The toddler period is one of the most enjoyable stages of human life wherein eating, sleeping and playing are the three most important activities. However, a child continues to progress day by day and for parents, noting changes in their tot’s overall condition is important. Thus, it is essential for parents to come up with a toddler development checklist to let them know what to expect.
For every toddler phase of a child, parents must come up with a toddler development checklist guide that fits accordingly to the age range of the toddler. It is important to base the list with the toddler’s age in order to focus on every aspect making it easier for the parents to spot red flags that can delay a tot’s development.
Toddler Development Checklist Guide
For parents, a toddler development checklist serves as a guideline to help them know how their toddler should be growing. This also serves as a basis for them to point out certain problem areas that may need special care. But, do keep in mind that a toddler’s progress vary from child to child so do not be alarmed when certain areas have not yet started to develop. Here is a checklist guide covering different toddler skills ranging from four months to five years old.
Four to Five Months Old (4 - 5 months old)
- Cries when hearing a sudden noise (startle reflex)
- Whole body movement (shakes head, waves arms and kicks legs)
- Starts to understand language
- Mimic’s expressions and sounds
- Eyes follows every moving person and object
- Stops crying when carried
- Makes sounds and smiles when being talked to
- Begins to thumb suck
- Rolls from front to back and back to front
- Clutches a person’s fingers
- Turns around when called by name (own name recognition)
- Lifts and turns head towards the source of a new sound
- Plays with hands and feet • Starts crawling on the floor
- Starts to love playing • Starts eating soft solid foods
- Picks up every item seen • First tooth starts to grow
Six Months Old (6 months old)
- Cries less when waking up in the middle of the night
- Curious with sounds and voices
- Needs lesser support when sitting
- Likes to put things inside the mouth (way of exploring)
- Loud laughing
- Laughs a lot when tickled or when hoisted in the air
- Loves to make sounds (bangs all objects)
- Likes playing games with adults (closing and opening of hands, twinkling of the eyes, peek a boo, etc.)
Seven to Eleven Months Old (7 - 11 months old)
- Starts to enjoy bath time (especially playing with bubbles and rubber ducks)
- Can raise self into a sitting position (no need for support)
- Tries to crawl up the stairs
- Starts liking toys
- Loves to look at picture books and enjoys story time
- Gets emotionally attached to people especially with the mother
- Likes looking in the mirror and smiles when seeing own reflection
- Prefers playing than sleeping
- Eats more meals in a day
- Starts to feel wary towards other people (especially with strangers or new faces)
- Responds by making word-like sounds
- Begins to walk with support
One Year Old (1 years old)
- Pulls self in a standing position while holding on to a solid furniture
- Loves to run around the house
- Can eat more solid foods with ease
- Requires less assistance when eating and drinking
- Starts to utter short words
- Begins to doodle on every available area of the house
- Starts to learn how to say no
- Recognizes music and dances along with it
Two Years Old (2 years old)
- Refers to things by pointing fingers
- Knows how to throw balls
- Able to walk without any assistance
- Forms simple words and makes it into a phrase
- Learns how to kick without losing balance
- Starts to make friends as playmates
- Still reluctant to share and take turns
- Ready for potty training
Three to Four Years Old (3 - 4 years old)
- More imaginative during playtime
- Capable of dressing and undressing oneself
- Loves to dance and sing
- Converses well with people
- Begins to write the alphabet in a crooked manner
- More inquisitive
- Learns how to resolve simple conflicts
- Can distinguish right from wrong
- Talks nonstop about little things
- Likes to take small responsibilities (feeding pets, helping with the laundry or putting toys back into its place)