a warning. Be firm about it and speak in an authoritative manner in telling him you are not happy with his behaviour. This signals your toddler that his behaviour is not proper and if he does not stop there will be consequences. You need to make him understand both of your limitations.

Divert His Attention

Distract and divert your toddler’s attention when he is having an outburst. Point out things you know your child likes. Give him his favorite teddy bear, look up to the sky so he can see the airplane or point out a little girl who is happily sitting in her chair. Distraction gives your toddler’s energy enough time to deflect allowing him to stop his crying quickly.

Your toddler’s tantrums does not make you a bad parent. It simply is a normal stage your child goes through during his development. Just listen to him. Stay calm and discipline him. Always make him feel you are always there for him.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler TantrumsComments (0)

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