Aggressive behaviour is part of your toddler’s development. While this is normal and short-lived, it is important that you let your toddler know this behaviour is undesirable. Here are some tips on how to deal with behaviour problems in children.
Discipline Consistently
Children thrive when there is consistency. As much as possible, point out your toddler’s wrong doings and respond the way you usually do. Your predictable reactions produce a pattern your toddler will recognize and come to expect. Do not discipline your little one differently in public, no matter how embarrassed you may be with his behaviour. Use your usual discipline style. If he bites his sibling while you are out grocery shopping, just say “Okay, you bit your sister again. You know biting is not good, it hurts people. You do not want to hurt others, don’t you?”.
Your toddler does not know what you know, so explain why throwing things and screaming is not good, why you are mad, how it affects people and why you need to reprimand him. Introduce a new behaviour. If he is angry because his playmate pushed him, teach your little one a more effective way to express that anger through words. For example, he can say “You are making me mad.” or “Stop pushing me, you are hurting me.”.
Use Consequences
Your toddler can understand the concept of cause and effect so the next time your toddler fights with another tot, remove him so he cannot play. If he throws his favorite stuffed toy in the midst of his outburst, let him see the broken toy and do not buy him a new one. This way, he will realize that throwing a fit only produces negative outcomes.
Give A Time-out
If your toddler becomes too unruly, use the time-out method. When the unacceptable behaviour occurs, tell him that he is not being good and warn him that you will put him in time-out if he will not stop. If he continues to misbehave, take him to his time-out area and leave him there for five minutes (but stay within earshot). This quiet moment gives your toddler a chance to cool down and think about his actions.
Talk It Out
When the time-out is over, talk to your toddler. Ask your toddler what he did wrong and why you gave him a time-out. Allow him to talk and explain why he behaved that way and listen to him. This way, he will not feel he is a very bad person. Follow it up by saying he will go to time-out again if he continues such behaviour.
Ignore It
Oftentimes, toddlers push the limits of their parents because they want attention. The next time your toddler misbehaves, ignore him. Eventually, he will realize that you will not give in to his demands and sooner or later, he will stop behaving badly.
Reward Good Behaviour
Each time your toddler does something good, praise him. Do not just focus on his bad behaviour. Give him a kiss, hug, high five or a pat on the back. Tell him he did a great job for not screaming at others. Reward your toddler by cooking his favorite food, buying him a toy or letting him play outside longer. The positive attention will make your toddler more eager to behave well.
Correct your toddler’s misbehaviours as soon as you notice them. All it takes is a little time, effort and patience to keep your child from spinning out of control.