Archive | May 15th, 2012

Parents Guide to Bathing A Toddler

Bathing a toddler is fun, it is like a movie filled with action, drama, laughter and suspense. Keep the following tips in mind to keep your little one happy and safe while he gets squeaky clean.

Schedule Bathing Time

Having a fixed bath time makes a difference. Most parents prefer morning baths as it can be the perfect way to jump-start their toddler’s day. Some opt for night baths to help their toddler relax for a good night’s sleep. There is no right or wrong time of day, just set a time your toddler is most comfortable with.

Never Leave A Toddler Unattended

The most important rule when it comes to toddler bathing is to never leave your toddler unsupervised, even for one second. There are a lot of elements that can harm your precious one – water, soap, slippery floor and the likes. Gather all of his bathing supplies beforehand. And if you must take your eyes off your child to answer the doorbell, scoop your toddler up in a towel and bring him with you.

Exercise Water Safety

Do not put your toddler in the tub when the water is still running. Fill the tub with about 3 inches of water. The level of water in the tub should be waist high when in a sitting position. Make sure the water is tepid (between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius), not hot. Test the water by using your elbow to check water temperature. Better yet, use a thermometer so you can get an accurate reading of the bath water. Put cold water in the tub first followed by hot water. Make sure you mix the water to ensure that there are no hot areas. Most importantly, keep electric appliances away from the tub.

Utilize Baby Safety Products For Bathing

Bathtubs tend to be slippery so prevent any accidents from happening by placing rubber bath mats. Also, attach cushioned spout covers to faucets to safeguard your toddler’s head from painful bumps. Use a bath ring suction-cup at the bottom of the tub to give you extra assistance.

Avoid Using Strong Bath Products

Yes, bubble baths make bath time more fun. However, they may cause urinary tract infection and rashes so it is best to use them sparingly. If you must give a bubble bath, see to it that the tub is not full of soapy water and make him pee after bathing to empty his bladder of any bacteria. Soaps and shampoos that contain harmful ingredients must also be completely avoided. They can strip off the natural moisture of your toddler’s skin which can cause dryness and irritation. Go for organic bathing products, no-tears products or those that are mild and formulated for toddlers with sensitive skin instead.

Have Fun

Lastly, never forget to enjoy. Bathing should be a happy time for your toddler. Use bath toys such as rubber ducks, foam animals, beach pails, toy shovels and boats to keep your little one entertained. Play games. Talk. Sing together. Make bathing an opportunity to bond with your child.

Get creative and make bath time a pleasurable experience that will generate joyful squeals and giggles not only from your toddler but from you as well!

Posted in Child Health Issues, HealthComments (0)

Toddler Haircut - How to Stop The Hysterics

A toddler haircut is one significant milestone of growth. But, no matter how exciting parents may feel about it, for toddlers, the first haircut can be scary and traumatic. Here are a few things that may make it a more successful experience.

Do Not Use The “Cut” Word

In reality, a toddler haircut is different from an actual haircut. It is more of a “trim”. Change your terminology so instead of saying “haircut” use the word “hair trim” or “fix-up”. Children associate the word “cut” with pain so hearing you say it will most likely make your toddler frantic especially if he has been cut before.

Bring Him to A Salon

Bring your toddler the next time you, your husband or his older sibling gets a haircut. In this way, your little one gets to see how it is done. Do not forget to smile while having your hair cut and rave about how you like your new hairstyle. Once your toddler sees your enthusiasm, his outlook will definitely change.

Make Sure He Is In A Good Mood

Toddlers are unpredictable so see to it your toddler is in a pleasant disposition. The best time to have his hair cut? In the morning or after his afternoon nap. A sleepy and grumpy toddler will have no interest in having a stranger arrange his hair. Dress your toddler in comfortable clothes. Go for a simple, pastel-colored cotton tank and shorts or pants. Lightweight clothes will help your baby feel relaxed and avoid those itchy hair trimmings.

