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How To Treat Burns In Children

Burns in children are common and are classified in three degrees – a first-degree burn only involves the external layer of the skin, a second-degree burn affects the second layer of the skin, causing blistering and swelling which is very painful and a third-degree burn is the most severe as it affects the entire layer of the skin. A toddler will feel numb because the nerves on the skin are damaged. All burns require immediate action. Here are some tips to treat burns in children.

Take Immediate Action

Remove your toddler from the source of the burn as fast as possible. If his clothing is on fire, wrap him in a blanket or coat and roll him in the ground to put out the flames. For electrical burns, remove the power source with a non-metallic object (e.g. rope or wooden spoon). Never use your bare hands.

For First-degree and Minor Second-degree Burns

  • Get rid of any obstruction around the burned area.
  • Apply cool compress or cold water in the affected area for at least 20 minutes or until pain subsides. This will help stop or reduce inflammation. Do not apply butter, ice, lotion or powder to the burned area since this could exacerbate the injury.
  • Gently pat the area dry with a clean washcloth. Dab a small amount of triple antibiotic or 100% aloe vera gel (e.g. Bacitracin or Neosporin) to ease the pain and avoid bacterial infection. Cover it loosely with a non-stick sterilized bandage or gauze.
  • Give your toddler the right dose of pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce his discomfort. Never give aspirin to your toddler.
  • Change the bandage twice a day or whenever it gets dirty or wet.
  • Once the burn begins to blister, apply an antiseptic ointment over the area. Never try breaking a blister.

For Major Second-degree and Third-degree Burns

  • For major second and third-degree burns or if burn is caused by chemical substances, do not remove clothing especially if it sticks to the wound. Doing so can cause major pain to the child. Run cool water only to the burned area (to avoid hypothermia and shock) for several minutes before removing your toddler’s clothes.
  • Next, lay your toddler flat and elevate the burned areas to his chest level. Cool compress the area using a clean washcloth for 10 to 15 minutes. Again, do not apply butter, ice, powder and lotion.
  • Wrap the area with a clean, moist gauze or washcloth.
  • Call 911 or take him to the emergency room as soon as possible. Serious burns need immediate medical attention. Your toddler may need to undergo early debriding (extraction of dead skin and tissue from the affected area) and skin grafting (to fully treat a major burn).

After you have treated the injury, call the doctor if the following situations arise – your toddler has a major second-degree and third-degree burn, your toddler has stopped breathing and if the burned area is bleeding, oozing or extremely red.

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