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Toddler Games That Teach Good Behaviour

Parenthood is a huge responsibility. One of the most important obligations you need to instil in your toddler is good behaviour. Fortunately, you can teach your toddler proper manners while having fun at the same time. How? By playing toddler games! Here is a list of good behaviour games to try.

Build A Train

Gather several large cardboard boxes. Provide a variety of art supplies – crayons, markers, stickers, glue, construction paper, etc. and ask each toddler to turn the box into a train car. After they are done decorating the outsides of their box, assist them in organizing the boxes one behind the other and then ask them to jump aboard for a make-believe train ride.

What It Teaches: Teamwork and Perseverance

This game encourages toddlers to work hard in order to generate a positive result. It also teaches the value of cooperation and creates a feeling of “oneness” as they help decorate each other’s boxes.

Blind Workers

Group the toddlers into 3 and assign a leader per team. Each team leader receives an object they are supposed to create (e.g. bridge, tower, etc.) and building materials. The team members are blindfolded so they cannot see the model they have to make. Then, the team leader will direct his teammates to copy the model using the provided materials by giving verbal directions to the members. The team that finishes first is declared as winners

What It Teaches: Leadership, Trust and Cooperation

This game effectively teaches toddlers the significance of giving accurate instructions, performing them correctly, improves leadership skills and promotes trust in children.

I Spy

This game is a great boredom buster. You can take turns spotting nearby objects and describing them. For instance, while you are driving to the grocery store, you can say “I spy with my eye something that is tall…”, then your toddler will try to guess the object by looking for it by following your description. Once he guesses it correctly, he gets to be the next “spy”.

What It Teaches: Patience

Everyone knows toddlers are very impatient because they have a short attention span. The I Spy game will teach your little one to be persistent and to wait courteously while others take their turn.

The Cheer Up Game

Draw a couple of faces showing different gloomy emotions (angry, sad, scared and crying) on large pieces of paper. Place them on a basket and ask the toddlers to take turns picking a face and then have them act out the feeling. For instance, an “angry” toddler can pretend to cross his arms or shout. Then, ask the other players to think of ways to help the “angry” child feel better. They can ask questions like “Why are you mad?” or console the “angry” child by giving the toddler a pat on the back.

What It Teaches: Compassion

This is a very important behaviour toddlers must learn. Through this game, toddlers are able to understand how it feels to be hurt and why it is very important to show respect and be kind to others.

Follow The Helpful Leader

Ask your toddler to follow the “helpful leader” (you). Lead him inside a messy room by singing a song, hopping or clapping. Then, start cleaning up. Make sure he is copying your actions. After a few minutes, switch roles. Your toddler will be the “helpful leader” while you are the follower. Once the room is clean, say “This room looks very tidy!”.

What It Teaches: Cleanliness

This teaches your toddler that he should be accountable of cleaning up his own mess and that tidying up can be fun. It will also motivate him to help in household chores.

Teaching your toddler good behaviour does not have to be complicated. All it takes is a little creativity and entertainment.

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