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Five Little Behaviour Problems In Children Parents Should Not Ignore

Parenting is such an overwhelming duty. As a result, parents are tempted to overlook petty behaviour problems in children which often lead to bigger behavioural conflicts. Here are 5 toddler misbehaviours you should never ignore.

Problem # 1: Using Tantrums As A Means of Emotional Expression

Think your toddler’s snippy tone, screaming, whining and crying are okay because it is his way of communicating his emotions? Think again. Most often, parents dismiss this kind of behaviour because they think it is just a fleeting phase. However, if you do not confront it as early as now, you may find yourself dealing with an ill-mannered 3-year old who has a hard time getting along with other children.


Give your toddler a head’s up each time he displays a rude behaviour. Tell him, for example, “When you scream at me, it seems as if you do not respect me.”. But, if this trick does not work, ignore your toddler whenever he throws a fit. Once your child realizes he will not get a reaction from you, he will stop. You can also try distracting your toddler by giving him crayons and papers to help him release his emotions in a more positive way. If all else fails, implement the time-out method. Leave your toddler alone in a safe area for a few minutes. When the time is up, go to him and then talk about what he did wrong and ask him what he should do next time.

Problem # 2: Interrupting Conversations

Toddlers love to talk, even when their parents are on the phone or talking to someone. Though this misbehaviour is unintentional, if you tolerate it, your toddler will become insensitive of other’s privacy.


Inform your toddler that you will talk or visit someone so he knows he should not interrupt you. Then give him a quiet activity such as coloring a book or assembling a jigsaw puzzle to keep him entertained. You can also use hand signals such as holding up one finger or pointing to a chair to let him know that you will listen to him once you are done talking.

Problem # 3: Being Too Aggressive

It is never correct when your toddler hits, slaps, kicks or punches anyone. Rough behaviour is a difficult issue to resolve so it is best to stop the misbehaviour as early as possible.


Grab your toddler aside, look him in the eye and tell him (in a firm and clear manner) that punching his playmate is not correct. Follow it up with a question like, “How would you feel if he did that to you?”. Consistently remind him to be gentle. Help him practice friendly behaviour by role playing at home.

Problem # 4: Pretending Not To Hear You

Telling your toddler what to do over and over again before he does it sends the message that it is okay to ignore you. Remember, toddlers often do this because they want to test their parents. So if you tolerate it, the more your child will be defiant.


Avoid talking to your toddler from across the room. Walk over and tell him what he has to do. If he is in front of the TV, switch it off so his attention is on you. If he does not follow, give a consequence.

Problem # 5: Being A Picky Eater

Food battles are common between toddlers and parents. However, being a picky eater is not a good trait to have especially when your child reaches puberty.


Compromise. Tell your toddler that he can only have a cookie after he eats some of his vegetables. Or, make a deal that if he eats his veggies during dinner for 5 days, he can plan the family menu for Saturday. Furthermore, do not force him to clear his plate. It is better for him to eat a few servings of broccoli than not eat them at all.

It is very hard to change a bad behaviour. Hence, you have to deal with your toddler’s misbehaviours immediately so you can save you and your toddler from future trouble.

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