Tag Archive | "toddler health"

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Dandruff In Toddlers

Dandruff is a very common skin condition that affects the scalp. Dandruff is harmless but it can be itchy and embarrassing for your toddler. Here is a guide that will help you better understand the causes, signs and treatment of dandruff in toddlers.

What causes dandruff in toddlers?

Dandruff is caused by a fast production of yeast or malassezia that lives on the scalp. The excess cells are seen as flakes on the scalp or on the shoulders. Other factors that can cause dandruff in toddlers are excess sebum production, harsh shampoos and other hair care products, improper hair washing, sunburn (which leads to dry and flaky scalp) and skin disorders such as eczema (swelling of the epidermis), psoriasis (thick, prickly red patches that are at times painful) and seborrhic dermatitis (an inflammatory skin condition that affects the scalp, face and torso).

The Symptoms of Dandruff

Symptoms of dandruff are very easy to spot. If you see your toddler scratching or you notice white, oily, flaky patches of scale on your little one’s scalp, behind the ears or on his shoulders, chances are the problem is dandruff. A dry scalp is also another indicator that your toddler has dandruff.

Risk Factors

Almost any child is at risk of having dandruff. But, toddlers with oily scalps or oily hair are more vulnerable. According to studies, male children are more likely to have dandruff because they have larger producing oil glands. In addition, children who have poor eating habits are at a higher risk for dandruff.

Treatment For Dandruff In Toddlers

Use An Anti-dandruff Shampoo

You may use an over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoo to get rid of the flakes in your toddler’s scalp. There are many options available so you can decide whether you want an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains active ingredients such as selenium sulphide which helps retain moist skin cells, salicylic acid that helps remove dead skin and dry up excess oil and ketoconazole which minimizes scalp fungus. Use this once a day and make sure you rinse your toddler’s hair carefully to improve the scalp condition. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before buying one to ensure that the product you choose is safe for your toddler.

Practice Proper Hair Care

Shampoo your toddler’s hair every day. This is the best way to treat mild cases of dandruff in toddlers. First, brush his hair before shampooing. Then apply a small amount of mild shampoo (choose one that is hypoallergenic and is free from perfumes or dyes) into the palm of your hand and massage it into your toddler’s scalp and hair. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes and then wash the shampoo out thoroughly.

Limit The Use of Styling Products

As much as possible, do not put hair styling products such as gel, wax, mousse and spray in your toddler’s hair. These products can clog up the hair and make your toddler’s hair oilier which will only aggravate the dandruff.

Avoid Sugar and Yeast

Limit the amount of sugar and yeast your little one consumes. This is very effective in treating dandruff. Offer your toddler more fruits and vegetables instead. Not only will a healthy diet treat dandruff but it will also boost your toddler’s immune system.

Send Your Toddler Outside

Getting a little bit of sunshine every day can also help treat dandruff in toddlers. Allow your toddler to stay outdoors for at least 30 minutes each day. The sun’s ultraviolet radiation can help control the condition. But, do not forget to apply sunscreen to your toddler before sending him outside.

In general, dandruff does not require a doctor’s care. It can be treated at home although it may take some time to completely slough off the flakes on your toddler’s scalp. However, if your toddler’s scalp continues to itch after trying these remedies or if you notice oozing and inflammation, talk to his doctor.

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Swimmer’s Ear In Children

Most children love being in the water. However, too much time spent in the water can cause swimmer’s ear or otitis externa, an external ear infection. Here is a guide of what parents need to know about swimmer’s ear in children.

Causes of Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear occurs when water gets trapped in the ear canal, corroding the skin’s defensive lining, making it a good place for bacteria to breed. A toddler who swims often or puts his head under water when he takes a bath can have swimmer’s ear. Lake water is a common culprit but so is pool water, ocean water and water from showers.
Inserting something into the ear such as a cotton swab, a piece of food, a bead, or earphones and scratching the inside of the ear can also cause swimmer’s ear because these objects can strip off the protective earwax from the ear canal. In addition, allergies, diseases and skin conditions can also lead to swimmer’s ear.

What are the signs and symptoms of swimmer’s ear in children?

