Tag Archive | "toddler behaviour"

Top Ten Child Fears and Ways To Eliminate Them

Toddlers love exploring their world which can cause fears. Hence, it is essential for parents to help their toddlers deal with child fears. Here is a guide to help you out.

Fear # 1: The Dark

Being in the dark makes children feel vulnerable because they cannot see what is out there. Combat your toddler’s fear of the unknown by teaching your little one how to turn on the lights in the house, particularly in his room. Install a nightlight. Go on a night stroll together and talk about all the new and fascinating things you can see in the dark.

Fear # 2: Monsters

“Mommy, I do not want to sleep in my room. There is a monster under my bed.”. Toddlers have imaginative minds so even if the two of you look under the bed together and find no monster, your toddler will assert that the monster will be back after you leave his room. Keep his bedroom door ajar or turn on a nightlight. Make a “No monsters allowed!” sign and place it on his door. Give him a “monster spray” (just fill a spray bottle with water) and ask him to spray his room before sleeping so no monster can hurt him.

Fear # 3: Night Terrors

There are times when toddlers wake up in the middle of the night screaming and frightened. To vanish this, decrease your child’s stress by not overstimulating him during the day. Create a calming bedtime routine. Use a low, soothing voice and say comforting words to help him go back to sleep.

Fear # 4: Bathrooms and Toilets

Your toddler might believe he will go down the drain or fall in the toilet. Help him overcome this fear by giving him bathing products such as bath tints (to change the color of the water), bath crayons or bath foam letters. Place his favorite toys in the bath so he can wash them while you are shampooing his hair. Ask your toddler to put tissue paper in the toilet and have him flush it. Use a step stool or place a potty seat.

Fear # 5: Separation

Toddlers feel anxious when mommy and daddy leave because they feel neglected. Have a quick goodbye routine. Parents who sneak away only heighten their children’s separation anxiety. Give him a hug and a kiss. Tell him to enjoy his day and that you will come back before he knows it.

Fear # 6: Costumed Characters

They are big, weird-looking and strange. Ease this fear by playing dress-up with your toddler. Read books featuring clowns and mascots. Most importantly, do not force your child to interact with the costumed character. Give him time.

Fear # 7: Animals

Animals are random creatures. One minute they look so innocent and then the next, they are ready to pounce. Let your toddler watch you while you play with your pet, rub your pet’s ears or give it food. Read animal books or watch children’s programs about animals.

Fear # 8: Doctors

Children dread doctor visits because they dislike pain and the unknown. To erase this, explain to your toddler what he should expect and what will happen. Ask him about his apprehensions and reassure him mommy will be by his side all the time. Pretend play at home and take turns playing doctor and patient. Bring a few toys while waiting for your toddler’s turn to keep him busy. Afterwards, praise him or give a small reward for being brave.

Fear # 9: Strangers

This fear is normal because it teaches children not to talk to strangers. However, if your toddler only wants to stick to you and does not interact even with his cousins and friends, something must be done quickly. Stay by his side while he mingles with his peers. Organize a play date with your neighbour’s kids. Enroll him in a class.

Fear # 10: Loud Noises

Thunder, howling, toilet flush and vacuums produce loud noises which can be upsetting to toddlers. Acknowledge his fear and assure him that loud sounds will not hurt him. Carry him in your arms while you visit the source of the noise and laugh to prove he will stay safe.

Easing your child’s fears is very important for proper development. Follow the tips above to make your job easier.

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What To Do When Your Toddler Has A Potty Mouth

As your toddler’s vocabulary continues to expand, there will be times he will utter a few words that are just too mortifying to hear. Here are some tips on how to tame your toddler’s potty mouth and save yourselves from embarrassment once and for all.

Set A Good Example

One of the best ways to keep your toddler from using inappropriate language is by controlling your own words. Children love imitating people, especially their parents. So if your toddler hears you say it, he is going to try it. Even if you are angry, this is not a reason to curse. Know how to handle your feelings in the heat of the moment so you will not have any regrets once you have calmed down. But in case you unintentionally cuss in front of your little one, replace it with another catchy word. Say “Beep.”, “Peanut butter!” or invent a new word like “Boccalocca!”. Do not forget to say your substitute word with just as much emotion.

Create A Swearing Jar

Whenever mom, dad, your child or any family member utters a swear word, have them drop a quarter or dollar into a jar. This is an effective strategy that will stop anyone’s potty mouth.

