Archive | May, 2012

Helping Your Toddler Prepare For A Newborn

Welcoming a new baby may be a joyous time for you and your husband, but for your toddler, it may mean a lot of unwanted changes especially since he has been the star of the family for some time. It is important that he understands this transition. Read on for tips on how you can help your toddler prepare for a newborn.

Introduce Your Toddler To Your Unborn Baby

Explain to your little one that inside mommy’s tummy is a tiny baby boy or girl that he can play with. Introducing your toddler to your unborn baby allows your toddler to adjust with the changes without feeling pressured. Let him stroke your tummy or let him come near your tummy so he can hear the baby and feel the baby kick. This way, your toddler can start developing a feeling of anticipation and gradual acceptance that the family will welcome a new bundle of joy in the coming months.

Tell Stories

Tell your toddler what a baby is like. Toddlers love stories and one of the best ways to prepare your toddler is by sharing stories of when he was still inside your womb and what he was like when he was a baby. Show him his ultrasound photos and his baby pictures. Let him know that as a baby, he used to cry, eat and sleep a lot and that he looked so adorable each time he tried raising his leg so he can reach his toes. The little details will keep your toddler aware what a baby will be like and since this is also a new milestone in his life, this will fascinate and excite him.

Ask For His Help

Involve your toddler when preparing for your new baby’s arrival. Seek his advice. Let him accompany you when you shop for baby items. Allow him to choose the color of the clothes he wants the baby to wear. Give him a task at home. Assign him to put all of the baby’s clothes in the drawer. Put him in charge of counting baby bottles. Asking for your toddler’s participation shows him that you value his opinion and that even if a new baby is coming, your love for him will remain unconditional.

Surround Him With Friends

Invite your friends with babies and toddlers his age to your house. Have him play with your neighbors’ kids more often. If he is old enough, enroll him in a day care center. This gives your little one time to bond with his peers who may have siblings. This will also serve as an eye-opener that while the spotlight may not be centered solely on him anymore, everything is still perfectly fine and it will not hurt to share the attention with others.

Let Him Pick Out A Present

Have him buy the baby a special present. Or get crafty and let him make a banner, collage, drawing or anything that will serve as his welcome present. Your little one can give it to the baby on the day of the birth. Be sure to buy one for him as well, from the new baby.

Spend One On One Time With Him

Set an alone time a few minutes each day with your toddler. Use this time to focus on your toddler and stop doing anything baby-related for the mean time. Help him finish his jigsaw puzzle, prepare his favorite food, talk and cuddle. This time will make him feel special and assure him you are his mommy and he is your baby.

To allow your toddler to welcome the new baby with open arms, he must be emotionally ready. Prepare your toddler as early as possible to make the transition easier for the whole family.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler SiblingsComments (0)

Fear In Toddlers - What Parents Can Do

Toddlers develop some sort of fear at one point or another. This is a totally normal part of childhood. But, parents can help ease fear in toddlers more conveniently with a few easy steps. Here is how to do it.

Helping Toddlers Cope With Fears

Know The Reason

What is your toddler afraid of? Darkness? Monsters? Strangers? Crowded places? Doctors? Spiders? No matter how shallow they may seem, recognizing what your toddler’s fears are is an essential step to helping him overcome them. Maybe he is afraid of the dark because he cannot see anything or he is scared of strangers because he feels overwhelmed with their presence.

Do Not Brush Them Off

Do not just laugh and tell your toddler he is silly. Never downplay your toddler’s fears. Instead, take them seriously. Do not make fun or ignore his fears. Reassure your little one that you understand how he feels and that he can always come to you each time he is scared. Remember, the degree of support you give to your child gives him security that it is okay to be afraid and once he understands that, he can properly deal with his fears.

Explain and Expose

The unknown is the root of fear. Your toddler may be scared of the doctor because of the white coat the doctor is wearing or the long needle the doctor uses when giving him shots. Explain to your toddler that the doctor is making sure he is okay. The doctor only checks him up to make sure he is strong and that by sitting still it will be all over before he knows it.

