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Seven Best Snacks For Kids With Food Allergies

Finding nutritious and yummy snacks for kids with food allergies can be a challenge. Here are seven best snacks for kids with food allergies that are easy to prepare.

Fruit Skewers

Give fruits extra flair by serving them on skewers. Slice fruits into big chunks and let your toddler cut them into smaller pieces using a kitchen knife for children. Apple, banana, grape, pear, strawberry and watermelon are a good match. Alternate the chunks of fruits on the skewers. Serving fruit skewers with a dip makes this snack more delightful for your little one. Fruit skewers or fruit kabobs serve as a healthy snack for kids with food allergies.

Petite Pizzas

Children will definitely go crazy over this snack. Provide the ingredients and let your toddler get creative in making his own pizza. Give him half of an English muffin, have him put on a dollop of tomato sauce and let him choose which toppings he wants – grated cheese, pepperoni, sliced olives, bell pepper and diced vegetables. Bake the pizza until cheese melts and watch your toddler chomp with gusto. These are perfect snacks for toddlers who are allergic to eggs, fish, nuts or soy.

Veggies and Dips

Prepare a variety of vegetables – carrots, celery, cucumber, corn, lettuce and mild radishes. Ask your toddler to wash them and then cut the vegetables into small chunks. Use different bowls for the vegetables and offer some sour cream and some herbs and spices. Veggies and dips is a great snack for kids with food allergies, particularly those allergic to eggs, fish, nuts, peanuts, soy and wheat.


This one is another classic snack even kids with food allergies can enjoy. Fold a flour tortilla in half and fill with cheese and some vegetables, glaze the outsides of the tortilla with butter and cook in a pan or sandwich grill. Once golden brown, cut it into smaller pieces for easy eating. Serve salsa, bean or sour cream for dipping. Quesadillas are perfect snacks for toddlers who are allergic to dairy, fish and wheat.

Gluten-free Crepes

Crepes are one of the most popular snacks for children. Make this snack for kids with food allergies possible by using cooked fruits (apple, banana or strawberry), minced onion, tomato and zucchini or scrambled egg as fillings. Fill the crepe with your toddler’s choice of filling and add a little sugar, cinnamon or nutmeg. Use goat’s milk or Daiya cheese instead of cow’s milk.

Sesame-free Hummus

To make hummus, you will need washed and drained chicken peas, minced onion, cumin, lemon juice, salt and water to taste. Slice some bell pepper, carrot, celery and cucumber into strips to dip into the hummus. Add some extra olive oil for more flavor.

Rice Crispy Bars

You will need 2 packets of unflavored gelatin, 2 cups allergy-friendly powdered sugar, 2/3 cup rice syrup, ½ cup water and 8 cups of Kellogg’s gluten-free rice crispies. Combine powdered sugar, rice syrup and water on a pre-heated pan and bring to a boil with continuous whisking. In a separate bowl, empty the contents of the gelatin envelopes and immerse in ½ cup water. Quickly stir mixture until smooth. Place gelatin and gradually drizzle the hot candy mixture in a bowl. Beat the mixture until it is fluffy. Pour in 6 cups of Kellogg’s gluten-free rice crispies and stir. Next, ask your toddler to lather his hands with palm oil and have him mold and shape the rice crispies. Lastly, place them on a wax paper to freeze for 15 minutes.

There you have it. These fun and scrumptious snacks can provide a safe and healthy way to satisfy kids with food allergies.

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Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids Lunchbox

A healthy diet is essential for children, especially those who go to school. However, it can be overwhelming to figure out what snack to prepare for your toddler every day. But, with a little creativity, any parent can pack a healthy snack for kids lunchbox without the fuss.


Sandwiches are a classic, filling and nutritious option for a toddler’s lunchbox. Instead of using white bread, use brown bread (either whole wheat or multi-grained), soft tortillas for wraps or pita pockets. You can try different sandwich fillings. Peanut butter, jelly, cheese, cubed chicken, corn, bacon, ham, thin slices of roast beef or turkey, tuna and grilled vegetables should do the trick. Toast the bread, remove the crusts and make mini sandwich shapes for a fun, bite size snack to eat.