Grab a meal first. Make sure you go to the salon with a happy and satisfied tummy. Give him a snack on your way to the salon. Offer a filling, healthy meal of foods your little one enjoys so that no tummy grumbling ensues at the salon.

Go With The Pros

Look for salons in your area that caters to children. Go for a salon with an attractive and bright ambiance. Some salons have chairs shaped like a car or an animal with a motor and horn or those that emit music. Hairdressers garbed in colorful uniforms amuse children which is very effective in keeping the tears at bay.

Provide A Distraction

Take something with you to divert your toddler’s attention. A lollipop, cookie, toy, books with flaps or a portable DVD player playing his favorite superhero movie will keep him glued in. Once your toddler’s thoughts are occupied, the stylist can quickly trim the edges and you will be out of there in no time.


Have someone else take him to the salon - his aunt, uncle or babysitter perhaps. If all else fails, do the trimming on your own. Do it at home during his nap time, while taking a bath or while he is playing outside. Just make sure you cut his hair while he is unconscious.

Give Him A Treat

Rewards always get a toddler excited. Sweeten the deal by informing your toddler that if he behaves while having his hair cut, he will get a reward.

A toddler haircut is indeed a difficult activity parents and children have to deal with. But with patience, a little prodding and advance planning, you can save the stylist, your baby and yourself unneeded stress and tension.

Posted in Parenting, Toddler TantrumsComments (0)

Simple Tips to Stop Your Toddler From Bed Wetting

Bed wetting is a common problem in toddlers which usually occur because children’s muscles are still undeveloped to control their bladder. But with a few easy steps, parents can help stop bed wetting. Here is how you can do it.

Limit Fluid Intake

Limiting is different from forbidding so never make your little one feel like he is being punished. Giving your baby a glass of water at least two hours before bedtime allows your toddler to empty his bladder before going to bed. Also, avoid giving caffeinated drinks throughout the day as they may increase urine production.

Bladder Training

Assure your toddler that he can inform you every time he needs to pee. Using a hand signal is also a nice way to train your toddler. Do this every morning so it becomes a part of his daily routine. The more he drinks and pees during daytime, the more practice he gets which is very useful in preventing bed wetting. At night, make sure your toddler pees before sleeping. In this way, you can find out the number of times your toddler wets and the volume with which he wets.

Lifting Method

A common technique used by parents, lifting involves making sure your toddler goes to the bathroom right before his bedtime and then waking him up a few hours later so you can take him to the toilet. Do this two times every night, one after 2 hours of sleeping and another during the wee hours of the morning. This strategy takes time but eventually it will pay off.

Use a Bed Wetting Alarm

Also called a urinary bed alarm or moisture alarm, this device is known as the most effective bed wetting treatment. It has a wetness sensor you can attach to your toddler’s pajama that is attached to an alarm box connected to the shirt. Each time your child feels like urinating, the sensor will detect moisture and vibrate to alert your toddler to wake up and go to the bathroom. These alarms are child-friendly, battery-operated and are also available in wireless models.

Never Pressure or Scold The Toddler

Helping your baby stay dry and stop bed wetting requires your full cooperation and encouragement. If he wets himself at night, just smile, help him clean up and reassure him that it is alright. This will erase his fear of punishment and help boost his self-confidence. Let him assist you in changing his bed sheets to encourage him to go to the bathroom at night so you no longer have to change his covers the next day.

Reward Dry Nights

Nothing makes a child happier than getting a prize for a good deed. Let him pick the reward he wants – a visit to the amusement park, his favorite toy or eating burgers at your local diner. This will motivate your toddler every night to try and have a dry bed.

Bed wetting is a normal phase children go through with. So stop fretting, relax and be patient. Staying dry all night is a developmental skill almost all children achieve in time, whether by sleeping through the night without urinating or by getting up to use the bathroom.

Posted in Health, Toddler SleepComments (0)

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