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Myths and Facts About Bed Wetting In Children

Worried about your toddler wetting the bed? Here are some facts you need to know about the myths that surround bed wetting in children.

Myth # 1: Bed wetting is a sign of laziness.

Fact: Bed wetters have no control over their condition so blaming your toddler when he has wet the bed is not only erroneous but it will only make him feel bad about himself. Some toddlers have trouble waking up causing them to disregard the internal signal to pee while others have a functionally small bladder (they get a feeling that their bladder is full before it is) causing them to urinate.

Myth # 2: Toddlers who are bed wetters have emotional issues.

Fact: Psychological problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety or fear do not, in any way, cause toddlers to wet their beds. However, cases such as divorce of parents, death of a loved one or transferring to a new city may trigger bed wetting in a toddler who has been dry.

Myth # 3: Boys wet the bed more than girls.

Fact: True, gender plays a factor when it comes to bed wetting in children. Reports show that both toddler boys and girls are bed wetters, but, only 1/3 of bed wetting children are girls.

Myth # 4: Bed wetting is inherited.

Fact: Bed wetting tends to run in families. If you have a history of enuresis in your family, there is a 70% chance your toddler will become a bed wetter.

Myth # 5: Diapers can help stop bed wetting.

Fact: Making your toddler wear a diaper at night will not help him outgrow bed wetting on his own. But, it will keep your toddler from waking up wet and spare you the trouble of changing and washing bed covers repeatedly.

Myth # 6: Potty trained toddlers do not wet the bed.

Fact: Even though your little one knows how to use the toilet to pee and poop, he is still not free from bed wetting. Urine control is different during the day than it is at night.

Myth # 7: Limiting the amount of fluid intake before sleeping can reduce bed wetting.

Fact: Yes, controlling your toddler’s fluid intake before bedtime lessens the amount of urine released reducing the chances of your child to wet his bed.

Myth # 8: Bed wetters should be punished.

Fact: Again, toddlers do not wet their beds on purpose. Hence, punishing them is unnecessary and it will only increase the humiliation they feel. Instead, talk to your little one and reassure him that it is normal and that it is not his fault.

Myth # 9: Bed wetting is an indication of an underlying medical condition.

Fact: Some cases of bed wetting are triggered by underlying medical issues such as UTI (urinary tract infection), diabetes, sleep apnea and spinal cord problems. It would be best to consult with your doctor and have your toddler examined.

Bed wetting is only a phase most children go through during toddlerhood so you need not worry too much. As long as you help your toddler feel in control of the situation, he will overcome this setback in no time.

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