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Making The Transition From Crib To Toddler Bed

Switching from a crib to a toddler bed is a momentous milestone in your toddler’s life. It is a period of adjustment so expect mixed feelings of excitement, happiness and anxiousness. Keep the following tips in mind to make the move as smooth as possible.

Spotting The Signs of Readiness

You know your toddler is ready for that big change when:

  • He is tall enough (approximately 36 inches tall) and is able to stand in his crib.
  • He becomes an escape artist – constantly climbs in and out of the crib.
  • He knows how to use the toilet or when he is potty trained.
  • He shows an interest in beds more than his crib.

How You Can Make The Change Easy

Right Timing Is Everything

Change is never easy to accept especially when it comes to children who thrive on consistency. Just like any transition (e.g. potty training or sleeping in their own room), timing is important. Make the change at a time your toddler is calm and happy. Never introduce this idea while he is coping with something – a new baby, an illness or a new skill perhaps. Take it slow. Time, try and test it so there is plenty of time for adjustment.

Talk To Him About It

Do not just set up the bed and take out the crib and expect your little one to be thrilled. Remember, the crib served as his place of comfort and security during the first 3 years of his life and he might not be willing to give it up just yet. Casually bring up the topic at a time he is relaxed - during his playtime, when you feed him or at night before putting him to sleep. Tell him that he is becoming such a big boy and that big boys need a special bed.

Let Him Choose His Bed and Bedding

The transition will be easier for your little one if you get a toddler bed and a bedcover that he likes. Visit furniture stores together so he can check out his options. For instance, if he has a fascination for trucks, get him a toddler bed that looks like a truck and a bed sheet, pillowcase and blanket with trucks printed on them. The more involved your toddler is in the mechanics of the transition, the more likely he is to cooperate and handle the move well. Once he sees his new things, he will probably be giddy and impatient to jump in his new bed.

Keep His Crib Visible

Keep his crib in his room for the mean time. This will help your toddler adjust better. Do not position his new bed the same spot where his crib is. Instead, place his bed in the opposite corner. In this way, your toddler will be comforted with the crib’s presence even if he is sleeping in his new bed. This also gives him the option of which bed he wants to sleep in during nap time and bedtime.

Introduce It At Nap Time

If your toddler is still reluctant to sleep in his new bed, it would be best to introduce it during his nap time when light is present so he can survey his surroundings. This allows him to be acquainted with the strange object and once he is comfortable with it, he will start sleeping in it at night voluntarily.

Place Old Comfort Objects In The Bed

Keep anything that he uses for comfort like a teddy bear or a special pillow he sleeps with in his crib. This creates a feeling of familiarity and security so your toddler will not feel overwhelmed with the change.

Do not worry if the transition does not go well at first. This is a big step in his life. Be patient and support your toddler.

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