Tag Archive | "preparing for daycare"

Daycare Centers – Making It Work For You and Your Toddler

Daycare centers are the most institutional form of childcare. These establishments have a qualified staff, friendly atmosphere and a good educational program fit for toddlers. For these reasons, a lot of parents prefer putting their children in a daycare. Here are some pointers on how to make this option work for you and your toddler.

Help Your Toddler Get Accustomed To The New Environment

Change scares people, especially toddlers who thrive on consistency. Being outside the comforts of your home can frighten your toddler. Hence, it is important that you introduce changes gradually. To ease your toddler’s transition, stay with your little one for the first few days of class with his new caregiver. Most daycare centers allow this to help make the adjustment process easier for the children. Once your toddler is used to his new surroundings, leave for a short time. Then you can extend the time that you are apart.

It is also a good idea to read books or watch videos about starting daycare a few weeks before the class starts so he has some idea what to expect, who he will see and so on.

Provide Comfort Items

A lovey can work as a transitional object which offers a toddler security and familiarity. This can be a teddy bear, blanket, a t-shirt with your scent on it, a small album of family photos or any item that reminds your toddler of home. Make sure you pack at least 1 or 2 comfort items in his bag so he can hold it or look at it whenever he likes.

Connect With Your Toddler

See to it you schedule some bonding time at the end of the day to reconnect with your little one. Talk about his day. Ask him about the fun things he did. Listen to his stories. If he brings home an artwork, take time to look at it, appreciate and ask questions about how he made it. Do not forget to tell him that you missed him and wished you stayed with him during the day. Cuddle him, give him a big hug and a kiss and tell your toddler how much you love him. Your toddler will value the quality time which also helps assure him that you will always be there for him even if you have to be apart for some time.

Build A Good Relationship With Your Toddler’s Childcare

Most of all, make an effort to create a good relationship with the daycare center. This play a huge factor on how successful this childcare option will be for the both of you. Know the daycare center’s policies. Pay your fees on time. Get to know the staff, especially your child’s caregiver. Inform them of your toddler’s routines, any special medical condition, emergency contact numbers or any concerns you have. Make sure your toddler is well-prepared for class – extra clothes, writing and art supplies, etc. Pick up your toddler on time.

A daycare center is an excellent childcare option where toddlers stay safe and enhance their leaning while at the same time allowing parents to go back to work or take a short breather. These tips will ensure you keep your end of the bargain and make everyone happy.

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Ways To Prepare Your Toddler For Daycare Center

Worried how your toddler will react during his first day at the daycare center? Here are some effective tips to prepare your toddler for daycare so you can put your mind and your toddler’s mind at ease.

Talk About It

Keep in mind that children do not handle change very well. Talk to your toddler about the upcoming changes – where he will be going, what he will be doing and who will be with him. When he knows what is coming next, he is less likely to revolt. Do this casually, say for example, over dinner or during his bath time and state it in a matter of fact tone as opposed to an inquiry. Stating it will help your toddler start to deal with it faster. Do not ignore his fears, acknowledge them and explain. Be positive and share your own memories when you started daycare. Tell him all about the new friends, experiences and things you did and he will do.

Another tip is to read stories or watch videos about a toddler starting daycare. This way, he will realize that he is not alone which will make it easier for him to accept the change.

Visit The Daycare Center Together

Weeks before classes start, tour the daycare center with your toddler a few times. This will help your little one get acquainted with the surrounding, his future teacher and the people who will be looking after him and his classmates. These visits increases your toddler’s comfort and confidence in this new setting.

Increase Social Interaction

If your toddler is not used to being around children, he might have trouble adjusting and relating with other children in the daycare. Set up play dates to help your little one get used to being a part of a group. Invite your neighbour’s kids over to your house and give them group activities such as obstacle course, collage making or role playing. Enroll him in a music or swimming class.

Adjust Your Toddler’s Schedule

Find out the daycare center’s schedule so you can adjust your toddler’s daily schedule. Your toddler may usually eat lunch at 11 in the morning but when daycare starts, lunch may not be until 12 noon. As much as possible, try to get his body used to these changes. Follow their feeding time, naptime and playtime but do it gradually to avoid confusing your toddler.

Bring Special Items From Home

Stop your toddler from breaking down during the first day of class by letting him bring something from home. Having a comfort object such as a stuffed toy, blanket, a shirt with your scent on it or a small photo album with pictures of family members can help toddlers in a new daycare situation.

Have A Goodbye Ritual

Being away from you for the first time may make him think that you are not coming back. Create a special parting ritual like a high-five, a hug and kiss, letting him face the window and wave until your are out of sight or saying something like, “I will be back before you know it.” or “See you later alligator.”. And oh, never sneak out without saying goodbye. This will only upset your toddler when he realizes you are gone.

Starting daycare can be tough for your toddler. But, with your assistance and undying support, you can help ease your little one’s fears so he can start his first day of daycare with a big smile on his face.

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