Whooping cough is a very common childhood disease. Also known as pertussis, this disease affects the upper respiratory tract and is very contagious. It starts with cold-like symptoms such as mild fever and coughing that becomes more pronounced with frequent coughing fits especially at night. When not treated at once, this can cause severe damage and can be life-threatening. For this reason, it is very important for every parent to know the treatment for whooping cough in children. Here are some tried and tested tips from the experts.
Consult With Your Pediatrician
The first thing parents should do when treating whopping cough in children is to consult with a pediatrician. Whooping cough is a bacterial infection; therefore, it can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can also prevent the infection from spreading. The doctor can prescribe you one which your toddler will have to take for two weeks. In addition, your pediatrician may also suction mucus from the respiratory system and give extra oxygen.
Get Plenty of Rest
At home, see to it that your little one gets plenty of rest. Let your toddler rest in bed and avoid letting him play physically demanding activities. Adequate rest will help your toddler boost up his immune system. To keep your little one from getting bored, do quiet activities such as listening to music, reading a book, drawing or completing a jigsaw puzzle.
Hydrate, Hydrate
Another very effective treatment for whooping cough in children is water. Whooping cough can cause a toddler to get dehydrated; hence, it is very important that you make sure your toddler is getting enough liquid in his body to replenish the lost fluids. Water, oral rehydration solution, soups, fresh fruit juice and tea are great sources of fluids that also provide nutrients.
Use A Cool Mist Humidifier
Run a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier in your home, especially in your toddler’s bedroom. A cool mist humidifier can treat whooping cough in children as it helps loosen up respiratory emissions and relieve irritated lungs and nasal passages to help with your little one’s breathing and ease his discomfort.
Offer Small Meals
A toddler with whooping cough will have a poor appetite and may vomit because of the coughing. So, feed your toddler smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Smaller meals are easier to digest than heavier meals. For instance, instead of feeding your toddler three regular meals, switch to six smaller meals.
Avoid The Irritants
Keep your sick toddler from irritants that could aggravate his condition. You can do this by cleaning your home frequently. Sterilize your toddler’s clothes, linens and toys. Make hand washing a habit not just for your toddler but for you and the rest of your family as well. Avoid exposing your toddler to people, especially those who are also sick. In addition, see to it your toddler is not exposed to tobacco smoke, aerosol sprays, fireplaces and other substances that can irritate his respiratory tract.
Give Your Toddler Pain Relievers
If your toddler has symptoms such as fever and sore throat, medications such as children’s acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) and ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin) can be effective in relieving your toddler’s uneasiness. But, do make sure you ask for your pediatrician’s go signal first as well as the recommended dosage before giving them to your toddler.
Never give your toddler aspirin or cough suppressants. Aspirin can cause Reye’s syndrome – a rare but lethal disease and suppressants can hamper your toddler’s ability to heal.
Use Nose Drops
If your toddler’s nasal passageway is blocked due to mucus, you can use a nose drop to clear the passageway to help your toddler breathe more comfortably. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist what nose drop your toddler can use.
Go To The Hospital
If the above methods for treating whooping cough in children are ineffective, then your little one may need to be admitted in the hospital. Toddlers are more likely to get hospitalized because they are at a greater risk of incurring complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis and lung collapse. Your toddler will be observed and thoroughly examined. Intravenous (IV) fluids may also be given to prevent dehydration.
With the appropriate treatment, you can make sure that your toddler recuperates quickly from his bout of whooping cough. Also, if your toddler has not been vaccinated, then it would be best to make an appointment with your toddler’s pediatrician so your precious once can be immunized with the whooping cough vaccine.