Fruits are an ideal way to add sweetness to your toddler’s lunchbox. Cut up different pieces of fruit into cubes such as apple, apricot, banana, papaya, peach, pear, orange, strawberry, kiwi and watermelon. Combine all of them in a small plastic container to make it colorful. To make it even yummier, offer a tasty dip such as yogurt, cream or peanut butter. This will ensure you that your toddler gets his daily dose of fiber, protein, potassium and vitamin C even if he is in school.


Vegetables can be a tricky snack to give your little one. But, with a little creativity, you can get your toddler to enjoy this healthy snack. Veggies such as broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherry tomatoes and cucumber are popular snacks. Because toddlers love dipping their foods, do not forget to throw in a small container filled with low-fat ranch dressing to increase the taste factor.

Starchy Foods

Cereal, pasta, bagel, crackers, pretzels, almonds, sunflower seeds, muffins and energy bars are also great additions to your toddler’s lunchbox. Starchy foods are rich in carbohydrates which supplies your little one’s body with the energy it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, helping your child perform his best in school.

Snack Mix

Prepare a trail or snack mix your toddler can munch on. In a resealable plastic bag, add cereal, raisins, baked potato chips, popcorn, dried cranberries, peanuts, banana chips, tortilla chips, chocolate chips, etc. There are so many possibilities you can experiment with.

Sweet Treats

It will not hurt if you add one or two sweets into your toddler’s lunchbox. Low-fat pudding, yogurt, Jell-o, oatmeal cookies, granola bar, a slice of cake or any sweet he likes will satisfy your toddler’s sweet tooth.

Healthy Drink

Of course, a lunchbox will not be complete without a drink. Store a bottle of water, applesauce, white or chocolate milk, orange juice or homemade lemonade to keep your toddler hydrated throughout the day.

Healthy snacks need not be boring. The key is to know what your toddler likes to eat and to pack his snacks in an appetizing way so your preschooler can come home with an empty lunchbox.

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Tips On How To Stop Your Toddler From Eating Junk Food

Everybody loves eating junk food, especially children. However, if your toddler is becoming a junk food junkie, you might need to reassess his diet in order to stop this unhealthy habit. Here are some tips to help you out.

Give Your Pantry A Makeover

Start your toddler’s eating-habit overhaul in the pantry. Examine it. Do you see bags of chips lined up in one corner? Clear out the chips and other unhealthy foods and replace them with healthy foods. If your toddler only sees bread, cheese, sugar-free cereals and fresh fruit in your pantry, that is what your little one will end up eating. Keep in mind that children will eat anything when they are hungry, so the “I want junk food.” declarations will not last long.

Offer Healthy Substitutes

Swap junk foods with more nutritious options. For instance, instead of offering junk food during snack time, give him cheese sticks or fruits instead. Buy whole grain bread and cookies instead of those goodies made with white flour.

Another effective tip is to use healthier cooking techniques. Instead of frying potatoes to make French fries, why not bake or grill them. Rather than serving sugary cereals, offer your toddler a hot cereal with a little cinnamon or other spices (e.g. nutmeg, brown sugar and honey). This way, you give your toddler something healthy while he can continue enjoying the foods he loves to eat.

Keep It Fun

Make healthy foods fun to eat. Cut sandwiches into funny shapes, slice different fruits to make a fruit salad, dip veggie sticks into yummy sauce and turn pancakes into smiley faces by placing eyes, nose and mouth using raisins.

Wean Your Toddler Slowly

A toddler who is so used to eating junk food will have a hard time letting go. Do not just restrain your little one from eating junk food at once. Take it slow. Replace potato chips with lightly flavored vegetable crisps and pudding with low-fat yogurt. The secret is to strike a balance between healthy and junk foods in your toddler’s diet. Gradually decrease your toddler’s intake of these foods until he is eating no more than one serving per day.

Talk About The Consequences

Stick a food chart on the wall and help your toddler identify the good foods and bad foods. Talk to him about the effects of eating junk foods and why eating healthy food is better. Read a book or watch a video about healthy eating so he will be able to understand your point better.

