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Toddler Safety – Storing Medicines Properly

Children love to explore their surroundings and they have little understanding of what is safe and unsafe, making them prone to mishaps. Medication is one safety hazard toddlers are exposed to every day. This guide will teach you how to store medicines correctly to ensure toddler safety.

Store Medications In A Locked Cabinet

The safest place to store medicine is in a high cabinet or a closet that you could lock. This way, it is out of your toddler’s sight and reach. Securing medicines may be inconvenient but it will stop your giddy toddler from climbing and jumping, preventing accidents. Also, do not place your purse, medicine pouch, diaper bag and the likes near your toddler. Out of sight, out of mind.

Use Child-resistant Safety Caps

See to it all your medicine bottles have child-resistant safety caps for extra security. However, keep in mind that child-resistant does not mean childproof. A persistent toddler can break into these caps so keep them locked and away just to be sure.

Do Not Switch Containers

Never remove the products from their original containers so you do not confuse the medicines for something else. This also allows you to easily keep track of expiration dates and instructions. Make sure each medicine bottle is accurately labelled.

Do Not Use The Bathroom Medicine Cabinet

The most hazardous place to store medicines especially when you have a toddler is the bathroom cabinet. This location is easily accessible by toddlers. Plus, the moisture and heat of the bathroom can cause medicines to lose their effectiveness before their expiration date which can be very lethal. Find a cool, dry place to store medications. A kitchen cabinet with a lock is an ideal place to stash medicines. If medications should be stored in the refrigerator, place them on the top shelf where your toddler cannot reach them, make sure your refrigerator is protected with a child safety lock and the lids are tightly closed.

Unload Medicines First

Once you get home from the grocery, always unpack the medicines first before your toddler starts rummaging through the grocery bags. Children can mistake a bottle of coated tablets or pills for candies.

Return Medicine To Its Proper Place

Make it a rule in your household to return medicines to their storage place right after taking them. Leaving medicine on the counter if you are giving your toddler another dose in a few hours may be convenient, but leaving them for your toddler to reach and consume is very unsafe.

Keep Your Toddler Informed

Most importantly, teach your toddler the importance of proper use of medicine. Refer to medicine as medicine, not as candy. Explain to your child that medicine is good but dangerous. Tell him not to play with it and that you are the only one allowed to use them.

Medicines can be a danger if used improperly. Follow these preventive measures to keep your toddle safe and sound so you can get the most from your medications!

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