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Fire Safety Tips For Children

Fire safety is a subject rarely discussed by parents to their children. Toddlers are explorers and there is a huge possibility that they will find themselves playing with fire. This simple guideline about fire safety tips for children can help parents keep their children well-informed and out of danger.

Educate Your Toddler

The number one fire safety tip for children is to make sure a toddler understands that fire is for grown-ups. Fire is bright and it flickers which will most likely grab your toddler’s attention. As soon as you detect that your toddler has any inkling of an interest in fire, be sure to tell your little one that fire is not a toy for children, he should not play with fire and that fire is something that adults use to heat things and cook with. See to it you stress the fact that fire can burn and is very hazardous. When explaining this to your toddler, make sure you use words that your toddler can comprehend. Use words from his own vocabulary such as “boo boo”, “hot” and “ouch” to let your toddler know that fire will hurt him if he touches it.

Keep Fire Sources Out of Reach

Out of sight, out of mind. This adage is especially true when it comes to fire. Children are very inquisitive by nature so despite your best efforts to educate your toddler about the dangers of fire, he may get the urge to test it out for himself. To ensure this does not happen, put fire sources where your little one cannot gain access to. Cover outlets that are not in use. Keep electrical wires secured. Keep the fireplace covered with a screen. Stash matches, lighters and candles in a drawer with a lock.

Explain The Use of Smoke Detectors

A home with a smoke alarm cuts the risk of dying in a fire in half. Teach your toddler about smoke detectors – why they are important, how they work and what sound they make. Toddlers should be able to link the sound going off with a fire as part of fire safety for children.

Develop An Escape Plan

It is very important for every family to have an escape plan in case of fire. Find two ways out of every room in case one way is obstructed by fire or smoke. Practice escaping by both routes to make sure windows are not trapped and screens can be taken out easily. In addition, choose a meeting place outside such as a big tree or the house across so you will know that everyone has gotten out safe and sound.

Teach Your Toddler What To Do In Case of Fire

Knowing what to do in case of fire is something toddlers have to learn early. Teach your little one to:

•    Cover his mouth and nose with a damp towel or clothing to avoid inhaling smoke while evacuating.
•    Fall and crawl under the smoke to safety.
•    Stop, drop and roll in case his clothes are on fire.
•    Test if a door is hot before opening it using the back of his hand.
•    Never hide, stop to take any belonging or make a call. He has to go outside as fast as he can.


Most importantly, practice fire drills frequently (once a month if possible). Rehearsing what to do during a fire is very essential so your little one is aware of what he has to do instead of crying for help and hiding under the bed which will only increase his chances of getting trapped in the house. To make learning about fire safety more entertaining for your toddler, why not take him to a local fire station where he can learn fire safety lessons in a fun way. Watching videos about fire safety can also encourage your toddler to practice it at home.

Be Cautious Around Fire Yourself

Children learn by example and there is no better way you can instil fire safety awareness to your toddler than by showing him that you are following preventive measures as well. You can have your toddler participate in this by asking him to give you oven mitts or help you make sure the candles are blown out before going to bed.

Do not wait until it is too late to teach your precious one about fire safety. As soon as your toddler can understand household directions, he is  ready to learn fire safety tips as well.

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