Always Keep A Straight Face

A toddler who uses foul words is looking for a reaction from his parents. He may think the word is funny or saying it makes him cool. So if your toddler says “Stinky pants.”, do not laugh nor get mad as this will only reinforce your little one to say the words more often. Turn the other ear. Sooner or later, he will stop cussing because you did not give it the time of day.

Establish Consequences

If your toddler’s potty mouth becomes an ongoing problem, it is time to set consequences - withholding privileges, giving him a time out or washing the mouth with soap. Make sure to implement it. This way, your toddler will understand that what he is doing is not making you happy.


Talk to your toddler. Figure out the source and his reasons for using cuss language. If he heard them on a TV show, monitor the television programs your toddler watches or watch TV together. If he heard it from his playmates, ask him if he knows what it means, but do not correct him. Instead of saying, “Baby, saying you are stupid is not nice.”, say, “Oh my, I heard your teddy using potty talk. What should teddy do instead?”. This way, your toddler is giving a lesson to someone else which helps him better develop empathy.

Provide A Distraction

Play games with your toddler. Dare your toddler to think of words that rhyme with the cuss word. If he keeps saying “Damn it.”, he can say “Bam it.”, “Game it.” or “Slam it.”. Or ask him to think of words that start with the same letter. Ultimately, your toddler will disregard the “word” because he is too preoccupied thinking of other words.

When all else fails, talk to you toddler so you can get to the bottom of his misbehaviour. Your child might have a bigger problem that needs professional help.

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Teaching An Ungrateful Child To Be Grateful

Toddlers are naturally self-centered beings. They love testing their limits and have a hard time understanding that not everything is about them. Thus, it is very essential for a parent to teach an ungrateful child to be thankful. Here are some simple tips you can start using now.

Practice Saying Please and Thank You

Teach your toddler to say “Please.” each time he asks for something and “Thank you.” whenever he receives something. These two words may be small but they are valuable ways to show gratefulness and keep the thoughtfulness mood rolling. Small gestures of niceness can become infectious.

Make It A Part of Your Daily Conversation

There are so many thinks to be thankful about every day. Make “thanking” a part of the day by asking each family member what they are thankful for during dinnertime conversations. Say grace at the table. Make bedtime prayers a part of your toddler’s nighttime routine. Give hugs and kisses. Even if it is as mundane as appreciating how the sky was so clear today, the sentiment will rub off on your toddler.

Create A Gratitude Journal

Give your toddler a small journal and a special pencil so he can make a list of all the things he feels thankful for in his life. Have him write in his journal every day. Training your toddler to be appreciative from the start will create lifelong habits. Plus, during tough days, his journal will serve as his reminder of all the great things he has been blessed with.

Teach Acts of Kindness

Teach your little one to share, open the door for a stranger, help an elderly carry things, and pick up trash from the sidewalk. Assign him simple household chores such as setting the table, piling dirty dishes in the dishwasher or feeding the dog. These small gestures teach your toddler the importance of helping other people and realize that all these things require effort.

Let Your Toddler Help

Encourage him to donate his old clothes and toys to your local family center. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, your local Red Cross office, clothing banks and churches. This will make your toddler realize that not all children are privileged enough to have clothes to wear, a home, food on their table and can go to school, which will teach him to value things.

Praise and Reprimand Appropriately

Every time your toddler performs an act of compassion, commend him. Say you are proud of him or plan a special day trip. Knowing he made you happy and that you are grateful makes your toddler feel good. At the same time, if your toddler insists on buying a new toy even if you just bought him one last week, make sure to let him know. Say, “I know you love toys, but remember, we had an agreement, no more toys for this month. Maybe next month you can have another one.”.

Lead By Example

A parent is a child’s role model so make sure to practice what you preach. Always say “please” and “thank you”. Bring your toddler to the supermarket and have him help you buy food for a local food drive. If he sees you doing something good, he will be inspired to do the same thing.

Having a sense of gratitude is an important quality everyone should have since it is an important factor that will help an individual succeed in life.

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Anger Management In Children

Anger is a normal emotion everyone feels every now and then. However, if it is not addressed correctly, anger can turn into violence which can be very detrimental, especially to a child’s development, health and relationships. This guide about anger management in children will help you out.