Symptoms of swimmer’s ear are normally mild at first. But they can get worse if the infection spreads or is not treated right away. Indications that a toddler has swimmer’s ear include:

•    Itching in the ear canal
•    Ear pain in only one ear that gets worse when pulled or when swallowing
•    Slight swelling inside the ear
•    Temporary hearing loss
•    Discharge of clear, yellow or smelly pus from the ear
•    Inflammation in the lymph nodes in the neck (for severe cases)

Diagnosing Swimmer’s Ear

You can try doing the ear movement test to check if your toddler has swimmer’s ear. Start by pushing the small flap that covers the ear canal. Pull back and up the entire ear and then push on the face (just in front of the ear).

You may also bring your toddler to the doctor. The doctor will use an otoscope (a lighted scope) to take a look of the ear canal. The doctor may also observe the discharge from the ear under a microscope to figure out if bacteria or fungi are causing the infection.

Treatment of Swimmer’s Ear In Children

Antibiotic Ear Drops

The doctor can prescribe an antibiotic ear drop which you have to put 5 to 10 drops into the ear 2 to 4 times a day for a week. Let it stay in the ear canal for at least 10 minutes and then let the fluid flow out onto a washcloth or tissue.


If your toddler is in pain, you may give your little one the correct dose of OTC or over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) or ibuprofen (e.g. Advil or Motrin) to help reduce the pain until the ear drop takes effect. Never give your toddler aspirin.

Apply Heat

Another option for treating swimmer’s ear in children is by applying warm compress to the affected ear. Soak a small washcloth in lukewarm water and lightly press against the affected ear. If you are using a heating pad, wrap it in a towel before putting it next to your toddler’s ear to avoid burning the ear.

Preventive Measures

If your toddler is susceptible to swimmer’s ear, you may put preventive drops in your toddler’s ear after bathing or swimming. You can either buy a swimmer’s ear drop or make a homemade ear drop by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. These drops help prevent swimmer’s ear and puts the acid back in the ear canal.

Most importantly, teach your little one not to put things inside his ears. If you are going to clean your toddler’s ears, do not use a cotton swab. Use a soft washcloth instead.

If you have administered these treatments yet there is no improvement within two days or if the area behind the ear is red and tender, bring your toddler to the doctor.

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Treatment For Hives In Children

Hives or welts are inflamed areas on the skin. They show up in different sizes and shapes, are usually itchy and with a pale and elevated area surrounded by a red border. Hives in children is very common. But, they are not contagious and can be treated at home. Below are some tips about the treatment for hives in children.

Eliminate The Culprit

Hives are mostly caused by irritants such as insect bites, pet dander, food, pollen, mold, cold temperature, viral infection (e.g. cold) and certain medications that may cause your toddler to break out in hives. Know the triggers and limit your toddler’s exposure to the allergen as much as possible. Keep your pet in your backyard. Clean your home. Close the windows to keep pollen from filtering in your home. Be wary of the foods you feed your toddler. Treat infection right away.

Give Your Toddler Antihistamine

Over-the-counter antihistamine is another treatment for hives in children. Antihistamines obstruct the release of histamine (a substance that is produced when an allergic reaction occurs) in the body. As soon as you notice the hives, give your little one antihistamine such as Benadryl every 6 hours to reduce itch and inflammation. Talk to your toddler’s pediatrician first to make sure your toddler can take it and to determine the correct dose for your toddler’s age and weight.

Bathe Your Toddler

Give your toddler a bath to wash away as much of the allergen as possible. Bathe him with soap and cool water. Use a washcloth to clean the area with hives to help relieve the itch. Another option is to add 1 cup of oatmeal or baking soda to the bath. Baking soda and oatmeal have natural anti-itching elements that can help cure the hives.

Cool Compress The Affected Area

You may also cool compress the area to minimize the redness. Massage the area for 20 minutes with a cold pack. The compress will not make the hives go away but it can soothe the itchiness and bring some relief to your uncomfortable toddler.

Apply Cream or Lotion

Another treatment for hives in children is hydrocortisone cream. You can buy one over-the-counter. It is available in 0.5% and 1.0% strengths. Make sure you pick the weakest cream since a stronger cream can be too harsh for your toddler’s sensitive skin.

