Having a child is undoubtedly the most satisfying of all blessings any individual can receive. Children are the pride and joy of parents. As a parent, it is your responsibility to nourish your toddler with only the best of everything to ensure him a happy and healthy life. However, toddler parenting can be such a tedious task as it has its own ups and downs. Consistency is important to successfully stabilize your little one’s development. Also, it serves as the foundation when it comes to disciplining your toddler.
Undoubtedly, there are thousands of toddler parenting tips that can be found in books, magazines, newspapers, online forums and websites. Each tip may be helpful to a particular toddler but may not be valuable to another child. Every toddler is different. Thus, it is up to the parents how they will incorporate these tips. But regardless of the different techniques you apply to your toddler, these six tried and tested parenting tips must be used.
Tip # 1: Show Affection and Optimism
Positive words and actions top the list of many toddler parenting tips. For it is through expression that lets toddlers know they are not alone and that their mom and dad will always stay by their side no matter what. Give your child security through your affection. Make it a point to openly show affection towards your toddler. Always remember that your displays of love must outnumber the times you punish him. Studies have shown that toddlers whose parents constantly hug, kiss, cuddle and praise them are more likely to follow their rules.
Tip # 2: Model Good Behaviour
As parents are the first teachers of their children, it is essential that you become a role model to your toddler. The way your young one acts and treats other people is a reflection of your own personality. So if you do not want him to scream at others, then do not raise your voice or easily get mad when he makes mistakes. Instead, talk to him in a calm yet firm and serious manner. This will alleviate his uneasiness making him open up to you better.
Tip # 3: Show Consistency
When it comes to disciplining your toddler, setting rules is a must. Showing consistency is a prerequisite. Setting good rules opens up your toddler’s eyes to the facts of life. It also lays down a solid foundation that will help him during his development. Let your toddler know that you are serious about the rules you have set. Make it clear to him what you expect from him and point out that there will be consequences if the rules are not followed.
Tip # 4: Reprimand Him
When your toddler breaks his rules repeatedly, let him face consequences. This will make him realize that his actions are wrong encouraging him to cooperate. Give him your warning signal. Let him stay in his time out spot for a while. Withhold privileges (e.g. his favorite toy, chocolates, chips, etc.).
Tip # 5: Allow Him to Make Mistakes
Too much rules only confuses your little one’s mind. Take time to think about the rules you have laid down. Never expect your child to be well-behaved at all times or obey every rule that you set. Minimize your rules as much as possible. Keep in mind that mistakes are always the best teacher. Let your toddler learn things on his own. Allow him to make his own decisions. It can be as simple as letting him choose the clothes he wants to wear or making him select which toy he likes in the toy store. If he makes an error, do not accuse him and stay by his side. In this way, he learns how to resolve his own battles independently.
Tip # 6: Stop Conforming Him to Be Like You
Most times, parents often forget that toddlers have a mind of their own. Accept the traits and personality of your child. Do not conform him to be like mommy and daddy. He is his own individual. Instead of pinpointing his bad habits, find ways to help him change and improve. Build on your toddler’s strengths to boost his self-esteem.
Your toddler learns from mimicking you. So always make an effort to be a good example. Take good care of him by using encouraging and positive words and actions.