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Foods That Are Good For Toddler Teeth

Daily brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups are a big part of keeping toddler teeth healthy and strong. But, what a child eats can also affect the teeth. Here are some tooth-friendly foods to serve to toddlers.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Raw foods are great for the teeth. Chewing raw foods massages the gums which helps clean the teeth. Offer fruits and vegetables that create more gnawing and those that have high water content such as apple, cranberry, orange, pear, strawberry, watermelon, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber and sweet potatoes. However, fruits do contain natural sugars that can cause cavities so make sure your toddler brushes his teeth after eating them. Also, try to reduce your toddler’s banana and raisin consumption and avoid canned fruits since they are packed with added sugars and preservatives that are harmful to your toddler’s teeth.

Grill vegetables, make a bowl of fresh fruit salad, spread a small amount of your toddler’s favorite spread (e.g. peanut butter or jelly) or offer low-sugar dips to make fruits and vegetables tastier for your toddler’s palate.


Cheese contains casein – a protein found in milk that is helpful for strengthening the tooth’s surface, phosphate which balances the pH content in the mouth, making it a less welcoming place for the bacteria to cause cavities and calcium, which helps keep tooth enamel strong.

Make this finger food more appetizing for your little one by adding it into his favorite grilled chicken sandwich, cutting it into fun shapes with a cookie cutter or make kebabs with fruits. Stick to aged cheeses such as cheddar, Gouda and Swiss which helps stimulate the flow of saliva to cleanse food particles from teeth.


Just like cheese, yogurt also contains calcium, casein and phosphate that replenish the depleted mineral contents of the teeth. Since toddlers like the taste of yogurt, you will not have a hard time feeding this to your little one. You can offer low-sugar yogurt for breakfast or as a snack and add some nuts or cereal to make it more enticing.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are healthy carbohydrates that will not cause dental problems unlike unhealthy carbohydrates (e.g. white bread and baked goods) that contain high sugar which can coat the teeth and cause cavities and tooth decay. Plus, they are also full of fiber, vitamins and minerals which helps make your toddler’s teeth healthy and strong.

Some examples of whole grains your toddler will surely love are whole grain bread, cereals, crackers, oatmeal, rice and pasta.


Nuts are unprocessed foods which are good for the teeth. Eating nuts entail plenty of chewing causing the mouth to salivate more which helps reduce acids. Nuts are also loaded with calcium, magnesium and phosphate all of which promote healthy teeth and gums. Almonds, cashews, peanuts and walnuts are all excellent choices for snacks.


You may think this is a no-brainer but did you know water is the last beverage children will drink if they are given a choice of drink? Unlike milk, juice and smoothies, water has no decay-causing sugars. It washes off food particles that get caught between the teeth. In addition, tap water contains fluoride which fortifies tooth enamel.

Give your toddler a cute sippy cup with a curly straw or add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of water to up the appeal of H2O.

A nutritious diet should not just focus on your toddler’s growing body, but it should also include those small pearly whites. Make sure to add these good food choices to his daily diet for a healthy smile.

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Taking Care of Your Toddler’s Teeth

The development of your toddler depends on how healthy he is. If you train him to be health conscious, then most likely he will be able to maximize his growth and potentials. Little details require attention as well. Your toddler’s teeth are very important to his health. Once his pearly whites start popping out, extra work is needed to keep his teeth in tip-top condition. Promoting dental health must always start at an early age so that future problems will be prevented.

At this point, you and your toddler may constantly argue especially when he refuses to brush his teeth. While this is normal, taking immediate action is imperative to prevent any toothaches, tooth decays and other dental problems from occurring. Here is a basic toddler teeth care guideline to help you out.

Dental Care How To’s

Start As Early As The Teething Stage

Before he starts growing his first tooth, it is highly recommended by child care experts that at this point, parents must exercise dental care to their toddler. This is done to make sure there are no food particles left that can cause bacteria which in turn slows down the growth of his teeth. You can start off by simply cleaning your toddler’s gums with a soft, clean and wet cloth after he takes his meals. Let him drink plenty of water throughout the day to wash off any build-up as well. Giving him a teether also helps soothe irritable gums.

Make His First Visit to The Dentist

Once your toddler hits the age of one, make an appointment to a dentist. While dentist’s may seem scary, they know what is right for your toddler’s dental health. A dentist ensures your little one’s oral health is in its finest condition. This teeth expert can help point out a few bad habits that imposes negative effects to his teeth. Also, the dentist can teach you proper techniques to help your toddler retain good oral health.

Always Brush Teeth

Tooth brushing is the most effective way to preserve your toddler’s teeth. If you find it difficult to make your little one brush his teeth, why not turn it into a fun ritual instead. The next time he brushes his teeth, do it together. In this way, he will no longer feel that brushing is a tedious task. Together, you can hum his favorite nursery rhyme or even count the number of brush strokes each of you did. Of course, brushing will not be complete without these essentials:

  • Toothpaste. A non-fluoride toothpaste is best for your little one. These toothpastes come in different yummy flavors which is perfectly fine to swallow if he still does not know how to spit.
  • Toothbrush. For your toddler’s sensitive gums and still developing teeth, a soft-bristled toothbrush will gently clean his teeth without causing any irritation. See to it you incorporate your toddler’s favorite, like getting him a toothbrush in his favorite color and character or an electric soft-bristled brush that helps clean teeth quicker and more meticulously. Plus, the whizzing sound will surely catch his attention.

Floss Regularly

Flossing helps clean your little one’s teeth especially in the areas his toothbrush cannot reach. Go for a floss with a yummy flavor instead of plain ones. It would be better if you do the flossing for him until he learns how to manage sharp objects.

Control Sweet Intakes

Candies, chocolates, chips, sodas and other sweet foods must be taken in moderation. Train your child to eat healthy foods instead to help his teeth properly develop. By this time, he must also drink water, milk, juice or any beverage in a cup since a baby bottle can increase the teeth’s exposure to sugar and trap bacteria inside the mouth.

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