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What to Do With Your Child’s Aggressive Toddler Behaviour

What happens when your cute little sweetheart is sweet and lively one minute, and the next minute, without warning screams, shouts, cries, kicks and bites? Toddler aggression is very normal especially during your toddler’s early development stages. While this behaviour can be outgrown when your little one hits the age of three, it is still essential to discourage and correct such behaviour. Coming up with preventive measures to discipline your toddler will help eliminate his aggression.

Aggressive toddler behaviour like puberty in teenagers is common to toddlers. It is in this time wherein they like to take control and affirm their independence. It is also their way to express their feelings and desires. While language is still new to your child, he still lacks the capability to use his words instead of his body. Thus, because of his frustrations to let people understand what he wants, he uses violence to get his message across. Here is a guide to help you prevent your toddler’s aggressive behaviour from occurring.

What You Can Do

Get to The Bottom Line

You need to understand the reasons why your toddler is being aggressive. The only way you can stop such negative behaviour is by getting to the root of the problem. Most likely, it can be caused by – wanting to be in control, having trouble expressing feelings, trying to catch your attention and lack of vocabulary. Pay attention so you know how to deal with the situation. If he displays such behaviour when he is tired, hungry or stressed; then anticipate it beforehand to prevent his outbursts.

Give Him Your Attention

Most often, you may not notice that you are so caught up with everything that is going on around you that you forgot to pay attention to your child. Each day, allot a number of hours to give your toddler your undivided attention. Talk to him, exchange stories and listen to him attentively. Understand what he is trying to express even if his language is still limited. Communication gives him assurance that you care and he is special. This instantly stops your toddler’s aggression since he knows you are always available for him.

Provide Him Control

Being too strict with your toddler will only make him defy you even more. Your little one likes to take charge so might as well give it to him. Allow him to decide on his own. Start off by letting him choose the color of shirt he wants to wear. Assign him to decide the meals for the evening. Give him a day wherein he can decide the activities he wants do. Once he perceives he also has authority, he will be more willing to follow you.

Be His Role Model

Your young one will imitate what you say and what you do. Do not hit or yell at him unless you want him to carry this kind of behaviour. Model correct manners, show him how to be nice to people, pets and things. Overreacting and being violent when you are mad will only give him the impression that being aggressive is okay.

Limit Exposure to Violence

Be conscious with the shows your toddler watches in the TV as well as the aggressive activities he does during his playtime. Exposing him to too much violence makes him more at risk to copy such foul behaviour. If you must watch something violent, watch it together and guide him. Point out the wrong things the character in the TV is doing. Discuss it. This helps him properly process everything.

Discipline Him

Correcting your toddler’s unpleasant behaviour is necessary. If he does something over and over again, discipline him by letting him go to his room. Apply the time out rule. Do not look at him, talk to him or cuddle him. This gives him a chance to work out his wrong doings on his own. After which, speak to him and tell him that if he repeats it again, he will get another time out.

Always pay attention to the things that can trigger your child’s aggressive behaviour. By identifying the cause, you will be able to handle the situation better allowing you to appropriately correct his actions.

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