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Ways To Prevent Lead Poisoning In Children

Childproofing your home is one of the most important obligations you have as a parent. Follow these tips on how to prevent lead poisoning in children so you can create a safe abode for your toddler.

Get A Screening For Lead Poisoning

Most children around 2 years of age have to be screened for lead poisoning since over 1 million children in the United States have high lead levels in their blood which can result to seizure, anemia, hearing loss, kidney problems and even death. Hence, it is very important that you talk to your pediatrician about this testing. Generally, a lead screening is conducted by a simple blood test. Your doctor may perform this test by taking blood from the vein or pricking your toddler’s finger. If the test shows your baby has a high lead level, medical treatment such as “chelation therapy” may be necessary to eliminate lead from the body. For more information on lead poisoning prevention, contact the National Lead Information Center (NLIC).

Check Your House

Regularly wet-mop floors and windows since household dust is a number one source of lead. Test the paint inside and outside your home especially if it was built before 1978. Make sure furnitures and walls do not have any peeling paint. Use vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to clear the air of possible allergens. Check household items to make sure they are labelled lead-free. Visit the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) website for a list of recalled toys and dispose recalled items at once.

Have Your Soil and Water Tested

See to it you have your soil and tap water tested by your local health department to ensure they are not contaminated. Cover the soil with wood chips, mulch or grass. You may purchase a water filter to remove the lead from tap water. Run your faucet for a few minutes before using the tap water for drinking or cooking. In addition, it is best to use cold water for since warm tap water is more likely to contain lead.

Wash Hands Frequently

Basic hygiene is very essential in decreasing the risk of lead poisoning. Teach your toddler how to wash his hands properly especially before eating or after playing and using the toilet.

Serve Your Toddler Healthy Meals

See to it your toddler gets a well-balanced diet. Offer him foods rich in calcium, iron, protein, vitamin C and zinc as these minerals can reduce the absorption of lead by the body. Read food labels and avoid foods processed in other countries as much as possible.

Renovate With Caution

If you decide to renovate your home, make sure you are well-informed about the guidelines. Contact the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) for more information about home renovation and make sure you follow the rules dutifully. You can also have your newly renovated home undergo a risk assessment to be 100% sure your home is lead-free.

Lead poisoning is a fatal health hazard. Thus, care should always be observed to avoid exposing your precious one from danger.

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