However, reasoning might not completely erase his fears so demonstration is necessary. Buy a storybook about a doctor so you can read it to him during story time. Or, you can show him a picture of a doctor and a little boy smiling. Pretend play also works. Buy him a doctor play set and take turns being the doctor and patient. Eventually, he will be able to realize that there is nothing he should be afraid of and he might even be excited for his incoming monthly check-up.

Solve The Problem Together

If your toddler is afraid of the dark, go to a store and buy him a nightlight. Let him choose the design that he wants. If your toddler is scared of dogs, show him that you are not afraid of him. Let him watch as you and your house dog play fetch. Create a monster chant together so he can say it each time he feels scared. Show your toddler that you are not afraid of his fears, this encourages him to imitate you which will help him overcome his fears.

Offer A Comfort Object

Giving your toddler your old teddy bear, a blanket you used when you were a baby or a special pillow can help ease his fears. Comfort objects can offer your scared toddler familiarity and reassurance. Let him hold on to it at night, when visiting his doctor or when meeting new people.

Give Praise

Facing fears can be hard work so once you notice your little one is making progress commend him for a job well done or offer him a reward like letting him pick out a new toy or cooking him his favorite food. Your optimism encourages your toddler to strive harder.

Fears come and go but it is important that you help him deal with them so he can function better.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler BehaviourComments (0)

Your Guide To Giving First Aid Help To Your Toddler

Keeping your toddler away from harm is your top priority. However, being a naturally inquisitive child, he will constantly do things beyond your control, hence exposing him to accidents. Learn how to protect your toddler by giving first aid help.

Burns and Scalds

One of the most common childhood accidents toddlers are highly susceptible to. These culprits are a peril to every home especially since toddlers are curious, small and have sensitive skin that require extra protection.

First Aid Help

First-Degree Burns

  • Remove your toddler away from the source of the burn.
  • Run cool water over the burned area or cold compress it for 10 minutes. If water is not available, use any cold drinking fluid.
  • Dry the area using a clean towel and coat it with a sterile gauze pad.
  • Do not put butter, toothpaste or powder to the burn to avoid infection.
  • Give the correct dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to alleviate the pain.
  • Apply antiseptic cream once the burn starts to blister. Never try to break the blister.

Second and Third-Degree Burns

  • Never treat a serious burn by yourself.
  • Seek medical help at once. While waiting for medical personnel to arrive, let your toddler lie down with burned area elevated. Place a clean cloth over the area. Do not touch or breathe on the burn. Do not remove clothing that is stuck to the skin. Cover him with a blanket.

Electrical and Chemical Burns

  • Remove your toddler away from danger.
  • Rinse the area with cool running water for 10 to 15 minutes. Use soap and water and wash it gently.
  • As you continue cooling the burn, remove your toddler’s clothing. Cut them to avoid exposing other parts of his body to the burn.


This occurs when the nose becomes dry or irritated because of colds, sinus infections, allergies and pressure (e.g. nose picking or putting a foreign object inside the nose).

First Aid Help

  • Let him lean forward slightly.
  • Use a tissue or a clean, soft towel to gently pinch the soft part of his nose. Do this for 10 minutes and let him breathe through his mouth.
  • Release the pressure and check if the bleeding has stopped and cold compress the bridge of his nose.


Choking is caused when a person’s airway (trachea) is blocked which obstructs normal air circulation. This typically happens when toddlers choke on food or toys.

First Aid Help

  • If your toddler is coughing or gagging, encourage him to cough and pat his back.
  • If choking continues after coughing, perform abdominal thrusts. Only do this if you have been trained. If not, call for medical help at once. His trachea might have shut down.


Concussion occurs when a person obtains a head injury usually while playing or when a person accidentally trips and knocks his head against a solid object. When not treated, this can lead to brain damage or worse, disability.

