Archive | June 20th, 2012

Children With Dyslexia - Spotting The Symptoms and Ways To Treat It

Dyslexia is a brain damage that seriously affects an individual’s cognitive skills. Treating this requires a lot of time and effort so once it is spotted, immediate action is necessary. Below is a guide to help parents spot the signs of children with dyslexia and some tips on how to resolve it.

The Signs

Delayed Learning of Speech

A toddler with dyslexia often does not learn to speak at the same rate a normal child does. A normal child will speak his first words by the age of 1 while a dyslexic child might take another year or two to begin speaking.

Difficulty In Reading and Pronouncing Words

A dyslexic toddler cannot read and articulate words, specifically longer words. Between 7 and 8 years old, a normal toddler should be able to read simple books (e.g. storybooks, activity books, etc.) without any trouble. If a toddler reads out loud and it sounds off, is very slow, often pauses in between words and ignores a lot of complex words instead of trying to read them or asking for help, then most likely he is suffering from dyslexia.

Interchanging Sequences, Letters and Sound

A toddler with dyslexia has difficulty learning sequences of the alphabet, numbers, days of the week and so on. He will often times interchange them even if he was previously corrected. He will also have difficulty learning letter names and sounds (e.g. A is for apple or the sound moo is associated to a cow). In addition, he tends to misspell words with the correct letter sequence. Instead of “pot”, he spells it as “top” or “pin” instead of “nip”.

Difficulty Identifying Rhymes

A dyslexic toddler every so often cannot tell what words rhyme with what other words plainly because of a dysfunctional capacity to comprehend letters and words. For example, a toddler with dyslexia might not be able to say what rhymes with cat or hop even though these words are very simple to remember.

Mixing Up Syllables

A dyslexic toddler will have difficulty pronouncing and understanding compound rhymes or multi-syllable words (e.g. aminal instead of animal). He will also have difficulty learning to identify syllables (e.g. backyard in back-yard) and speech sounds (e.g. d-o-g in dog) in words.

Poor Writing and Motor Skills

A dyslexic toddler may have difficulty with handwriting. Meaning, he has poor handwriting, inability to write straight on a blank paper and writes slower than the average speed. Motor skills are also affected. A dyslexic toddler is clumsier and have poor dexterity.


Consult An Expert

Treating dyslexia requires professional help. A speech pathologist is a medical professional who help individuals correct various problems related to speech. This expert can create a special verbal dyslexia treatment program suited to the needs of the dyslexic toddler. Parents can ask for recommendations from their child’s school, private practices and non-profit organization. They may also visit the website of National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) for help.

Teach Phonics

Phonics is a technique for teaching reading and writing by developing a learner’s phonemic awareness or the ability to hear and identify phonemes in order to teach the learner how letters are related to sounds in order to form words. This will help the dyslexic toddler manipulate words more effectively so he can easily read and spell them out loud.

Focus On The Weakness

Hold guided activities a few hours each day. If he has difficulty reading, concentrate on that and hold reading sessions. If writing is the problem, focus on teaching the toddler how to write correctly. Repetition is very essential for the child to correct his errors. Repeat these activities until he gets them right.

Encourage Participation In Recreational Activities

A dyslexic toddler needs to relax and have fun. Let him join workshops, enroll him in a swimming class or anything he excels at. Hone that talent. This will help the toddler build self-esteem and the courage that he needs to tackle complicated reading, writing, and spelling assignments.

Show Support

A dyslexic toddler needs the full support of his parents. Remind him that he is loved. Praise him each time he reads or writes a word correctly. Be patient and give the toddler as much time as possible.

Children with dyslexia have special needs and require more assistance than other children. They need specific techniques repeatedly done overtime so they can progress beyond their inability.

Posted in Child Health Issues, HealthComments (0)

Starting Preschool - How You Can Help Expand Your Toddler’s Vocabulary

A toddler who is starting preschool require knowledge of basic words, and as a parent, you are also responsible in honing your child’s vocabulary skills. Help your toddler learn new words by following the tips listed below.


Converse with your toddler every day. Carry out conversations about everything, from his new toy to the food you are cooking. Simple conversations are one of the most effective ways in increasing a toddler’s vocabulary. Ask him questions like how his day went, what games he played with other kids in the playground and so on. Correct improper usage of words but do not interrupt your little one while he is still talking. Instead, wait for him to finish and repeat what he said back to him. By doing so, he will be able to recognize his mistake and make sense of the word without bruising his ego. Never underestimate the power of conversation and information to the development of vocabulary.


Talking and listening go hand-in-hand. When having a conversation, make sure the both of you maintain eye contact. This lets him know that he has captured your complete attention. After which, you can discuss what he said. This small act builds self-confidence encouraging your little one to talk.