Model Good Behaviour

The best way to teach your toddler how to deal with anger constructively is to lead by example. If your little one sees you becoming irritated while waiting in line or speaking rudely to your household help, he will assume that anger is an acceptable behaviour. Choose the right words and actions to express anger the proper way. For instance, instead of shouting at him because he keeps on playing with his food, say, “Mommy is angry right now. For the last time, stop playing with your food or you will go into time-out.”.

Promote Self-expression

All too often, toddlers display anger by showing aggression (e.g. screaming, biting, hitting or throwing things) because they do not have the words to show their emotions. Talk to your toddler about his feelings. Ask him what happened, how he feels and what he wants to do about it. Better yet, teach him this statement: “I am feeling ________ when ________ because ________.” This way, every time he feels angry, he can identify his feelings and handle his anger better, making it easier for him to manage this emotion.

Teach Your Toddler How To Relax

It is very important for children to learn how to deal with anger. Teach your toddler ways to cool off. Tell your toddler that each time he feels angry, he should walk away, count to ten, take slow deep breaths and do a relaxing activity (e.g. drawing, coloring or writing in a journal) and come back once he has cooled off. Redirecting one’s thoughts is the best way to calm down so one can think with a level head.

Teach Your Toddler To Resolve Problems

Once your toddler has calmed down, it is time to face the problem. Teach him to solve problems in four easy steps – stop the action, listen, come up with solutions and decide which option is best. Give him different scenarios so he can practice the steps.

Instil The Value of Sympathy

Teach your toddler to empathize and be forgiving of others. Empathy can help your little one feel less irate and annoyed by letting him understand the situation from a different point of view which helps your toddler treat others compassionately. For example, if your toddler is arguing with his playmate because the other child will not share his toy, ask him, “Why do you think your playmate does not want to share?” or “If you were your playmate, would you share your toy?”.

Help Your Toddler Identify The Symptoms

Teach your toddler to spot the signs that warn him he is getting mad. If your toddler’s cheeks get flushed, his eyes widen, if he scrunches his fists or he breathes faster, point them out to him by saying, “Baby, your clenching your fist. Do you feel angry right now?”. The earlier he recognizes the signs, the sooner he can calm himself down.

Teaching anger management in toddlers is not easy. But with a little patience and practice, you can train your child the right way to handle anger and help him deal with different people and circumstances without making his blood boil.

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Is It Normal For Your Toddler To Have An Imaginary Friend?

According to researchers, imaginative play is common for toddlers between the ages of 3 and 5, a time when they are just beginning to form their own personalities. So is your toddler’s imaginary friend a cause of concern? Read here to find out.

The Reason Behind It

Children develop imaginary friends to help cope with change or transition (e.g. welcoming a new sibling, starting school or death of a loved one). It is a form of self-expression, it gives them a sense of control over their environment and helps them comfortably express negative emotions.

The Positive Side of An Imaginary Friend

Imaginary friends serve several imperative roles. Some of these functions are:

  • A Great Playmate – an imaginary friend can be a wonderful buddy for pretend play which is very essential in honing a toddler’s imagination
  • Act As A Confidant – an imaginary friend is a good secret keeper during times when children have issues that are too confidential to share with parents
  • Helps Differentiate Good From Bad – everyone knows children are very mischievous, but having an imaginary friend helps them distinguish right from wrong. For example, when he insists that his friend ate the cookies, not him, he is able to recognize what is right from wrong but is not quite prepared to own up to the responsibility of his action, thus, blaming the imaginary friend.
  • Helps You Understand Your Toddler’s Emotions – hearing your toddler give reassurance to his imaginary friend gives you a glimpse of what your little one is truly feeling about a certain situation (going to the doctor, getting a shot, transferring to a new home, transitioning from crib to bed, etc.)

How You Can Help

Do not reprimand or make your toddler feel embarrassed about his imaginary friend. It is okay to play along as long as you keep the following rules in mind:

Respect The Friend

Acknowledge his imaginary friend as a living being. This means greeting him, saying sorry when you sit on him and listening to your toddler talk about his friend’s likes, dislikes and other characteristics.

Pretend Play Together

Take advantage of this opportunity and encourage your toddler to make up stories, but do not take over. Allow him to explore his ideas and emotions.

Increase Social Interaction

Never let the imaginary friend be your toddler’s only companion. Toddlers need to mingle with their peers as much as they can. Encourage him to go out. Organize a play date. Enroll him in a class he is interested in. If he prefers playing with his imaginary friend than with his “real-life friends” or has no other friends, consult with a professional.