First Aid Help

  • Remove your toddler from the activity.
  • To check if the concussion is severe, look for signs of increased alertness, frequent vomiting, headache and convulsion. If he exhibits these symptoms, take him to the emergency room.
  • The doctor will ask you how the head injury happened. Give him details (when it happened, its symptoms, etc.).
  • Your toddler may need to undergo MIR or have a CT scan to check if there is bleeding.

Heat Stroke

Children are vulnerable to heat stroke as their body temperature tend to overheat easily. This may be due to prolonged sun exposure, dehydration or if they are dressed too warmly. You know your toddler is suffering from heat stroke when – he becomes dizzy, restless, vomits, has a rapid pulse, shallow breathing and hot, red, dry skin.

First Aid Help

  • Remove clothing. Go to a cooler area and let him lie down.
  • Give him a cool sponge bath to rehydrate his body.
  • Talk to him to keep your toddler relaxed.
  • Do not offer him anything to drink.
  • After he has cooled down, give him a cool bath.

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is common to children because they are more sensitive to the brain’s response to motion. This can strike during a boat, train or plane ride especially if it is their first time.

First Aid Help

  • Let your toddler look afar. Seeing things from a distance helps eliminate your toddler’s queasiness.
  • Keep him cool. When on a boat, take him out on deck. Roll down the windows in the car. Use a fan to give him cool air while on the plane.
  • Divert his attention. Keep your little one busy to keep his mind distracted. Sing a song or talk about the people and things you see.

Posted in Safety, Toddler ProofingComments (0)

Teaching Toddlers Table Manners

Teaching toddlers table manners is not something they learn automatically. It can take a lot of time, effort and patience. Like development, it is a gradual process. Below are some age-appropriate ways you can teach your toddler.

Be An Example

The best way to teach your toddler table manners? Be his role model. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Show your little one how it is done. When he sees you saying grace, saying please and thank you, talking properly at the table and not doing anything during meal time aside from eating, your actions will ultimately rub off on him. Children love imitating their parents so once he sees you modelling proper etiquette, he will mimic your actions.

Explain and Demonstrate

Instruct your toddler how utensils are properly used. His understanding of things will affect how he handles things. Explain what each utensil is for, when it is used and the correct way to hold it. Do not just sit and expect him to listen and understand everything you say. Show him how to use them through pretend play. Hold a spoon and pretend to scoop soup from a bowl, illustrate the function of a plate by getting food from the table and then placing them on the plate.

Make Early Introductions

Start introducing your toddler to different kinds of food at an early age. Have your toddler try a bite of new foods offered even if he thinks the food looks bland. Explain to your little one that even if he may think a food is gross, he should keep his opinion to himself rather than express it vocally to avoid offending the cook especially when dining outside the house.

Repeat, Repeat and Repeat

Keep in mind that your toddler will not lean proper table manners overnight. You have to be consistent in training him to refine his skills. For instance, once he learns how to say “please” and “thank you”, prompt your toddler to say these words before you give him food.

Keep It Casual

Simple, everyday happenings serve as the best life lessons. Let your toddler decide whether or not an action is proper or improper. For example, if he saw child A getting food from child B without asking permission, ask him “ Do you think that child’s action was rude?” or “If you were in child A’s position, would you do the same thing?”. Helping your toddler understand the concept of table manners is far better than uttering a bunch of rules for him to memorize.

Give Praise

Commend your toddler for behaving well at the table – when he sits quietly, does not talk when his mouth is full, or excuses himself when he is done eating. This reassures your toddler that he is doing a great job and that you are pleased with his behaviour which will encourage him to do good the next time.

Never Scold

If your toddler misbehaves during meal time, never embarrass him in front of people. Instead, keep your calm, correct and remind him in an authoritative voice to stop spitting or throwing food. You can confront him once dinner is finished, when you are alone and relaxed. Giving him the “look” or a hand signal as a reminder also helps. You can also try removing him from the table if he continues misbehaving even after receiving a warning.

Manners are built over time so start instilling them as early as possible. Expect a lot of errors and mishaps so be patient and watch all your efforts pay off.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler DisciplineComments (0)

Toddler Car Seat Safety Tips

Hitting the road with your toddler? Make sure you follow these toddler car seat safety tips to keep your toddler safe and sound while you are driving.

