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How to Treat The Most Common Food Allergies In Children

It is common for toddlers to get allergies at such an early age. During your child’s toddler phase, his digestive and immune system are still very fragile, hence the need for it to be adequately developed before different types of solid food are introduced.

Over the years, the rate of food allergies in children have doubled. Some allergies are mild while some cause severe allergic reactions that can endanger a toddler’s well-being. If your little one has certain food allergies, it is very essential for you to know how to counteract these to prevent any serious health threats.

Treating Food Allergies In Children

1.) Know What Food Your Toddler Is Allergic To

Before you begin treatment, it is important that you recognize the most common foods that cause allergic reactions. The following foods are:

  • Egg. Toddlers below the age of 5 are usually allergic to the white, yolk or both. Although this can be outgrown, there is a big possibility for asthma and nasal reactions to grow.
  • Milk. Cow, goat and sheep milks cause allergies to toddlers due to the whey and milk proteins present in it. Children allergic to milk can also be allergic to beef or develop food intolerance.
  • Peanut. One of the most common food to cause allergies to toddlers, peanut can develop asthma and can possibly lead to death when allergic reactions are not treated quickly.
  • Seafood. This food allergy cannot be outgrown and is very common to adults.
  • Soy. Related to peanut, soy is a more minor food allergy and can be outgrown by the age of 5.
  • Tree Nut. One of the most severe food allergies, tree nut can lead to major health complications and is less likely to be outgrown.
  • Wheat. Allergy to wheat can lead to skin asthma but is most likely outgrown during early toddler years.

It is best to create a chart to help you determine which foods your toddler has been taking. By doing so, you get to figure out the symptoms as early as possible to prevent any serious complications.

2.) Learn to Read Food Labels

Just because you know what type of food your toddler is allergic to does not mean you do not have to be cautious with the other foods you feed him. Always read food labels because the food your little one is allergic to may be an ingredient of many other foods. If you must buy a certain product with ingredients he is allergic to, why not look for a better alternative instead.

3.) Modify His Diet

While he may be used to a certain diet, diet modification must be implemented to treat his allergies. Your toddler might need to give up some of his favorite meals as well. To help him transition, plan a whole new meal chart for the family. In this way, he will not throw tantrums or feel bad he cannot eat sweet potatoes, fish or a peanut butter sandwich while the rest of the family can.

4.) Introduce New Foods With Caution

Another way to treat his food allergy is to never give your toddler meals that are new to him. Remember, his immune system is still adjusting to the solid foods he takes in. To prevent any allergies, start off by introducing wheat, vegetables, non-citrus fruits and juices. Pork and other protein-rich foods must only be introduced once he reaches 8 or 9 years old.

5.) Consult With Your Toddler’s Pediatrician

Treating food allergies require the expertise of a doctor. Let your toddler be evaluated by his pediatrician. If allergic reactions are too severe, your child may have to undergo several testings such as RAST (radioallergosorbent test) for checking of antibodies or skin testing. Here are some ways to treat common food allergies and its health complications:


  • Complication: Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Treatment: To treat this allergic reaction, completely eliminate cow’s milk from his diet. Ginger and green tea can also treat this food allergy.

Egg, Peanut, Seafood, Soy and Wheat

  • Complication: Skin Allergies and Asthma
  • Treatment: Antihistamines or Hydrocortisone can soothe the itchiness and redness of the skin. Do not use lotions as these can increase the problem. An inhaler or a nebulizer (for severe asthma attacks) will help even toddlers breathing.

Tree Nut Allergy

  • Complication: Anaphylaxis
  • Treatment: An adrenaline or epinephrine shot is the only treatment for this severe food allergy attack. You must also have an epinephrine injection kit handy at home and when you go out in case of sudden attacks.

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