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Sports Safety For Children

Encouraging a toddler to take part in sports is a great way to boost a toddler’s development and health. However, there is always a risk of injury. Parents can follow these sports safety guide for children to help reduce that threat.

Choose Age-appropriate Sports

The number one sports safety rule for children is to pick a sport that suit a child’s age and capability. Children under the age of five are still not ready to play organized sports such as martial arts, gymnastics, golf and track and field. This is because it puts too much pressure on a child who is still developing his dexterity. Sports such as running, kickball, biking (with training wheels or a tricycle), climbing and soccer are best for smaller children.

Have A Physical Examination

Before going into any sport, child health experts recommend children to go through a physical examination. A physical examination is necessary to determine whether or not a child is fit enough to play sports. An overweight, underweight, out of shape or a child with restricted mobility is at risk for injury as compared to children who are more physically competent. Having this test also helps point out any problems early on so the toddler’s doctor can come up with methods to treat these deficiencies.

Use The Right Gear

Every sport has its own gear. It is very important for parents to provide gear that protects, fits correctly and is appropriate for the sport. Protective eyewear is recommended for a toddler who will play soccer, knee pads and helmets with an adjustable strap for biking and for other sports that can bruise or scratch a toddler’s face and mouth guard for basketball. See to it that the child understands the proper use of the gears.

Make Sure There Is A Warm-up and Cool-down Period

Warm-up and cool-down periods are necessary for any sport. The warming up period is essential to get the body ready into good condition and prepares cardiac function for increased activity and minimizes the threat of stress being placed on the heart. The cooling down period is vital for slowly cooling the body down from rigorous physical activity and also help normalize breathing and heart rate.


Also one of the most important sports safety tip for children is to stay hydrated. Playing physically demanding activities can be draining and inadequate water supply in the body can lead to dehydration. Hence, it is imperative for parents to ensure that they provide their toddlers plenty of water or sports drink to replenish the lost fluids in the body.

Use Sunscreen

Children who are into sports must use sunscreen. The sun’s harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays can cause damage to a child’s sensitive skin and may cause skin cancer later in life. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen to the toddler’s skin at least 30 minutes before he goes out. Choose a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher and has UVA and UVB protection.

Practice A Healthy Lifestyle

No, this does not mean a child who is active in sports can only eat fruits and vegetables forever. A bar of chocolate or a glass of soft drink every now and then is fine as long as the toddler has a healthy diet. In addition, getting plenty of rest is also very important to allow the toddler to recuperate after a rigorous event.

Seek Medical Care

Never let a child who is tired or hurt (no matter how minor) to participate in a sporting event. A toddler can develop bone fracture and a sprained muscle can easily become a torn muscle. Consult the doctor at once if the toddler is injured or develops symptoms that impedes with the toddler’s aptitude to play.

Sports can be a source of enjoyment for children, help them develop their skills and learn values. But, parents should always remember these sports safety tips for children to ensure their precious ones are safe and sound.

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Sports For Toddlers – Tips For Introducing Your Toddler To Sports

Sports for toddlers is a form of recreation that helps them learn and hone their development at the same time. Introducing your toddler to sports is one of the best ways for him to try out and discover new things. Here are a few tips to get your toddler to love sports.

Introduce Different Sports

Let your toddler try as many sports as he can. Encourage your little one to try soccer, basketball, swimming, tennis, figure skating, etc. Do not worry if your toddler does not show much interest in them. Just experiment with different sports. He will find his niche sooner or later.

Follow Your Toddler’s Lead

Another way to introduce sports to your toddler is to figure out where your toddler’s interests lie. Does he enjoy being in the water? Does he like to play games involving speed, strength and energy? Does he prefer activities involving less physical contact? The key here is to observe, not assume. By watching your toddler closely, you will get a clue on the kind of sport your little one is most likely to enjoy.

Start At Home

Do not immediately enroll your toddler in a program once you find out where his interests lie. Instead, play a game or two of his favorite sport in your yard. Most toddlers favour practicing at home and it will give your toddler a chance to explore his decision and decide if the sport is something he will truly enjoy doing. This is also a perfect time to motivate your toddler in sports.

Choose A Good Sports Program

Sign up your toddler for summer camps, clinics, classes or workshops. These programs have trained individuals who can help hone your toddler’s interests. Plus, your toddler will be able to interact with children who share the same interests as his which is also beneficial for his social development. Take time to observe various programs so you and your child will know what to expect and if the teaching style is excellent.

Expose Your Toddler

Aside from enrolling in programs and playing at home, watch games on TV or if possible, watch it live and explain to him what is going on. A crowded, cheerful stadium is a good way to convince your toddler that sports are awesome. Visit sport shops and point out the gears he might have to use in his sport. Read books (e.g. Pete The Cat: Play Ball!) and magazines (e.g. Sports Illustrated for Kids) about sports with him.

Get Involved

Children love doing things with their parents. Go swimming or bowling during the weekends. Ride your bicycles around the neighbourhood every afternoon. Attend your toddler’s practices so you can see him score a goal.

Praise Not Criticize

Every parent wants their children to succeed. However, keep your criticisms in check. Offer advice but do not be too hard on your toddler. Never belittle him and make comparisons. Give him a high five, a kiss, a hug and say “You did good, honey! I am so proud of you.” whether he loses or wins a game. The goal is to see him happy.

Most importantly, treat your toddler as a child, not an athlete who should focus on getting a college scholarship. Once you keep that in mind, you will not have any trouble getting your toddler to enjoy sports.

Posted in Playtime, Toddler ActivitiesComments (0)

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