Always Read and Follow Directions

Even if you feel like tossing out the manual, it is very important that you understand how to correctly install a toddler car seat. After all, you are taking your precious one’s safety into consideration so might as well pick up that hefty manual and start reading. A car seat instruction manual will make installation easier for you. Plus, it helps you learn the do’s and don’ts as well as the best way to utilize your toddler’s car seat. Also, different models of cars have a different installation process. Older models do not have car seat shoulder belts while newer ones have the LATCH system.

Position The Car Seat In The Right Spot

A toddler car seat cannot protect your toddler if it is installed incorrectly. Place your toddler’s car seat rear-facing and in the middle of the back seat. This is the safest spot since it has no air bags and it offers the best protection for your toddler’s head, neck and spine. Position it that way until he is 2 years old or once he reaches the car seat’s weight limit. Never put a car seat on the front seat as this will only risk your toddler’s safety.

Keep The Straps Tight

Always make sure you buckle up your toddler. See to it you adjust the harness correctly to ensure a snug fit. The straps must be at or below your toddler’s shoulders. Use the retainer clips connected to the harness band and fasten them at armpit level to prevent the straps from sliding off your toddler’s shoulders. Make sure the harness and the straps are even and untwisted against your toddler’s chest and over his hips. Straps should be tight enough, not allowing more than an inch of movement from front to back or side to side.

Buckle Up

So you already secured the car seat’s harness to your toddler but have you buckled the car seat into the car? This is a common mistake parents overlook because of confusion or during hectic days. Stop making this mistake by double-checking to ensure that the car seat is buckled tightly to the car each time you put your toddler in his seat.

Recline Your Toddler At The Correct Angle

In the rear-facing position, recline the car seat at a 45-degree angle. Use the manual as your reference. Reclining your baby at the correct angle stops your toddler’s head from flopping forward. If the car seat does not come with cushioned inserts, roll a towel or a blanket and place them at the sides and around your toddler’s head and neck.

Delay Moving His Car Seat To A Forward-facing Position

Stop the urge to place your toddler’s car seat in the forward-facing position just so you can see him in your rear-view mirror. Toddlers have large heads and weak necks so in a head-on collision, the impact can cause your toddler’s head to jerk forward resulting to serious head and spinal injuries.

A toddler car seat is the safest way to protect your toddler when traveling. But beyond that, it is also crucial that you follow correct usage to avoid common car seat mistakes to ensure your child a happy ride.

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Making The Transition From Crib To Toddler Bed

Switching from a crib to a toddler bed is a momentous milestone in your toddler’s life. It is a period of adjustment so expect mixed feelings of excitement, happiness and anxiousness. Keep the following tips in mind to make the move as smooth as possible.

Spotting The Signs of Readiness

You know your toddler is ready for that big change when:

  • He is tall enough (approximately 36 inches tall) and is able to stand in his crib.
  • He becomes an escape artist – constantly climbs in and out of the crib.
  • He knows how to use the toilet or when he is potty trained.
  • He shows an interest in beds more than his crib.

How You Can Make The Change Easy

Right Timing Is Everything

Change is never easy to accept especially when it comes to children who thrive on consistency. Just like any transition (e.g. potty training or sleeping in their own room), timing is important. Make the change at a time your toddler is calm and happy. Never introduce this idea while he is coping with something – a new baby, an illness or a new skill perhaps. Take it slow. Time, try and test it so there is plenty of time for adjustment.

Talk To Him About It

Do not just set up the bed and take out the crib and expect your little one to be thrilled. Remember, the crib served as his place of comfort and security during the first 3 years of his life and he might not be willing to give it up just yet. Casually bring up the topic at a time he is relaxed - during his playtime, when you feed him or at night before putting him to sleep. Tell him that he is becoming such a big boy and that big boys need a special bed.