Calamine lotion is also effective in treating hives. Pour a small amount on a cotton ball and gently dab it to the affected area. You may also apply aloe vera extract to the skin. Aloe vera has a cooling power that will help soothe the rash and ease the itch of the hives. It will also lessen soreness and fight off infection.

Dress Your Toddler Comfortably

Dress your toddler in clothes that are appropriate for the weather. If it is hot, do not cover him in layers of clothing. Go for clothes that are made of cotton which allow the skin to breathe. Dress him in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing so the clothes do nut rub against the hives and aggravate the irritation. Change your toddler’s clothes if he becomes sweaty or uncomfortable.

Make Sure There is Proper Ventilation

During warm days, run a cool mist humidifier in your home to allow air to circulate. For cold weather, just keep your little one inside your home. Do not bring him with you when you go out. Turn on the heater so he will not get too cold.

Consult With An Expert

Even if you have followed the remedies above, it is still very important that you talk to your toddler’s pediatrician. The doctor can give you more tips on how to treat your toddler’s hives. Plus, having expert advice will give you peace of mind.

These techniques are effective for treating hives in children. But, if you notice that the hives are worsening or your toddler has difficulty breathing, vomits, wheezes and becomes pale, take your toddler to the emergency room at once.

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Obesity In Toddlers – Causes, Symptoms, Health Risks and Prevention

Obesity is one of the most common childhood conditions in the United States. The increasing number of toddlers being overweight is very alarming, making obesity seem like an outbreak. Below are some information about the causes, symptoms, health risks and preventive measures of obesity in toddlers.

What causes obesity in toddlers?

Toddlers become obese due to a variety of factors. Common causes of obesity in toddlers are - genetics or toddlers with an obese parent or sibling is at risk of becoming overweight themselves, unhealthy eating patterns (eats more fast food and sugary food than whole grains, fruits and vegetables), lack of physical activity and certain medications that changes how the body processes food or stores fat. In rare cases, obesity can also be caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal disorder, metabolic diseases and chemical imbalances.

How will you know if your toddler is overweight?

A toddler carrying extra pounds does not automatically mean he is obese. Assessing obesity in toddlers can be tricky since toddlers can grow in erratic spurts. For this reason, you have to consult with your toddler’s pediatrician to help you determine whether or not your toddler is obese. This can be done by measuring your toddler’s weight and height and computing his body mass index or BMI. The doctor will also take into consideration your toddler’s age and growth patterns.

What are the health risks of obesity in toddlers?

Obesity in toddlers can have complications that can impede a toddler’s well-being. An overweight toddler is at risk of:

Type 2 Diabetes

Studies show that obese children are two times more susceptible to have diabetes than children of normal weight. Diabetes is a chronic condition that can influence the way a toddler’s body metabolizes glucose or sugar, resulting to high blood glucose levels which can ultimately lead to kidney disease and blindness.

Sleep Apnea

Obesity in toddlers can also result to sleep apnea (a harmful condition that causes breathing to stop momentarily while sleeping). A toddler with this sleeping disorder can develop chronic sleep deprivation as well as behavioural and learning difficulties.

High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

These two are the leading cause of heart disease. Although high cholesterol and high blood pressure are more common in adults, overweight toddlers are also at risk of both conditions and may have a full-scale heart disease later in life.


An obese child is at a greater risk of having depression. Being overweight can harm a toddler’s self-esteem especially since he is a target of bullying. Lack of confidence can make a toddler anxious, limit his social interaction, activeness and damage his emotional state which can lead to dissatisfaction with his life.

How can obesity be prevented?

Luckily, obesity can be prevented. Parents can help their obese children lose weight by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Change your toddler’s eating habits. Provide healthy meals and snacks and limit your little one’s sweet and junk intake. Eat together. Cook more meals instead of ordering food from his favorite pizza place. If you do eat out, limit it for special events such as birthdays or after his school recital.

