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Treatment For Hay Fever In Children

Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to airborne elements such as mold and pollen. Hay fever is very common in children. It attacks children during later summer or spring. Although this is not a serious illness, it can cause toddlers discomfort which can affect their participation in everyday activities. Here is a guide about the treatment for hay fever in children.


Antihistamines are the most commonly used medications for treating hay fever in children. It is available in both pill and liquid form. Antihistamines obstruct histamine (which the immune system generates during an allergic reaction), reducing runny nose, sneezing and itching. However, some over-the-counter antihistamines are ideal for treating mild or occasional symptoms but may cause drowsiness in toddlers. In addition, toddlers who develop hay fever must take a daily antihistamine for at least 2 months to keep the symptoms under control. Make sure you ask your toddler’s pediatrician first before giving this medicine to your toddler.

Sinus Rinsing

Another treatment for hay fever in children is sinus rinsing. In sinus rinsing, a bulb syringe is filled with saline solution to clean a toddler’s nostrils. The salty water flushes allergens from your toddler’s nose. It can be used every day, either on its own or together with other hay fever remedies. You can purchase a bulb syringe and saline packets from your local pharmacy. Or, you can also make your own saline solution by mixing 8 oz. warm water, ¼ tsp. kosher or pickling salt and ¼ tsp. baking soda in a clean container.

Prescription Nasal Sprays

Prescription nasal sprays can treat or prevent nasal irritation, itchiness and congestion from hay fever. Health experts recommend prescription nasal sprays as they can be safely used for long-term treatment. But, you should never use an OTC nasal spray to treat your toddler’s hay fever as this can exacerbate the symptoms.


Giving a toddler decongestant is another option for treating hay fever. Decongestants are available in nasal spray, pill or liquid form. They can help ease congestion in the nasal passageway and sinus. However, decongestants should only be used for a short period of time as they can cause side effects such as headaches, insomnia and increased blood pressure in toddlers.


Immunotherapy also known as allergy shots is another effective treatment for hay fever in children. This is done by frequently injecting the toddler with small quantities of the allergens that cause hay fever symptoms. Immunotherapy treatments normally last 3 to 5 years to desensitize the body from allergens and to build up the toddler’s immune system. This form of treatment is recommended if a toddler’s symptoms continue even after trying medications and if the toddler has allergy triggers that are difficult to avoid.


Another effective option is to place a few ice cubes in a moist washcloth over a toddler’s eyes for at least 10 minutes. The ice can alleviate itchy and swollen eyes. This treatment is best done before a toddler’s bedtime to help the child sleep easier.

Avoid The Triggers

Of course, any form of hay fever treatment will not be effective if you do not limit your toddler’s exposure from the triggers. In order to do this, you must - keep windows closed at night. Remove carpets from your toddler’s room. Sanitize your home regularly. Wash your pets every week and keep them in your backyard. Place allergy filters over air vents. Buy allergy-proof covers for your toddler’s pillows, mattress and stuffed toys. Teach him to wash his hands frequently. Give him a bath before bedtime. Keep your toddler inside your house early in the morning and during hot, dry, windy days (when mold and pollen counts are high) as much as possible.

If you have more questions about hay fever or if you notice unusual symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your toddler’s doctor.

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