Do Not Let The “Friend” Take Full Responsibility of Your Toddler’s Actions

Allowing your toddler to blame his imaginary friend each time he misbehaves is not good as he will not learn how to acknowledge his own mistakes. Instead, use it as a teaching opportunity. For instance, if his friend spilled juice, you can say “That is okay, I am not angry. But let us help your friend clean up the mess.”

Having an imaginary friend is normal so do not make a big deal out of it. As long as you are there to guide him, everything will be fine. He will outgrow it sooner or later.

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Kids and Manners – Nine Basic Manners Every Toddler Should Know

Manners play a huge part in social behaviour for it shows how well bred an individual is. Teaching children manners should begin once they are able to talk. Here is a guide about kids and manners to help you out.

Saying Please and Thank You

Every time your toddler is asking for something, he should say “Please.”. When he receives something, he should say “Thank you.”. If your toddler forgets, have him repeat his request and remind him he forgot to say “Please.” or “Thank you.”. Explain to your toddler that saying these two magic words show respect and gratitude. In addition, if he is thanked, teach him to say “You are welcome.”.

Greeting People

Teach your little one to greet a visitor to your home to make the guest feel welcome . He does not have to shake the visitor’s hand. Teach your toddler to say “hi”, “hello”, “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good evening” even if he is shy around people. Furthermore, when your toddler is visiting someone else’s home, say, your relative’s house, have your toddler acknowledge each member of the household.

Waiting For His Turn

Toddlers, being inquisitive and impatient beings have trouble waiting for their turn. Tell him that when somebody is speaking, he should listen and wait quietly until the person is done talking before he opens his mouth. Explain to him that it is difficult to understand what people are trying to say when they all speak at the same time. When it is his turn to speak, give him your full attention to reinforce the positive behaviour. Teach your toddler to say “excuse me” if he has to interfere in someone’s conversation. The same goes when waiting in line for his turn.

No Name Calling

Children, by nature, love to tease. However, there is a fine line between teasing and bullying. Teach your little one not to make fun of others by giving them offensive nicknames. Tell him that it will hurt the person. Instead, ask your toddler to talk to the person and explain what is bothering him.

Asking Permission

Encourage your toddler to ask permission before doing something, especially if he is unsure of the outcome. This will save him from trouble. Also, teach him to knock on closed doors before entering and seeking consent before using someone else’s things.


Teach your toddler not to be a sore loser. Toddlers can be competitive and losing can make them feel frustrated. If your toddler loses, teach him to congratulate the winner, not to sulk or get mad. If he wins, tell him not to show off.

Showing Respect

If your toddler dislikes something or someone, teach him to keep his negative opinions to himself. Teach him to respect differences (race, religion or culture).

Lending A Hand

Train your toddler not to slam the door but to hold the door open for someone else, especially elders before he goes in. Teach him to always lend a hand (e.g. helping you carry groceries, helping dad wash the car, doing household chores, etc.).

Table Manners

Teach him to wash his hands before and after eating, how to use utensils properly, chew his food before talking, sip soup quietly, not to play with his food, keep elbows off the table, say excuse before getting up and put his dishes in the sink.

Remember, a toddler with good manners is loved by everyone and will go far in life. So start instilling proper etiquette in your toddler as early as possible.

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Toddler Behaviour – Managing Your High Energy Toddler

It is normal for toddlers to be always on the go. However, having a toddler who cannot sit still can be a problem. Read on for effective tips on how to deal with this toddler behaviour.

Provide An Outlet

A high spirited toddler craves action and movement every now and then. The best way to exhaust some of this energy is to provide him with various physical activities throughout the day. Long walks around the park, playing sports and games like “tag” “catch the ball” or “Follow the Leader”, jumping through hoops and building an indoor obstacle course are great outlets.

Establish A Routine

It is important for toddlers with infinite energy to have a structured routine. The times for naps, meals, bathing, reading, playing and sleeping should be kept on a regular schedule. If it is time for dinner and your toddler puts up a fuss because he still wants to play, do not give in. You have to be firm and consistent. Otherwise, your toddler will think he can get away with anything.

