No childhood will be complete without toys. However, toys also pose a safety risk, so it is very important that you chose them carefully. Here are some toy safety tips you must keep in mind.
Are The Toys Age-appropriate?
Check the “recommended age” sticker of toys. Toys must be suited to your toddler’s developmental level. Be rational about your toddler’s abilities when choosing his toys. Here is a guideline you should keep in mind when buying toys for toddlers:
- If a toy can fit through the hole a toilet paper roll, it is not safe. Small toys like balls, marbles, coins or any toy smaller than your toddler’s mouth should be avoided as they pose a choking risk. Your toddler might put them in his mouth and they can get stuck in the throat and restrict breathing.
- Battery-operated toys should have battery cases that secure with bolts so that your toddler cannot pry them open. Exposure to batteries and battery fluid can cause choking, chemical burns and internal bleeding.
- Riding toys like rocking horses, scooters and wagons should come with safety straps and be steady and secure enough to avoid tipping.
Do Toys Meet Safety Standards?
Toy manufacturers follow certain guidelines, but not all of them have passed toy testing standards. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) closely examines and regulates toys. The CPSC imposes the following rules:
- Toys should have no lead and phthalates higher than .1%.
- Toys made of fabric should be washable and labelled as flame retardant (flame resistant).
- Painted toys should be covered with lead-free paint.
- Art materials should be tagged “non-toxic”.
- Crayons and other coloring materials should have an “ASTM D-4236” seal on the package, which means that they have been screened by the American Society for Testing and Materials.
Are The Toys In Good Condition?
As much as possible, avoid giving your toddler hand-me-down toys. Although they are cost-effective, they may not meet present safety standards and may have loose parts that could easily be chewed or ripped off which can put your toddler’s safety at risk.
Are The Toys Well Put Together?
Make sure there are no sharp edges, cracks, chipped paint, magnets, buttons and cords or strings longer than 12 inches and anything else your child could snap off and put in his mouth.
Are The Toys Too Heavy?
Yes, big or large-sized toys will not go into your toddler’s mouth but there is a possibility that your toddler will get hurt if they fell on him. Avoid toys twice his size or those that are too heavy for your little one. Do not buy your toddler a bike one size too big as this can lead to serious injuries especially if your toddler does not have the physical skills to control a bigger bike.
Follow the simple tips above to ensure you are not risking your toddler’s safety. Stay updated. Sign up for newsletters through the CPSC email so you are informed of any new recall alerts.