Let Him Choose His Bed and Bedding

The transition will be easier for your little one if you get a toddler bed and a bedcover that he likes. Visit furniture stores together so he can check out his options. For instance, if he has a fascination for trucks, get him a toddler bed that looks like a truck and a bed sheet, pillowcase and blanket with trucks printed on them. The more involved your toddler is in the mechanics of the transition, the more likely he is to cooperate and handle the move well. Once he sees his new things, he will probably be giddy and impatient to jump in his new bed.

Keep His Crib Visible

Keep his crib in his room for the mean time. This will help your toddler adjust better. Do not position his new bed the same spot where his crib is. Instead, place his bed in the opposite corner. In this way, your toddler will be comforted with the crib’s presence even if he is sleeping in his new bed. This also gives him the option of which bed he wants to sleep in during nap time and bedtime.

Introduce It At Nap Time

If your toddler is still reluctant to sleep in his new bed, it would be best to introduce it during his nap time when light is present so he can survey his surroundings. This allows him to be acquainted with the strange object and once he is comfortable with it, he will start sleeping in it at night voluntarily.

Place Old Comfort Objects In The Bed

Keep anything that he uses for comfort like a teddy bear or a special pillow he sleeps with in his crib. This creates a feeling of familiarity and security so your toddler will not feel overwhelmed with the change.

Do not worry if the transition does not go well at first. This is a big step in his life. Be patient and support your toddler.

Posted in Gear, Toddler BedComments (0)

Dealing With Separation Anxiety In Toddlers

It is normal for toddlers to feel anxious when parents have to leave, even moms and dads feel sad about it. Although it is not easy, parents can help toddlers overcome separation anxiety with a little patience and understanding. Here is how to do it.

What Causes It

Separation anxiety begins at around 6 months of age and can last until 4 years of age. This is normal and it usually goes away  as he grows older. However, there are some toddlers who experience prolonged or re-occurrence of extreme separation anxiety which can interfere with their development, social interaction and personality or worse, lead to a disorder. This is alarming so it is best to counteract it as early as possible.

Ways to Handle It


Make the transition easier by training your baby early. Leave your toddler under the care of someone you trust (e.g. babysitter or relative) babysitter for brief periods and short distances at first. For example, you can leave your little one with your caregiver while you run errands, grocery shop or have lunch with your friends.

Include other people. Look for activities that require the participation of others. If your toddler wants you to read him a book, include his siblings. If he wants to play outside, invite your neighbor’s kids. In this way, you get to train your baby without pressuring him too much. He will not even notice it because he is having fun.

Prepare Your Toddler Ahead of Time

Talk about your departure a few days before the said event. Make sure your toddler knows when and where you will be going, what you need to do and when you will be back. Let him know who is going to watch over him and what activities he can do while you are away. Remind him about it the night before or in the morning while having breakfast. If you have work that requires you to be out for a day, say “Mommy has to go somewhere for work, but you do not have to be sad since you get to spend time with your aunt and cousins and visit the amusement park. That would be so much fun don’t you think? Let us talk about your adventures during dinner, okay sweetie?”.

Have A Separation Ritual

Create a “goodbye ritual”. Instead of sneaking out of the house while he is distracted just so you can prevent the tears, wave bye-bye, hug, give him a kiss and assure him you will be back in no time and go. Rituals are reassuring as they make toddlers feel safe, loved and protected. Plus, it will not make your toddler think you might disappear without prior notice which will only make him scared and increase his separation anxiety.

Offer A Security Object

Giving your toddler a reminder of mommy and daddy may help him deal with your absence and give him solace. Each time you go out and leave him, give him something which will remind him of you. Make sure it is special – a book you read him every night, a teddy bear, your old shirt or a blanket you made especially for him.

Keep Him Busy

Provide a distraction. Engage your toddler and his caregiver in an activity before you leave. When the time comes for you to go, give your toddler a quick goodbye kiss and hug and leave. He may cry for a while but the activity can keep him entertained while you are away.