Set Limits

Toddlers thrive on consistency, so when you set limits, be clear and confident in enforcing them even if your little one throws a tantrum or when he starts to make that “side smile” you cannot resist. Always maintain discipline that is firm. But, do not give physical punishments as this will only show your toddler that being aggressive is an acceptable behaviour. Withholding privileges (e.g. no video games or playing in the playground) or putting him on time out are effective ways to discipline children.

Reduce Screen Time

Think television calms your high energy toddler? The answer is no. Too much screen time can overstimulate a toddler especially when he is exposed to action and violence. Limit your toddler’s screen time to 2 hours per day – including TV, video and computer use.

Watch Your Toddler’s Diet

What foods does your toddler eat? If he likes to munch on candies, chocolates and drink iced tea and soda, no wonder he is jumpy. Decrease your child’s sugar and caffeine intake. Never offer them on an empty stomach.

Teach Your Toddler How To Entertain Himself

Encourage “alone time”. Provide a special spot for your toddler where he can do quiet activities such as painting, drawing, reading, building blocks or work on a wooden puzzle. This teaches him how to sit still. When your toddler knows how to keep himself busy, he will be less squirmy and be able to calm down when you need him to.

Schedule Downtime

Cap a day spent playing by doing something soothing together. Give your toddler a warm bath. Give him a glass of warm milk. Read him a book. Talk about your day. Cuddle. Play soft music in the background and dim down the lights in his room. This will soothe your toddler’s senses so he can sleep easily and soundly.

Keeping up with a high energy toddler can be draining. But, controlling him is not the answer. The tips given above will help you calm your little one while still stimulating his curiosity and imagination.

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Bullying In Children – What To Do If Your Toddler Is A Bully

Bullying in children is very common. Sure, kids are just being kids. But, what happens if your toddler is the perpetrator? What can you do to help your toddler get back on the right track?

Talk It Out

The first thing you should do is to acknowledge the problem. If you ignore the misbehaviour, your child will think bullying is okay. Talk to your toddler in a non-threatening manner. Tell him you are aware of the bullying. Ask him why he is doing it. Maybe he is afraid, sad, unsure of himself or wants power and bullying is his defense mechanism. Inform him that you are not going to tolerate the behaviour and that he has to be corrected.


When communicating with your toddler, make sure you really listen to what he has to say. Doing this assures your little one that he can tell you anything without being judged, allowing a two-way conversation to transpire. An open line of communication is the best way to handle this kind of situation.

Ask Questions

If in case your toddler does not handle straight talks well, try asking him questions. Why is he doing it? Does he have friends that bully other children? Is there something he does not like in the other child? Then, let him see his actions in a different way. Put him in someone else’s shoes by asking, “How would you feel if you were the one being bullied?”. This will get him thinking of his actions.


Set limits with your toddler. Explain to him that until he learns to respect others, he will have to stay in his room for 15 minutes every day and that television, video games and his favorite sweets will not be a part of his life. Make sure you are consistent in your efforts to help your toddler fully understand the concept of consequences.

Teach Positive Behaviours

Teach your toddler how to be kind and sympathetic to others. Maybe he does not understand how his behaviour is affecting the bullied child. Give your toddler a pet so he can take care of it. Read books or watch videos together about children who bully. Enroll him in a class that can nurture his talent while encouraging camaraderie and teamwork. Hold a play date for a few hours in your home. This way, you can observe how he is around his peers and correct any misbehaviour at once.

Do Not Belittle

Never turn the tables and mock, insult or ridicule your toddler just to show him what a bullied child feels like. This will only boost the behaviour because he is also being bullied at home.

Reduce Violence At Home

Avoid exposing your toddler to violence. Monitor the TV shows your little one is watching. Pick age-appropriate computer and video games. Make sure you guide him if he does watch or play violent shows and games. Also, take a look at your behaviour. Do you react aggressively when angry? If you do, then lecturing your toddler on bullying will be useless if he sees you or other family members display destructive behaviours.

Stopping your toddler from bullying is a process. But if you give time, patience, lots of effort and attention on your child as well as the environment he is growing up in, you can help your toddler turn things around.

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Thumb Sucking – Helping Your Toddler Break The Habit

Thumb sucking is common in children. It is their way to comfort and calm themselves when they are anxious, bored, scared, sick, tired or adjusting to new circumstances. However, it can cause negative effects especially if it continues for a long period of time. Below are some tips that can help you stop your toddler’s thumb sucking habit.