Get up and exercise. Play hide and seek, jump rope or jog around your neighbourhood together. Enroll your toddler in a sports class. It is also imperative to talk to your toddler about weight and the significance of living a healthy lifestyle. Of course, your toddler has to see you practicing what you preach so make sure you set a good example for your child. Do not forget to involve the entire family.

Obesity is a reversible condition. If your toddler is obese, talk to your pediatrician about creating a diet and exercise plan. Whatever approach you choose to take to help your toddler shed off some pounds, make sure to keep it fun so your toddler will not feel losing weight a chore.

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A Guide To Short Stature In Children

Poor growth, more popularly known as short stature is a condition that is common in children. Use the information below as your guide so you can better understand short stature in children.

What is short stature?

Short stature is a term used by doctors for a child who is notably below the average height for a person of the same age and sex. A child is considered to have short stature if his height is more than two SD’s (standard deviation) below the average height of other children of the same age.

Causes of Short Stature In Children

The causes of short stature in children fall into one of three major categories – familial short stature, chronic disease and constitutional delay of growth and development.

•    Familial Short Stature – Familial short stature is hereditary. Meaning, one or both parents of the toddler is short, but the toddler will show normal growth rate, bone development is normal and he should reach the height of one or both parents.
•    Chronic Disease – Short stature in children can also be caused by a number of medical conditions such as malnutrition (the most common cause of short stature), Down syndrome, congenital heart disease, celiac disease, asthma, diabetes and bone disorders such as rickets (a disorder caused by a lack of calcium, vitamin D or phosphate).
•    Constitutional Growth Delay – Characterized by delayed bone age, normal growth rate and a predicted adult height appropriate to the family pattern. Toddlers with constitutional growth delay are called “late bloomers”.

Signs and Symptoms of Short Stature In Children

A toddler who is short does not mean he has a problem. If a toddler’s short stature is inherited or if he is a late bloomer, there is no need to worry. The toddler will shoot up to a more average height once he reaches puberty stage. However, poor growth can also be an indicator of a medical condition. Watch out for the following red flags:

•    Loss of appetite
•    Weight loss or weight gain (more than 5 pounds in a month)
•    Growth suddenly stops or slows
•    Your toddler is notably shorter than most children his age
•    Your toddler has health issues

Diagnosing The Problem

Your health care provider will perform a physical assessment. Your toddler’s weight, height and arm and leg lengths will be measured. Your toddler’s doctor will also ask you a couple of questions about your family history (e.g. height of parents, grandparents, siblings and relatives) and your child’s history (e.g. what the toddler’s birth was like, your toddler’s diet and if he has any other symptoms).

The doctor may also order a complete blood count and other laboratory examinations such as IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), growth hormone stimulation test (to check for gland and hormone problems) and a bone x-ray of your toddler’s left wrist or hand to see whether or not the bones have matured as they should for your toddler’s age.

Treatment For Short Stature In Children

If your toddler’s short stature is caused by a health condition, he will be treated for that condition. If your toddler lacks growth hormones in his body, the health care expert may recommend giving your toddler synthetic growth hormones to stimulate growth. This is usually given using growth hormone injections.
However, if your toddler is short but his growth hormone levels are normal, he will not need growth hormone injections.

Keep in mind that short stature can have an effect on a toddler’s self-esteem. Thus, it is very important that you give your toddler plenty of emotional support. This can be done by focusing on your toddler’s talents and strengths, playing with your toddler more often and listening to him talk. Be mindful of the teasing his classmates and friends may make. Talk with other family members, friends and teachers about how to give support to your precious one.

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Treatment For Night Terrors In Children

Night terror or sleep terror is far different from a nightmare. A toddler will wake up in the middle of the night yelling, sweating and with his eyes wide open but will not recognize you. It can be frustrating and scary, but you can stop this sleep disorder. Here is a guide about the treatment for night terrors in children.

Do Not Attempt To Wake Your Toddler

Naturally, your intuition will be to soothe your toddler. But, if you wake him up, you will only confuse him and make him more frantic. Do not try to hold or shake him either. Remember, a child who wakes up with a night terror is still asleep even if his eyes are open. Be patient. Just wait it out as long as he does not hurt himself. Within 10 to 30 minutes, your toddler should calm down, fall into deep sleep again and will not have any recollection of the episode in the morning.

