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Your Guide To Giving First Aid Help To Your Toddler

Keeping your toddler away from harm is your top priority. However, being a naturally inquisitive child, he will constantly do things beyond your control, hence exposing him to accidents. Learn how to protect your toddler by giving first aid help.

Burns and Scalds

One of the most common childhood accidents toddlers are highly susceptible to. These culprits are a peril to every home especially since toddlers are curious, small and have sensitive skin that require extra protection.

First Aid Help

First-Degree Burns

  • Remove your toddler away from the source of the burn.
  • Run cool water over the burned area or cold compress it for 10 minutes. If water is not available, use any cold drinking fluid.
  • Dry the area using a clean towel and coat it with a sterile gauze pad.
  • Do not put butter, toothpaste or powder to the burn to avoid infection.
  • Give the correct dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to alleviate the pain.
  • Apply antiseptic cream once the burn starts to blister. Never try to break the blister.

Second and Third-Degree Burns

  • Never treat a serious burn by yourself.
  • Seek medical help at once. While waiting for medical personnel to arrive, let your toddler lie down with burned area elevated. Place a clean cloth over the area. Do not touch or breathe on the burn. Do not remove clothing that is stuck to the skin. Cover him with a blanket.

Electrical and Chemical Burns

  • Remove your toddler away from danger.
  • Rinse the area with cool running water for 10 to 15 minutes. Use soap and water and wash it gently.
  • As you continue cooling the burn, remove your toddler’s clothing. Cut them to avoid exposing other parts of his body to the burn.


This occurs when the nose becomes dry or irritated because of colds, sinus infections, allergies and pressure (e.g. nose picking or putting a foreign object inside the nose).

First Aid Help

  • Let him lean forward slightly.
  • Use a tissue or a clean, soft towel to gently pinch the soft part of his nose. Do this for 10 minutes and let him breathe through his mouth.
  • Release the pressure and check if the bleeding has stopped and cold compress the bridge of his nose.


Choking is caused when a person’s airway (trachea) is blocked which obstructs normal air circulation. This typically happens when toddlers choke on food or toys.

First Aid Help

  • If your toddler is coughing or gagging, encourage him to cough and pat his back.
  • If choking continues after coughing, perform abdominal thrusts. Only do this if you have been trained. If not, call for medical help at once. His trachea might have shut down.


Concussion occurs when a person obtains a head injury usually while playing or when a person accidentally trips and knocks his head against a solid object. When not treated, this can lead to brain damage or worse, disability.

First Aid Help

  • Remove your toddler from the activity.
  • To check if the concussion is severe, look for signs of increased alertness, frequent vomiting, headache and convulsion. If he exhibits these symptoms, take him to the emergency room.
  • The doctor will ask you how the head injury happened. Give him details (when it happened, its symptoms, etc.).
  • Your toddler may need to undergo MIR or have a CT scan to check if there is bleeding.

Heat Stroke

Children are vulnerable to heat stroke as their body temperature tend to overheat easily. This may be due to prolonged sun exposure, dehydration or if they are dressed too warmly. You know your toddler is suffering from heat stroke when – he becomes dizzy, restless, vomits, has a rapid pulse, shallow breathing and hot, red, dry skin.

First Aid Help

  • Remove clothing. Go to a cooler area and let him lie down.
  • Give him a cool sponge bath to rehydrate his body.
  • Talk to him to keep your toddler relaxed.
  • Do not offer him anything to drink.
  • After he has cooled down, give him a cool bath.

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is common to children because they are more sensitive to the brain’s response to motion. This can strike during a boat, train or plane ride especially if it is their first time.

First Aid Help

  • Let your toddler look afar. Seeing things from a distance helps eliminate your toddler’s queasiness.
  • Keep him cool. When on a boat, take him out on deck. Roll down the windows in the car. Use a fan to give him cool air while on the plane.
  • Divert his attention. Keep your little one busy to keep his mind distracted. Sing a song or talk about the people and things you see.

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