Talk About It

If you nag your little one to stop sucking his thumb, the more he will continue. A better and more effective technique is to talk about it. Be casual. Bring it up during playtime, mealtime or before bedtime. Explain to your toddler that thumb sucking can cause problems. Tell him that when he is ready to stop, you will be there to lend a hand. Eventually, he will come to you and tell you he wants to quit the behaviour.

Give Gentle Reminders

Though it may be frustrating to see your toddler sucking his thumb, avoid yelling or scolding your toddler as this will only cause more stress, make him anxious and upset which will lead to more thumb sucking. Instead, remind him by saying something like “Do you know you are sucking your thumb right now?”.

Offer A Substitute

Give your toddler something to do whenever he is tempted to suck his thumb. You can give a rubber ball, pillow or stuffed toy to squeeze if he is stressed, finger puppets to play with when he is bored or some papers and crayons so he can redirect his anger to something more productive.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

Put smiley faces or stickers on the calendar for each day he does not suck his thumb. At the end of a set period of time, say every week, 2 weeks or a month, offer a reward such as a trip to the park, extended story time, a toy or dinner at his favorite restaurant. Do not forget to say  words of praise as well. Doing this will make him feel good and more motivated to continue to stop the behaviour.

Use Products Designed To Stop Thumb Sucking

There are two popular products that can help stop thumb sucking - Thumbsters, made from breathable and comfortable Lycra and ThumbGuard, a soft, adjustable, non-toxic and FDA approved cylinder. These devices can be worn on your little one’s thumb to remind him not to suck. Placing Thum Liquid (a doctor-approved, nasty tasting product) on his thumb can also keep your toddler from wanting to suck. You may also wrap his thumb with colorful bandages before he sleeps to lessen nighttime sucking.

Wait It Out

If all else fails, just let it go. Do not worry too much. Just keep in mind that this is a transitory phase in his development and that in a year or two, your toddler will stop sucking his thumb.

Finally, remember that the most important thing you can do to help break your toddler’s thumb sucking habit is to pay more attention to your toddler, be encouraging and supportive.

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Teaching Self-control In Children

Teaching self-control to children is very important for the development of skills they will need as they grow up, particularly when they start going to school. Here is a simple how-to guide that will help your toddler learn self-control.

Set Rules

Create simple rules which your toddler can understand clearly. Let him know that talking is the only method of communication and that biting, hitting, shouting and throwing tantrums will not be tolerated.

Explain The Consequences

Talk to your little one about the consequences of a bad behaviour. Keep your instructions brief and clear. He has to know what will happen if he loses control as this will help him learn how to manage his emotions.

Consequences can be as simple as giving him a household chore, time-out to withholding privileges (e.g. no TV for a day). As much as possible, do not spank or reprimand him. Physical and emotional violence will only make your toddler feel bad and worsen the behaviour.


What pushes your toddler’s buttons? What is his daily routine? How is he around people? How does he play with other children? How does he react under pressure? What actions annoy him? By observing your toddler, you will be able to identify the triggers.


Once you know what sets him off, you can better empathize with his feelings. For instance, if your little one is upset because his playmate pushed him, let him know that you understand how sad, frustrated and angry he is. Encourage him to talk to you. Once he is done talking, give him a bear hug or rub his back to calm him down. Then, help him figure out what to do. This will make him identify his feelings, making it easier for you to train him to control himself.

Make Room For Mistakes

Often times, parents tend to make decisions for their children because they do not want them to stumble. But, children need to be independent. Allow your toddler to act on his own, face the consequences, be it positive or negative and learn from his mistakes. Just let things happen and stay on the byline so you can still guide him. By doing so, your toddler will learn to be confident yet careful with his actions.

Provide An Outlet

Help your toddler find a positive way he can redirect his negative feelings. He can draw, paint or play sports. Teach him calming techniques such as counting from 1 to 10 or taking deep breaths. This will help your little one in assessing the situation as well develop self-control.

Be A Role Model

Children learn by example. They imitate what they see their parents do. Rather than screaming because you accidentally spilled milk on the freshly vacuumed carpet, say “I am annoyed right now. I think I am just going to close my eyes and count to ten before I clean this up.”. By being calm and cautious of your words and actions, you show to your child that it is possible to control and recover from a stressful circumstance.

Although this is a challenging task, but if you are able to communicate well with your toddler, understand his needs and teach him how to handle difficult events maturely, teaching self-control will be very easy.

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