Focus On Keeping Your Toddler Safe

Make sure you remove any objects that he can possibly hurt himself with during an episode. Remove the bedcovers off of him. Store sharp objects. Keep his bedroom floor free from clutter. Install a child safety gate on the staircase.

Establish A Soothing Bedtime Routine

Another treatment for night terrors in children is setting a bedtime routine. The activities during the day can overwhelm and stress a toddler. Hence, it is very important for him to have a bedtime ritual to help him transition to sleep. Start by having dinner, playing quiet games (e.g. jigsaw puzzles or drawing), giving him a bath and a glass of warm milk, reading a book and end the ritual with lots of cuddling.

Wake Your Toddler Before An Episode

Determine what time his night terrors usually transpire. For example, if night terrors occur in the first few hours of sleep, quietly rouse your toddler 15 minutes after he has been asleep for 2 hours. Set your alarm clock so you can wake up before an episode and then awaken your toddler. Have a quiet chat, sing a lullaby, have him drink water, lead him to the potty or press a washcloth to his neck or feet. You can also keep a spray bottle filled with water near his bed and squirt water on his face until he wakes up. These techniques are very effective in disrupting your toddler’s sleep cycle and prevent night terrors.

Get Adequate Sleep

It is very important for toddlers to get enough sleep. Toddlers who go to bed worn out are more prone to experience sleep disorders. To avoid exhaustion, let your toddler sleep a little later in the morning, extend his nap time and put him to bed a few minutes earlier at night.

Stay Calm

Lastly, the most effective treatment of night terrors in children is keeping your composure. Sure, it can be uncomfortable hearing your toddler scream or seeing him flailing his arms but try to stay calm until the night terror has passed. The more relax you are, the calmer your toddler will become.

Night terrors normally last only a few weeks. But, if your toddler’s night terrors continue, it would be best to talk to your pediatrician and ask for other treatment options.

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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Sleep Apnea In Toddlers

Sleep apnea in toddlers is a very common form of sleep disorder. This disorder is characterized by repetitive interruption of breathing during sleep. There are three types of sleep apnea in children – central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea which is the most common type and mixed apnea which is a combination of the two. This sleep problem can be potentially fatal. Thus, it is very important for parents to understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of sleep apnea in toddlers.


Sleep apnea in toddlers can be caused by a number of things. Adenoids or enlarged tonsils are the most common cause of sleep apnea in toddlers. A toddler’s tonsils are naturally a bit larger than an adult which can momentarily obstruct air from getting into his lungs. Adenoids and tonsils may also become engorged from allergies.

Other causes of sleep apnea in toddlers are obesity, Down syndrome, certain facial features such as cleft palate and a receding chin and failure of the brain to send signals to the muscles to breathe.

Signs and Symptoms

The following are indications of sleep apnea in toddlers:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Snoring
  • Pauses in breathing during sleep (lasts at least 10 seconds)
  • Huffing noises while sleeping
  • Restless sleep
  • Coughs at night
  • Mouth breathing
  • Poor weight gain
  • Weight loss
  • Constant bed-wetting
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Cognitive and behavioural problems such as aggressiveness, hyperactivity and absent-mindedness


Tonsils and Adenoids Removal

In most cases, sleep apnea in toddlers can be treated through adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy (surgeries for removing the adenoids and tonsils). Your toddler’s pediatrician will recommend an otolaryngologist to perform the surgery as well as discuss the risks and benefits with you. This surgery requires general anesthesia, can be done on an outpatient basis (depending on your toddler’s health) and has no long-term and negative side effects.


CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is a special machine that may be used by your toddler at night. This machine keeps the airway free by blowing air into the nose through a mask during sleep. Letting your toddler wear the mask for at least 3 hours a night can make a big difference.

Bi-Level Breathing Machine

Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machine is similar to a CPAP machine but is mainly used for more severe cases. It has 2 different pressures – one for inhaling and another for exhaling which allows your toddler to get more air in and out of his lungs.

