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How To Discipline A Lying Child

Wondering how to deal with a lying child? Here are some effective tips to stop this bad behaviour once and for all.

Find Out The Reason For Lying

There is no single adult who never told a lie as a child. Find out the reason why your toddler lied to you. Do not jump to conclusions. He may be lying because he is scared, craving for attention, wants to avoid punishment, wants a sense of control or he simply has no memory of the incident. Whatever the reason, your toddler’s little white lie is most likely not a deliberate deception, so do not instantly think he is being naughty to purposely hurt someone.

Explain The Importance of Honesty

Most probably, your toddler knows that lying is not good, but he does not fully understand the consequences of his actions. Talk to your toddler about the importance of trust. Tell him that when you are honest, people learn to trust you. Teach him about truthfulness by reading him the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “Pinocchio”, which focuses on the importance of being honest and also teaches him the consequences of lying.

Do Not Accuse

Stop asking questions that provoke lying. For example, instead of asking “Did you spill juice on the carpet?” – which gives him the opportunity to lie about it, say, “I wonder who spilled juice on the carpet? I wish someone would help me clean it up.” or “I see you spilled juice on the carpet. What can we do about this?”. Raise your comments in a manner that will encourage confession, not denial.

Give An Appropriate Punishment

Do not give a harsh penalty for lying. Give a consequence instead, like a removal of a privilege. For instance, if he lied about cleaning his room, do not let him watch his favorite show. This is a subtle yet very effective way to make your little one understand that lying is not good and that it will not be tolerated.

Be A Good Example

Remember that you are your toddler’s role model. Set an example in telling the truth and be as honest as possible. It is useless to preach honesty to your toddler if he sees or hears you lie. Your toddler needs to know that you can be trusted, so do not make a promise you cannot keep and do not lie about your own misdeed, acknowledge it and apologize.

Reassure Your Toddler

When he accidentally breaks your treasured vase or spills juice on the couch, he may deny it for fear that you will not love him as much. Explain that mommy and daddy still loves him, even when he has done something you are opposed to.

Praise Good Behaviour

Show your appreciation. Focus on your toddler’s positive traits. Thank him for telling you that he broke the vase in the living room. Commend him for his honesty. Give him a hug, kiss or a pat on the back. When he sees you are happy and proud of him, he gains confidence and the motivation to be honest all the time.

Keep in mind that yelling, spanking and other forms of aggressive discipline only promotes aggressive behaviour. Keep your calm, have an open mind and a clear line of communication. Soon, your toddler will realize the value of truthfulness.

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