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Bath Time Games For Toddlers

Are you having a hard time giving your toddler a bath? Worry no more, these fun bath time games promise to entertain your toddler and end your crisis of getting him clean once and for all.

Go Fish

While your little one is sitting in bath water, why not play a fishing game? You can purchase a bath toy set (e.g. Munchkin Bath Toy Set or Sassy Catch N Release Net Bath Toy) or make your own marine-life collection by buying a small aquarium net for your toddler and some craft foam. Using the craft foam, cut different sea creature like fishes, starfishes, sea horses, dolphins and whales. You may also download and print a sea life template. Let the creatures float around the water and challenge your toddler to scoop up all of the fish or everything that is green.

The Card Game

Your toddler will need foam-like card like the Splashimals by Milliwik. He can get them wet, stick them to the wall and then help him name the animals one by one or ask him what sound each animal makes. This is a great game to boost your toddler’s enthusiasm to take a bath while improving his artistic, memory and reading skills.

Hello, Teddy!

Encourage your young one to shampoo his own baby’s hair (he may use a plush bath toy or an old teddy bear) while you are shampooing his hair. It is a very effective technique that will distract him while at the same time, make him more at ease with the hair washing process.

Bath Time At The Zoo

Gather all your toddler’s plush stuffed animals and have them join your toddler while you are giving him a bath. Tell him that the animals are dirty and are in need of some good scrubbing. Your toddler will truly have fun getting his stuffed animals squeaky clean.

Eye Spy

Wondering what is the simplest way to prevent soap from entering into your toddler’s eyes? Have him look up while you wash him. You can blow bubbles in the direction of the ceiling or stick a colorful poster on the ceiling.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Place an unbreakable mirror on the wall where your toddler will face. While you shampoo his hair, let him watch as you turn  his hair it into a Mohawk, a flattop, give him a pair of antlers or a pirate’s mustache.

Measuring Game

Place an assortment of plastic spoons, bowls, cups and other kitchen items in the bathtub. While you slather soap on his skin, have him pour and measure water using his tools. Then, ask him which items float, which ones go down or which holds more water better, the bowl or the glass?

Name That Body Part

Use washable crayons or markers to outline the different parts of your toddler’s body. Point out the markers in his body and ask your toddler to name as many parts as he can. After naming a part, rinse it off with a soapy washcloth until no marker is left.

These bath time games will surely keep you and your toddler laughing, making bathing stress-free for the two of you. So do not be surprised if he wants to take a second, third or fourth bath just so he can play these games again.

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