Weight Management

If your toddler’s sleep apnea is due to obesity, your child will have to undergo a weight management or weight loss program. Obese children are more vulnerable to having jammed airways. Your doctor may prescribe a special diet and exercises to help cure the problem before it further aggravates.

If you think your toddler may be suffering from sleep apnea, consult your pediatrician immediately. Your toddler might need to undergo a sleep study for diagnosis.

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Flu Vaccine For Children

Flu vaccine for children is one of the most crucial vaccinations every toddler should receive. It is the best way to prevent a toddler from getting seriously ill. Here is some information to help you better understand flu vaccine for children.

Why is flu vaccine for children important?

Children need to get the flu vaccine as a protection against the flu or influenza which is a highly transmittable disease of the respiratory system. Because children under the age of 5 can suffer serious complications from the flu (convulsions, pneumonia and ear infection), some of those children develop more severe illnesses which can lead to death. Getting a toddler immunized for a flu vaccine is the best way to secure a toddler from these lethal complications.

What is the recommended schedule?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommends children ages 6 months and older to get the flu vaccine as well as parents, caregivers and anyone who is in close contact with the toddler.

A toddler who is below the age of 9 and has not received the flu vaccine before will need 2 doses a month apart to give his immune system time to react. Only 1 dose of flu vaccine is necessary for children who received the shot before.

What are the types of flu vaccine for children?

There are 2 types of flu vaccine for children – flu shot and nasal spray. Flu shots are given to children 6 months and older. Side effects may include muscle pains, tenderness or redness at the injection site. Nasal spray flu vaccine or FluMist can be given to children below 2 years old who have no record of asthma or wheezing. Side effects such as congestion, cough, fatigue, fever and headache are expected.

Is it effective?

Flu vaccine for children is about 70 to 80 percent effective in preventing a toddler from developing the flu. However, if a toddler is exposed to a strain of the flu that was not integrated in the flu vaccine that year, the shot will be less potent. Also, the flu vaccine supplies no security from other viruses so the flu vaccine will not keep a toddler from getting sick, it will only minimize the probability that he will get the flu.

Are annual flu shots really necessary?

Yes, even if a toddler received a flu vaccine last year, he still has to be immunized for the present year. Annual flu shots for children are needed since there are 3 different strains of flu virus that circulate and change during the flu season (during cold season).

Who should not get the flu vaccine?

Even though flu vaccine for children is very essential, there are still a few exemptions to the rule. Doctors do not prescribe flu vaccines for children who:

  • Are under 6 months of age
  • Suffered an allergic reaction to a previous flu vaccine
  • Are severely allergic to eggs
  • Has a serious disease with fever
  • Has a nervous system disorder

If you have any questions or concerns about flu vaccine for children, do not hesitate to talk to your child health expert.

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How To Help Your Toddler Cope With Asthma Attacks

Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease. Asthma attacks can impede with a toddler’s performance. But fortunately, there are plenty of ways parents can help their children cope with asthma attacks.

Control Asthma Symptoms

The first step is to control the symptoms. In order to do that, you have to know the symptoms of an asthma attack. Wheezing, coughing, tightness of chest, trouble breathing, shortness of breath, difficulty talking, bluish skin, flaring nostrils and fatigue are all signs of an asthma attack in children.

Avoid Common Asthma Triggers

Identify the triggers. According to the American Lung Association, asthma attacks are normally triggered by exercise, dust, smoke, cold air, mold, allergies (e.g. pet dander) and infections (e.g. the flu). Clean your home regularly. Stay away from people who smoke. Keep the family pet outside the house. Knowing what sets off the attack is a way of helping your toddler cope with the condition.

Educate Your Toddler

Asthma can be a terrifying condition for toddlers. Hence, it is important that you help your toddler understand what asthma is, how and why it happens and what steps he should follow to stop or prevent an asthma attack. During your next visit to the doctor, ask his pediatrician to explain his condition. Watch videos or read books about children with asthma. Try “The Lion Who Has Asthma” by Jonathan London or “Taking Asthma To School” by Barbara Mitchell. When your toddler understands his condition, he will be better equipped to deal with it.

Have An Emergency Inhaler On Hand

It is very crucial for a toddler with asthma to carry an emergency inhaler at all times in case of an asthma attack. This is a fast-acting medication that ease the spasms in the airway, making breathing easier.