Bear in mind that your toddler is an individual and not merely an extension of you. Work on establishing your child’s independence and sense of self to help him understand that.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler BehaviourComments (0)

Toddler Sleep Mistakes You Should Avoid

Getting your toddler to sleep is a challenging job. Thus, you tend to look for ways to help make it easier. There are common toddler sleep mistakes many parents make. Read on to find out if you are doing them so you can change and correct your actions.

Mistake # 1: Sleeping late.

Admit it, making your toddler sleep at night is a tug of war. Recent studies have shown that children today get less sleep as compared to children in the 90’s. A toddler’s body gets over fatigued easily no matter how bubbly and energetic he may seem. Your toddler’s body is still immature, hence, getting a lot of hours of sleep is very essential. Do not put off bedtime to avoid battles or hope that your little one will fall asleep without any intervention. This will only make your toddler exhausted which will make sleeping even harder.

Plan his day accordingly. Do physically demanding activities in the morning and reserve relaxing activities in the afternoon. This will help prepare his body for the night to come. Set a time for sleeping (naptime and bedtime) and stick to it. Do not wait until your toddler is rubbing his eyes, yawning or whining. Put him to bed an hour before his bedtime. Read a story book or talk about your day. This will help him slow down.

Mistake # 2: No bedtime routine.

You think your little one may not need it but consistency is very important to toddlers. They need to know what to expect and what to do next, otherwise, they will do as they please. Having a series of peaceful, pleasing activities before switching the lights off is imperative. A bedtime routine serves as a sleep clue that will help your toddler wind down. This might mean giving him a bath, changing into pajamas, talking, cuddling, reading a story and a hug and kiss. Do this in the same order, the same space and at the same time each night.

Mistake # 3: Inconsistent Sleeping Area

This is a common sleep mistake parents are guilty of. Allowing your toddler to sleep in your bed or crawl into bed with you every time he wakes up in the middle of the night teaches your child to stay awake or worse, turn your bed into a “family bed”.

Doing this is okay especially when you have to comfort your toddler after he has had a terrible nightmare. But, once he has settled down, bring him back to his room so as not to intercept the routine.

Mistake # 4: Relying on strollers, car seats and swings.

Using motion to get your toddler to sleep is not beneficial. The constant motion decreases quality of sleep and keeps him stimulated instead of attaining deeper levels of sleep which toddlers need.

You may use these gears to calm your toddler after a busy day. Once he has fallen asleep, turn off the swing and keep the stroller motionless.

Mistake # 5: Over stimulation.

What you surround your toddler can affect his sleep. Noise, lights and toys can cause distraction which will only keep him wide awake. Maximize sleep by keeping his room as dark and noise-free as possible. Use a nightlight to keep his fears at bay when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Sleep plays a big factor to your toddler’s development. So it is essential that you make sure you steer clear from these sleep mistakes to ensure your toddler gets all the shut-eye he needs.

Posted in Health, Toddler SleepComments (0)

Ways to Make Brushing Teeth Easy For Toddlers

Is brushing teeth a constant battle for you and your toddler? Are you looking for ways to get your child to open up to it? Here are some creative ideas you can try out.

Buy Him His Own Tooth Brushing Utensils

Children love pretending to be a grown-up and like mommy and daddy, your toddler would definitely want things of his own. Make brushing easier by giving him his own tooth brushing gear. Get him a toothbrush specifically for toddlers. Make sure it has soft bristles and a long, non-slip handle for a better grip. His toothpaste must contain a small amount of fluoride to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel and it must be safe to swallow. Giving him a cup with his favorite character printed on it will sweeten the deal even more.

Let Your Toddler Choose His Toothbrush

Erase your little one’s fussiness by allowing him to pick a toothbrush of his choice. It makes tooth brushing more fun and exciting knowing he took part in choosing the color and design. The next time you make a trip to the grocery store, tag your toddler along. Let him decide which brush he likes based on the cartoon characters on it. He will truly have a blast holding his Elmo, Spiderman or Batman toothbrush.

