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Treatment For Hives In Children

Hives or welts are inflamed areas on the skin. They show up in different sizes and shapes, are usually itchy and with a pale and elevated area surrounded by a red border. Hives in children is very common. But, they are not contagious and can be treated at home. Below are some tips about the treatment for hives in children.

Eliminate The Culprit

Hives are mostly caused by irritants such as insect bites, pet dander, food, pollen, mold, cold temperature, viral infection (e.g. cold) and certain medications that may cause your toddler to break out in hives. Know the triggers and limit your toddler’s exposure to the allergen as much as possible. Keep your pet in your backyard. Clean your home. Close the windows to keep pollen from filtering in your home. Be wary of the foods you feed your toddler. Treat infection right away.

Give Your Toddler Antihistamine

Over-the-counter antihistamine is another treatment for hives in children. Antihistamines obstruct the release of histamine (a substance that is produced when an allergic reaction occurs) in the body. As soon as you notice the hives, give your little one antihistamine such as Benadryl every 6 hours to reduce itch and inflammation. Talk to your toddler’s pediatrician first to make sure your toddler can take it and to determine the correct dose for your toddler’s age and weight.

Bathe Your Toddler

Give your toddler a bath to wash away as much of the allergen as possible. Bathe him with soap and cool water. Use a washcloth to clean the area with hives to help relieve the itch. Another option is to add 1 cup of oatmeal or baking soda to the bath. Baking soda and oatmeal have natural anti-itching elements that can help cure the hives.

Cool Compress The Affected Area

You may also cool compress the area to minimize the redness. Massage the area for 20 minutes with a cold pack. The compress will not make the hives go away but it can soothe the itchiness and bring some relief to your uncomfortable toddler.

Apply Cream or Lotion

Another treatment for hives in children is hydrocortisone cream. You can buy one over-the-counter. It is available in 0.5% and 1.0% strengths. Make sure you pick the weakest cream since a stronger cream can be too harsh for your toddler’s sensitive skin.

Calamine lotion is also effective in treating hives. Pour a small amount on a cotton ball and gently dab it to the affected area. You may also apply aloe vera extract to the skin. Aloe vera has a cooling power that will help soothe the rash and ease the itch of the hives. It will also lessen soreness and fight off infection.

Dress Your Toddler Comfortably

Dress your toddler in clothes that are appropriate for the weather. If it is hot, do not cover him in layers of clothing. Go for clothes that are made of cotton which allow the skin to breathe. Dress him in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing so the clothes do nut rub against the hives and aggravate the irritation. Change your toddler’s clothes if he becomes sweaty or uncomfortable.

Make Sure There is Proper Ventilation

During warm days, run a cool mist humidifier in your home to allow air to circulate. For cold weather, just keep your little one inside your home. Do not bring him with you when you go out. Turn on the heater so he will not get too cold.

Consult With An Expert

Even if you have followed the remedies above, it is still very important that you talk to your toddler’s pediatrician. The doctor can give you more tips on how to treat your toddler’s hives. Plus, having expert advice will give you peace of mind.

These techniques are effective for treating hives in children. But, if you notice that the hives are worsening or your toddler has difficulty breathing, vomits, wheezes and becomes pale, take your toddler to the emergency room at once.

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