Take Controller Medications

Controller medications are necessary for preventing asthma attacks. Inhaled steroid medication can be given to your toddler everyday using either a nebulizer (a battery or electric operated device that turns liquid medicine into a steam your toddler can inhale through a mask) or an MDI (a meter-dosed inhaler – a small spray can inserted into a long tube called a holding spacer which has a mouthpiece attached to it). Leukotriene (a chewable nonsteroidal tablet) may also be given for reducing inflammation.

Make sure controller medications are taken as prescribed by the doctor and that every family member, your toddler’s caregiver and teacher are aware of his condition and knows how to treat an asthma attack.

Encourage Physical Activity

Keep your toddler active. Exercise together. Play physical games. Enroll him in a soccer class. Go swimming. Asthma does not have to interfere with your toddler’s life. As long as he does not overexert himself, he will be fine. Using a bronchodilator before your toddler does anything active can increase airflow to the lungs, preventing an attack.

Eat Well

Make sure your toddler eats healthy. Include fruits and vegetables, dairy products such as egg, cheese and milk, fish, walnuts, whole grains, cereal, pasta, meat and poultry into his daily diet. Having a nutritious diet can help your toddler breathe easier, reducing bouts of asthma attacks.

There is no cure for asthma. But, with medical assistance and appropriate treatment, your toddler will be able to manage his asthma and function like other children.

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A Parent’s Guide To Bronchitis In Children

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes - large airways between the nose and the lungs. Toddlers with immature immune systems are most susceptible to bronchitis. Some toddlers have a speedy recovery while others may need weeks and months to recuperate. This guide will help parents better understand bronchitis in children.

Levels of Infection

There are 2 types of bronchitis– acute and chronic.

  • Acute bronchitis – A short-term infection that usually follows a cold or viral infection such as the flu which affects the nasal passages, sinuses and throat before entering the lungs.
  • Chronic bronchitis – A long-term infection that generates excess mucus in the lungs which causes chronic coughing until the infection is cleared out of the body. It can result to breathing difficulties making it a serious condition.

What causes bronchitis?

Bronchitis in children is normally caused by several viruses such as influenza A and B. Bacteria is another leading cause of bronchitis. This is a result of a sinus infection that has spread to the chest or by inhaling airborne bacteria such as cigarette and tobacco smoke, air pollution and chemical solvents. Allergies can also cause bronchitis in children. According to child health experts, toddlers who suffer from allergies or asthma are more likely to develop this infection due to the immune system’s sensitivity to substances such as dust, molds and pollen.

What are the symptoms?

Toddlers suffering from bronchitis will have one or more of these symptoms:

  • Coughing (starts out dry but later on produces greenish or yellowish mucus)
  • Low-grade fever (100 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Chills
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Body pains
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue

How is bronchitis diagnosed?

Your doctor will perform several tests to diagnose bronchitis. The pediatrician may base his finding on the physical symptoms your toddler may be experiencing. The doctor can order chest X-rays to verify the condition of the lungs. A device called pulse oximetry may also be used to evaluate the amount of oxygen that is in your toddler’s blood.

How is bronchitis treated?

Antibiotics will be given to your toddler if bronchitis is caused by a bacterial infection. The doctor might also recommend running a cool-mist humidifier in your toddler’s bedroom to moisten the air and relieve your child’s breathing. Saline drops may also be used to ease congestion.

It is also very important that your toddler drinks plenty of fluids (about 8 to 10 glasses per day) to prevent dehydration and keep his airway free of irritants. Plenty of rest is also necessary. Elevate his head with a pillow while your toddler is sleeping to make breathing easier for him.

Giving your toddler a correct dose of children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also help reduce his fever and discomfort. The doctor may also recommend cough medicine with expectorant to clear out mucus. Or if your toddler has asthma, a bronchodilator may be given to open up his airways.

Bronchitis is very common in children. But, you can protect your toddler from this disease by making sure he washes his hands regularly, maintains a well-balanced diet, gets adequate sleep and limits contact with sick people and people who smoke.

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