Read Out Loud

The best way to expose your toddler to words is through reading. Read aloud to your child during his playtime and before bed time. Read books with characters and plots, but avoid books that contain too many words your toddler is unfamiliar with as this will only make it difficult for him to understand the story. Point out pictures in the book. After every page, stop and explain new words to him and ask him what he thinks will happen next before reading the next part. This allows him to link the words he hears with what he sees in the pictures.

Use Alternate Words

Replace common words with alternate words. For instance, if you see a spider, instead of describing it tiny or small, use the adjective minuscule. Describe a mansion as gigantic instead of big or call the car an automobile. Talk to him about what you are doing. For instance, if you are preparing food, instead of using the word “frying”, use the word “sautéing” or replace the word “chopping” with “mincing”. Explain to your little one that both words have the same meaning. In this way, you help your toddler identify similarities in words which will help him develop his vocabulary to a whole new level.

Minimize Baby Talk

Converse with your toddler the way you would talk to an adult. By doing this, you help him learn new words which he can add to his vocabulary list. Learn new words and share them with your toddler. Do not forget to explain the meaning behind each word so he can understand them.

Play Games

Games allow a toddler to get creative. Make use of his playtime by holding games that can enrich his vocabulary. Unnamed games like “I Spy” and “What Sound?” are very effective in expanding a child’s words. Another favorite is the “Show and Tell Game”. Every time you go out with your toddler, have him collect something as a keepsake. It can be as simple as a flower, shell or stone. Once you are at home, encourage him to show to everybody the items he collected and tell everyone about them.

Build A Learning Environment At Home

Create a space for learning in the area where your toddler spends most of his time. Take a good look of your living area. What do you see? Are there books, board games, puzzles, art supplies, audio CD’s and a radio present aside from the PlayStation, TV and computer? Limit TV viewing since it does not allow your toddler’s brain to create his own images of the words he hear. Building a rich learning atmosphere at home can help all aspects of a toddler’s education, especially vocabulary.

Language is an integral part of preschool education and the only way your toddler can learn is by listening to the people around him. The richer and more abundant your words are, the more well developed his vocabulary will be.

Posted in Education, Starting PreschoolComments (0)

Tips For Buying Toddler Clothes Online

Buying toddler clothes online is popular among parents for not only is it convenient but also because online stores boast a wide array of choices and they are relatively cheaper as compared to department stores. Keep the following tips in mind when shopping for your toddler’s clothes online.

Get The Accurate Measurements

Know your child’s size. Since your toddler will not be able to fit clothes before buying, it would be best to take out a tape measure and measure your toddler or an item of clothing that fits your little one perfectly to make sure you buy clothes that are not too tight or too loose. Then check the website’s size chart. You need to know how to read clothes sizes for toddlers, preschoolers and grade school students. If you are unsure, just send the exact measurements of your toddler to the seller so the seller can help you out.

Know Your Child’s Needs

Once your toddler is in the “I can do it myself” period, buying clothes that are too complicated to wear is a big mistake. Go for toddler clothes that can be easily pulled on and pulled off. Choose clothes that can last wear and tear and those that can be easily washed since your toddler will most likely make his clothes dirty after a long day of playing and being active.

Another tip to keep in mind is to make sure you check the material of the clothes. Always put comfort before style. Buy clothes made from soft and natural materials to avoid irritation, such as cotton. Toddler clothes made from cotton are very lightweight so you can be sure your young one can stay fresh and comfortable for hours on end.

Look For Sales

A lot of clothing websites give discounts and hold clearance sales at the end of the season. Take advantage of these great deals. It is a great way to buy your toddler’s basic clothing items such as t-shirts, jeans, shorts, jackets, socks, etc., plus, you can even order these items one size up and reserve them until your toddler grows bigger. You get to save money while stocking up clothes for your toddler’s future needs.

Research, Read and Verify

Even before you start shopping on a certain site, make sure you have done a background check to see if the site is secure before giving any of your information (name, address, credit card number, etc.). The best way to know an online store’s legitimacy is to read client feedbacks. Most websites have a page dedicated for customer reviews. Take time to read them.

Check payment details, shipping details, return policies, number of stocks available and so on. Look for an online store that allows you to return the items totally free of charge. Meaning, the online store is responsible in shouldering the shipping cost. Some online shops have physical stores that allow customers to return and exchange items through their physical stores so check that out.

Remember, that as a buyer, it is your obligation to know these things to ensure that you will have a smooth transaction with the seller. Keep these things in mind and you will have a successful online shopping experience.

Posted in Clothes, Discount Toddler ClothesComments (0)

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