Be A Role Model

Practice what you preach. Toddlers love imitating their parents, so if you want your toddler to stop eating junk food, be aware of the foods you eat in front of your little one. Set a good example by limiting your own junk food intake. Once he sees you eat fruits instead of chips, he will follow you.

Finally, do not prohibit junk food completely as this will only make it more tempting. Allow him to eat one or two servings every now and then, say, once a week. Everything in moderation will not hurt your toddler.

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Top Ten Healthy Kids Snacks

When searching for nutritious foods to serve your toddler, always start with the basics. They are accessible, easy to make, more filling and are jam packed with nutritional value. Try out these healthy kids snacks which will surely leave your toddler wanting for more.


Go for whole grain cereals instead of cereals made from refined grains. They have less sugar content and are a better source of calcium, fiber and minerals. Try mixing it with dried fruits and nuts or add some milk and a few slices of fruits for a power-packed snack.


A favorite dairy product of most children, cheese is the number source of calcium which is very essential in building up strong bones and teeth. Cheese is also rich in vitamin B12 that can reduce the high percentage of toddlers having anemia. Since it can burn fat, it helps prevent obesity as well.


A good source of omega-3, regular intake of eggs help boost your toddler’s cognitive development. Choose from hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs or a sunny side up. An omelet sandwich is also a healthy snack, perfect for your energetic and on-the-go toddler.


A very good substitute to sugary foods, fruits are the best snacks any toddler can munch on. Your toddler can eat countless fruits in a day, you no longer have to worry of its negative effects. Fresh fruits like apple, banana, grapes, kiwi, mango, melon and pear are good sources of fiber. Having enough supply of fiber in the body provides good cleansing of intestinal tracts which is very crucial in regulating your little one’s digestive system. Plus, it also helps avoid irregular bowel movements. Dried fruits like apricot, blueberry, cherry and raisins reduces the risk of health complications like asthma and liver cancer.

To give your toddler variety, mix low fat milk or yogurt with his favorite fruits. Fruit smoothies and homemade fruit juice are also ideal snacks. Just combine milk, a small amount of sugar and several slices of strawberries, watermelon, etc. to a blender.


All kinds of nuts are healthy. Nuts give off healthy oils which helps strengthen your toddler’s brain cells. Encourage your little one to try out various nuts such as almonds, cashews, pistachios and walnuts. Another great alternative are pumpkin seeds. You can mix nuts and seeds together so your toddler will enjoy picking out different shapes and colors.

Peanut Butter

A versatile childhood favorite, peanut butter is undeniably a no-brainer healthy kid snack. It supplies your toddler’s body with sufficient amounts of fiber, folate, phosphorus, protein, potassium and zinc. Spice up this classic favorite by mixing it with yogurt and strawberries. Freeze it for 30 minutes to an hour for a super fun treat. Or, mix peanut butter and jelly and use waffles instead of plain loaf bread.


If your toddler is tired of eating the usual healthy snacks, feed him quesadillas. This Mexican meal is stuffed with vitamins and minerals. Replace ground pork with grilled chicken strips. Add cheese, small slices of lettuce and tomatoes. Lastly, top it off with his preferred vegetable salsa dip.


Avoid flavored popcorn like butter and artificial cheese. Opt for plain popcorn instead. Just add a little salt and sprinkle with low-fat Parmesan cheese or mix in dried fruits (e.g. raisins, banana chips, cranberries, etc.).


Veggies are undeniably the most nutritious snack for toddlers. Train your toddler to eat vegetables instead of chips and chocolates. The key here is to offer various choices of veggies to your toddler. Slice vegetables like carrots, corn, celery, broccoli and potatoes into small portions. This will serve as his finger foods. Mix all of them together. Do not forget to add ranch dressing or a cheese dip for added flavor.


Antioxidants, calcium and fiber are only some of the nutrients your toddler’s body can get from yogurt. Stick to plain flavored low fat yogurt to steer clear from artificial ingredients. Whip up a yogurt parfait to make it tastier. Make a homemade fruit yogurt popsicle by adding berries and granola to it.

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