Also, why not try buying several brushes in different colors so that he can choose the one he wants when it is time to brush. An electric toothbrush is interesting especially at this point when he is still exploring things with his mouth. The buzzing motion can also help soothe your baby when he is teething.

Let Him Watch You Do It

Model good brushing habits. Encourage your toddler to brush his teeth by brushing your teeth in front of him. Make it look fun and you will surely have a toddler gear to brush his teeth like mommy.

Allow Him to Do It On His Own

Let your toddler put toothpaste on the brush. Let him brush his teeth. Even though he probably will make a mess, the fact that he gets to enjoy it makes brushing teeth a whole lot easier. Commend him for a job well done. Your support will encourage him to continue doing it.

Do It Together

Another way to get a child more interested in brushing teeth is to have one toothbrush for mommy, daddy and for your toddler. Make brushing teeth a part of your bonding time. This will make your toddler realize that tooth brushing is not so bad.

Assist him. With each of your hand on the handle, begin guiding him. Gently start brushing his front teeth, crevices, gums and tongue.

Turn Brushing Into A Game

Games can add life to an otherwise boring activity. Have your toddler brush the teeth of his favorite toys first and then brush his teeth. Counting while brushing is another fun way to make the process less dull and more exciting.

Tooth brushing is an important hygiene regimen, so see to it you incorporate entertainment so your precious one does it on a daily basis minus the stress.

Posted in Health, Toddler Dental CareComments (0)

Parents Guide to Bathing A Toddler

Bathing a toddler is fun, it is like a movie filled with action, drama, laughter and suspense. Keep the following tips in mind to keep your little one happy and safe while he gets squeaky clean.

Schedule Bathing Time

Having a fixed bath time makes a difference. Most parents prefer morning baths as it can be the perfect way to jump-start their toddler’s day. Some opt for night baths to help their toddler relax for a good night’s sleep. There is no right or wrong time of day, just set a time your toddler is most comfortable with.

Never Leave A Toddler Unattended

The most important rule when it comes to toddler bathing is to never leave your toddler unsupervised, even for one second. There are a lot of elements that can harm your precious one – water, soap, slippery floor and the likes. Gather all of his bathing supplies beforehand. And if you must take your eyes off your child to answer the doorbell, scoop your toddler up in a towel and bring him with you.

Exercise Water Safety

Do not put your toddler in the tub when the water is still running. Fill the tub with about 3 inches of water. The level of water in the tub should be waist high when in a sitting position. Make sure the water is tepid (between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius), not hot. Test the water by using your elbow to check water temperature. Better yet, use a thermometer so you can get an accurate reading of the bath water. Put cold water in the tub first followed by hot water. Make sure you mix the water to ensure that there are no hot areas. Most importantly, keep electric appliances away from the tub.

Utilize Baby Safety Products For Bathing

Bathtubs tend to be slippery so prevent any accidents from happening by placing rubber bath mats. Also, attach cushioned spout covers to faucets to safeguard your toddler’s head from painful bumps. Use a bath ring suction-cup at the bottom of the tub to give you extra assistance.

Avoid Using Strong Bath Products

Yes, bubble baths make bath time more fun. However, they may cause urinary tract infection and rashes so it is best to use them sparingly. If you must give a bubble bath, see to it that the tub is not full of soapy water and make him pee after bathing to empty his bladder of any bacteria. Soaps and shampoos that contain harmful ingredients must also be completely avoided. They can strip off the natural moisture of your toddler’s skin which can cause dryness and irritation. Go for organic bathing products, no-tears products or those that are mild and formulated for toddlers with sensitive skin instead.

Have Fun

Lastly, never forget to enjoy. Bathing should be a happy time for your toddler. Use bath toys such as rubber ducks, foam animals, beach pails, toy shovels and boats to keep your little one entertained. Play games. Talk. Sing together. Make bathing an opportunity to bond with your child.

Get creative and make bath time a pleasurable experience that will generate joyful squeals and giggles not only from your toddler but from you as well!

Posted in Child Health Issues, HealthComments (0)

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